Worm to food ratio


My worms don't eat much. I have 2 thousand worms plus many, many babys and really small (less than 1 inch) spread thruout 3 of the bins of the worm farm. I used choir, sawdust, paper and chopped leaves for the first two and just schredded paper and chopped leaves for the last. I freeze kitchen scraps, grind them up with a cup of water, store this with coffee grounds in a coffee can. The worms seem very active but the food seems to last a long time. I only feed about a cup a day.
I started the farm Jan. 5, 2010
Should I be concerned about the amount of food they are eating?

Thanks for any input.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Not neccesarily. How warm is it where they are? Worms are coldblooded, so when the temp is cooler they just do everything slower.


The worms live in our garage and the temp is between 62 and 68 degrees everytime I check. I have a soil thermometer and moisture meter and keep the temp and moisture about optimum as per the instructions that came with the farm.

Warmth is important, and so is moisture. They really seem to prefer things pretty soggy in my bin. But like realbirdlady said, when it's too cold things move slowly. It needs to be pretty warm for the food to rot well, or the worms can't get into it quickly.

Wake Forest, NC(Zone 7b)

I live in NC so it's HOT here now (80 to 90 in the day and low 70s at night). My worms eat up kitchen stuff as fast as I can put it in the pile. I have to go mow some grass to add to the pile - no leaves left. I hate to think of tearing up more newspapers. The worms were totally inactive until early May. Maybe yours will get more active when Summer comes (is that 3 or 4 days in Anchorage? LOL)



Paul, I have the 4-bin system and the worms are in all 4. I only feed the top bin and now the worms are crawling on the under side of the lid. I run every thing thru a blinder and let it sit in a coffee can till the worms are eating the last batch. (about 1 cup). The temp is constant as the garage is heated so outside temps don't matter.
I started with 2 lbs. in Jan. this year, and have lots of baby worms so I am going to continue with the method I have been using.

Burns, OR

what does it mean when they crawl to the top? Are they trying to escape? Do they not like where they are? Should I be concerned? My worms have only been here for 2 days

Savannah, GA

Stinky Worms

I have a Can-O-Worms unit filled with worms. Most are live and wiggly. BUT. When I I pour off worm tea from the spigot it has an awful odor. It is Anaerobic I suppose in that lower lightless, airless bottom chamber. Does anyone know a remedy. In a few moments I am going to spray it down thoroughly, and then spray it down with a 50/50 vinegar/water solution. Then allow it to air dray in this hot Georgia. Afterwards, will recap it with chambers containing red wrigler worms. Any other ideas beside this? All suggestion are welcome.

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