Do fern trees have a second life?

Pasig City, Philippines

While plants on the other side of the globe are experiencing death caused by freezing cold or volcanic ash, plants on my side of the world are beginning to suffer from El Nino. It's just the start of summer and I dread to see what would happen to my plants during the peak summer heat. No amount of watering seems effective to save them.

Will this fern tree as shown in the picture still live when the rains come? Or is it better to transfer it to a shady area?

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

This was how that fern tree looked like last december.
Will it ever grow this way again?.

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
noonamah, Australia

A lot will depend on which species of Treefern it is. There's a lot of variation in the conditions they'll thrive in. Although, generally they like shade, high hunidity and soil that drains well. Looking at your photo and seeing that stone wall there near the plant, out in the sun, I'm not surprised it's withered. You've got a microclimate there with potential for very high temperatures. That means the RH (relative humidity) would be very low during the heat of the day. Ferns like Treeferns don't usually like that. You've got two periods of high sun during your 'summer'. And unless it's raining during those two periods that plant would be getting a real roasting.

If your climate is a bit like ours (we're 2 degrees closer to the equator than you) then the start of the wet season, the 'Build-up', will be very hot and the sun intense. You'd be better off to soak the plant thoroughly now and then replant it in a shady position with a good supply of water.

Keaau, HI

Never really thought of an afterlife for plants, but being animistic at heart, that sounds okay!

When tree ferns here start to suffer from drought, I soak down the trunks regularly till drought conditions improve.
Dumping a bucket of water on the plant every day till the rain comes back will help.

Virginia Beach, VA

Try trimming down to the green portion and transfer it to a shade with lots of mulch so eater does not evaporate much. I have several species ferns and they are all in shades. they do not do well in full sun. OR-- dig it up and put it on planter so you can give it TLC till the hot weather passe. good luck!!! Belle

Pasig City, Philippines

Thanks, Metrosideros, Belle and Tropicbreeze! I will follow your advice of soaking it first in water for a few days and then transfering it to a more shady area.

Metrosideros, I was hoping that a super friend from DG would simply telepathize and say, " Rise fern tree, rise..." and it would do so like what JC did to Lazarus! :)

Thank you all for the support.

Keaau, HI

"Rise Tree Fern, Rise"!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Pasig City, Philippines

I like your sense of humor, Metrosideros!....Well, don't stop there, use your telekinesis power to transport that risen fern tree to my side of the world! ...hahahaha
I had a good laugh!

This message was edited Mar 6, 2010 12:23 AM

This message was edited Mar 6, 2010 12:23 AM

noonamah, Australia

Tell them that if they eat all their food and not leave anything behind then they'll grow up big and strong like these.

Thumbnail by tropicbreeze
Kailua Kona, HI

My 7-foot tall tree fern only has few green fronds. We have been suffering from drought conditions as a result of El Nino. We got a little sprinkle last night, but I don't know how much it will take for the fern to recover. Water from the sprinklers just doesn't have the same effect as rain water for some reason. It must be the mineral content or acid balance I guess. The pasture on the other side of my wall is very brown too. Send some of the rain from the mainland and the more northern Hawaiian islands south to Kona!

Pasig City, Philippines

As advised, I have supersoaked my dying fern tree, given it daily dose of bucketful of water and transferred it to a cooler area that gets dappled sunlight.
Here's the's survival is still questionable!.

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I haven't spoken those exact words, but I have been praying for healing for my plants. I have two Majesty Palms that were four to six years old and the oldest one was huge, now it appears to be dead. Tomorrow I will speak those more powerful words of faith over them!

Some of the ferns, varigated and white ginger, split leaf EE are all coming back. Some of the hibiscus are getting little nubs on the branches. I'm hoping they will leaf back out.

Last fall a year ago we had ninety banana trees lining the whole back yard. All of them had to be cut to the ground.....the trunks were mush. Most are coming back from the root. Some are alread almost three feet high with three or four leaves.

The split leaf EE came back from the root and now have leaves almost two feet long, really full! I tell them everyday how beautiful they are! Some of my house plants are coming back from the roots also....spider plants, or airplane plants and begonias.

Two of my daylilies have scaped. My red amaryllis is in bloom! A couple of my brugs hve put out new leaves also. Spring has finally sprung!


Huffman, TX

Hi Jeanne! I live just north of you and my majesty palms are also gone. However, I am amazed at how much is coming back.

noonamah, Australia

Balaitalisai, if you can get rain water use that. Rain water has a very high oxygen content and that helps plants a lot.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

my ferns are almost all in the shade, and i mean total shade!!! but i have a couple in dappled shade too, and they look a bit dead during the summer, but as long as they get enough water, and are in shade during midday, they are fine. Let us know come later on if it survives!!
take care,

noonamah, Australia

Isaac, it's probably the low humidity that gets them. Ferns like a lot of water, both around their roots and in the air, and good drainage. There are exceptions, of course, but as a general rule that applies to a lot of them.

Virginia Beach, VA

my ferns are under a tree and hardly get sun and they do very well.I also have some on pots and are under a tree near the pond. Belle

This message was edited May 3, 2010 7:19 PM

Pasig City, Philippines


I took the picture of the fern tree ( whatever is left of it) this morning. I am afraid that it's R.I.P. for my fern ....just when it started to rain in the area!

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
noonamah, Australia

My condolences.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

sorry to hear that.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Sorry to hear about your fern tree, Bal.

My two largest Majesty Palms show no signs of life, nor my once six foot rubber tree.......My two Hawaiian Scheffleras are finally putting out tiny new growth. My baby plumerias have leafed out. They are only a few inches tall. They were from seed and made it thru the freeze on the patio.

Numerous baby banana trees have sprouted. Some of the hostas are coming back as is the Wandering Jew. Little by little.....

Firefly you are just up the road....not far at all! Howdy!


Xai Xai, Mozambique

wandering jews are weeds here.

Kapaa, HI

Yes Hawaii is in the clutches of an El Nino drought. Its going to be a long hot summer.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Sorry to hear that d_thomcat! We finally got 2" of rain over the weekend.
They are on the verge of a drought West of here.

I love your weeds, Isaac! Esp. the deep purple ones!

Xai Xai, Mozambique

we mostly have the blue ones here, and i have to agree, they are quite pretty!

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