Stowaways from the feed store

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

I loaded the boys up & we headed to the feed store this afternoon. We were picking up a little bag of chick starter. just in case something hatches from this batch of eggs I wanted a small bag on hand. We drifted by the stock tanks full of chicks & ducks. The 4 yr old loving watching them & picking out the different colors. It was wonderful , lovely, great chicky fluffiness to stand & listen to their little chirping. We went to the front, bought our feed & headed to the car.. Partway home i snap back from fluffy chick land to realize something is chirping in my car! behold a tiny green & yellow chick crate. In it was these two tiny stowaways.

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

next pic....

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

last pic of the night...

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
South West, LA(Zone 9a)

ahhh so cute, I see a chicken butt!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Sooo cute! I love chick toes.. LOL What are they?

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

idk... we looked at teh book.. but they just didn't... match up real well with what Ideal Poultry said they should be according to coloring.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Amazing how they just magically appeared in your car. I love it when that happens. I was at TSC today but there were no chicks to be seen. That's OK, because I have a hatch commencing. I have 14 pips in the incubator, and one hatchee. I guess that should keep me going!

Richmond, TX

Our TSC is about to have chicks. I was in there the other day and they had water troughs and lights all set and waiting.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Kinda look like Delaware chicks.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

our TSC had chicks.. they weren't very cute. So we bypassed them. We got these at Atwoods.. they carry the best selection in town without actually going to the hatchery. Next best is an hour drive to a chick day at a feed store in a little town i know about.. they bring in several different breeds & colors. 40 sq ft area of cheeping last year.. it was great music!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I warned you all Stay AWAY from the feed store... LOL Ok well 6 of them came home with us tonight, 5 for BIlly and one for me.. Mine is a polish and I have to get the camera from work (DUHHH I left it there) on Monday to take pictures..

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i "had" to get chick starter.. but these are the boys Easter presents. :) I'm getting mom some polish chicks on the 19th i think..

ZZ & i have been trying to figure out what they are.. possible suspects are down to OEG or Dutch. They look an awful lot like a OEG of the blue line.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I think I might have to quit reading these types of pages.. gives me the mommy want..
I can't do any babies right now
my plate is full
my plate is full
my plate is full
my plate is full

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Feed stores and such are VERY dangerous. Those litle ChickCommandoes are VERY adept at worming their way into vehicles, and hearts. Be warned. They WILL get you....

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

I am sooo lucky that my feed store doesn't do this... they will special order and receive and hold chicks, but don't just bring them in in hopes someone will buy them. So I can visit with little chickies, but they are not for sale. =0)

Because my plate is full to overflowing!
My life is already running amok!

And I still found myself pausing in my gardening yesterday to ponder where to put a coop.


Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

"Because my plate is full to overflowing!"

But what about your pockets?? Be Vewy, vewy Caweful. They are sneaky and devious. And oh, so, cute....

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

This is tooo funny! Catmad, I was wondering about Fran's cup! LOL

I'm in severe hatching withdrawl... this is not helping...

It's Saturday.. Play Day! No business taking care of business today.. it's all about the chickens and the garden.. it's ON

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Quote from catmad :
"Because my plate is full to overflowing!"

But what about your pockets?? Be Vewy, vewy Caweful. They are sneaky and devious. And oh, so, cute....

OMG... I wear 6 pocket cargo pants! A whole chicken could fit in each cargo pocket! Hmmm...

Clarkson, KY

Jay -post pics, will you?? I'm begging!! lolol...SO wanna see how many chickie-doodles fit into a pair of cargo pants...

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Soooo sorry, Grow, cannot oblige. =0(

I would have to order chickie doodles, as my feed store doesn't carry them, will only receive orders for you. (They got stuck with too many left over chickie doos and lost money on the ones that died, so now they only do it this way.)

As I have no safe place to put them, they would just end up as coyote bait.

You will have to conduct your own experiments...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Well, I wear Carharts Painters... I'm going over Catsy's today.. I'll let you know how much they can hold.. LOL

Oh.. Ummm Just kidding Catsy! LOL

Lodi, United States

I hope you have a lot of roo pockets, ZZ......:0)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh I'm sorry Catsy, those pockets are in my dirty jeans.. I can't possibly put those on! It will be fine...TRUST ME

he he he

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Here's what you need... no one would be surprised to hear it peep.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL Told you all I on purpose stayed away from the feed stores today...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Can you believe it? I only came home with 3.. LOL I have a darling lil black and white Serama baby and 2 mottled Javas.. they look like giants compared to my lil wut wut baby. I don't know if it's a boy or girl yet.. but I don't care.. it's right next to my bed. In a few days when I'm a mess from being up all night.. I'll move it. For now, it's as comforting as anything I can think of!!

I'm sorry, it seems as though my DS has stolen my memory card from my camera!!! I am sure he will be glad to take pics for me..

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

awww.. mine are next to my bed.. kept me away till 2 am with chirping.. they got really upset when i turned off my light & the tv to go to bed. threw a fit till i got up & held them for a while. they are so adorable!

I sooo love the fish tank idea. It works so well. They can watch me & I can watch them. THey aren't a bit afraid like my others were when they were in a box & you only came at them from the "sky". Always reminded me of Chicken Little.. "the sky is falling" and they'd all hide so you'd have to scramble to pick one up.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Congrats ZZ... you showed real restraint! I'm so proud of you! I think you are getting a good handle on this ol' addiction.


Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Here they are sleeping.. just for size comparison..

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

STOP IT>>> I am NOT looking!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

ooo i'll get more pictures tomorrow! They are so cute ZZ! i love the lil one.

Lodi, United States

It was so nice to have ZZ over to talk chickens again!

But the oddest thing, after she left, I went upstairs to check on the newest Serama and the Mottled Javas...and they were gone!

Now, I know ZZ couldn't have taken them because she walked out with nothing but a little Glad food container--though why she asked for that I don't know. We didn't eat anything.

It is just so mysterious.

Richmond, TX

Ah, yes, the pretense of innocence. You're not an enabler, no...

Lodi, United States

If I were a willing enabler, I would have loaded her up with all my roo chicks!

Now, where can those Javas be?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I will gladly bring your tupperware back.. LOL it's empty I promise!

Did you do a head count on the Seramas? :)

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

{{It might be empty but you do want to wash away all evidence Miss ZZ...}}

Richmond, TX

Alas yet another of life's little opportunities missed, and ZZ seems so fond of her roosters, surely a few more...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That was great Greykyttyn...

There is only one roo I love! I am seeking a new roo to love.. ONLY ONE CATSY! LOL

Out with the old and in with the New. I'm letting go of the past and forgetting about it.. Movin on to fresh new possibilities.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I am so loving the fish tank, so is the rest of the household. Blackie the cat loves watching from my bed, Billy can run in there and say hello to his chickens, they dont jump when we talk to them, and they know when someone comes in. I can keep an eye on the tepm easier than a box... BIlly has named 3 buff's... Sunshine, mustard and spongebob... one althorp Spot (cause she has a spot on her beak) and the other two I get to name... I have named my polish wren and my other althorp cat... So at our place we have Miss C Miss Z Cat Wren and a rooster named Haystack... So I think I need more babies, the other feed store is getting theirs on the 8th.. I need a grey, grow,pork, ginger, frans, jay and loreen and a few more... LOLOL I can call my coops Billy's Garden...

(Zone 5b)

Wow, only two chicks? That's like only eating two potato chips, is that even possible??

Cute, Cute! Counting the days till mone are delivered this week!


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