moved a tree today. will it survive

greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

so i moved a arborvitae today. it was on the corner of the house planted much to close to the house so i wanted it gone. my moved it to a shady location. i don't think that it will grow too much but i am unsure if it will die due to lack of light? any thoughts. and if i just killed it, is there a shady evergreen suggestion? thanks

Danville, IN

It won't like heavy shade, but can do OK in dappled shade. The only evergreens I know to do well in shade are yews, hemlocks, and some hollies. There might be more that are hardy in your zone though. It might be in for a shock if it was growing in full sun. You've moved it at a good time of the year.

greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

your right about it being in for a shock. i wasn't exactly graceful moving it. just a 170lb guy picking up and carrying a 8' tree up a hill with no help. it might get some dappeled light but i'l not too sure yet. i just wanted to try and relocate before i kill it. i would love some rhododenrens there. thanks again

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