Went to a Viburnum seminar yesterday....

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Yesterday I went to a Viburnum seminar sponsored by a local nursery. Well, sort of local - I had to drive 80 miles. Anyway, the seminar was given by Gary and Susan Ladman of Classic Viburnums, and the one scheduled hour turned into two and still felt too short!

I made lots of notes. My friends were making fun of me for that. If anyone is interested in my notes, let me know and I'll post them. I don't know if there would be any information you don't already know or not. They gave a little mini-presentation of one of their new releases that will be out in a year or two. I don't know why I didn't write down the species. The cultivar will be 'Prairie Classic.'

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Only two hours? I'd feel ripped off...

You will always be thankful you took advantage of that opportunity. Gary and Susan are salt of the earth people, and they grow some fine viburnums. If you ever get the chance to visit them out in Upland, do so.

I won't make fun of you for taking notes - nor for sharing them here.

I might even be able to discern which species 'Prairie Classic' is, if you provide what notes you took. They've been working with several selections of Viburnum carlesii and Viburnum rufidulum, if I recall.

80 miles is like right around the block out on the plains of NE, isn't it?

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes, I would like to know what you learned in the seminar. I am glad you were able to go to the seminar. How did you learn about it? It was 80 miles away!
I am in process of getting lists from some nurseries for Viburnums. The "main" garden center has about four Viburnums for this season. Big Deal! I'm still checking around.

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

birder, VV is right. 80 miles isn't that far in Nebraska. Someone at work told me about this great nursery to buy shrubs and trees, so I went to their web site, and lo and behold they have seminars in the winter. The viburnum one wasn't the only one that interested me, but it was the only one I've been to.

VV, now that you wrote it, I'm sure V. rufidulum is correct. I will post notes tomorrow. It may take me a while, and I don't want to stay up half the night tonight.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes, 80 miles isn't that bad. I actually drive about 2 1/2 hours to get to my favorite nursery. I just don't go there very often. I do my homework before I go and pretty much know what I want to purchase before I go.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I would very much like to read your information you gleamed from your seminar. I was told at one of the nurseries recently that you don't have to be concerned about matching species to get better berry production that all Viburnums will work. Maybe you don't have time though. We will all get busier in about three weeks

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)


I'd cross that nursery off your "trusted vendors" list. They either are totally ignorant of common plant biology, or are interested in willfully and purposely deceiving you. Neither trait is admirable.

You can do what you want, but if you want success with heavily fruit-laden viburnums annually - for yourself and for your winged friends - then plan to partner up.

It is coincidental that I just spent over an hour on the phone with Gary Ladman on Wednesday evening, commiserating over the lousy winter conditions that seem to be common this year. I confirmed that the 'Prairie Classic' viburnum is a selection of VIburnum rufidulum, and that they have more than a handful of others in the pipeline.

They are stellar plantsfolk. Given the choice, I'd buy direct from them and cut out the shysters providing poor advice (in addition to marking up the same plant).

Not that I care one way or the other...

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes, I agree about the Nursery.

Dahlonega, GA

I went viburnum crazy a coupla years ago . After smelling a scented one ,I bought anything that smelled good . Have Mohawk ,Juddii ,Aurora,Korean Spice, regular and compact , Marissi. If I missed any scented ones , tell me and I'll run out and get that too .I just can't believe I got along so many years without viburnums . Pictures follow. digger

Dahlonega, GA

Juddii, loaded in blooms

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Dahlonega, GA

Marissi, second year to bloom .Only one bloom last year

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Dahlonega, GA

Aurora, no blooms yet . Wait til next year !
Korean spice .One bloom , a whopper ,coupla little ones.

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Dahlonega, GA

Korean spice , compacta, little, but loud . First year to bloom.

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Dahlonega, GA

Mohawk , still in pot . will be in the ground this afternoon .

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Dahlonega, GA

Wish we had seminars around here. Please post your notes, I love these plants. digger

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)


Good list of viburnums, and look like they are growing happily for you.

Only note I have is: your first two pictures you have labeled backwards. That first one is definitely a Doublefile Viburnum - probably your Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum 'Mariesii'.

Dahlonega, GA

Oops , I must have mixed them up as I was planting them .I put smooth rocks with the names ,written on them so I don't forget what's what . I really appreciate the correct I D . I'll switch rocks .thank you . digger

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

That's a nifty way to label plants. You should take a picture of these, and show us.

Just don't invite small children to come to your garden and, er, play...

Your 'Mohawk', Juddii, 'Aurora', Korean Spice (regular and compact) are all related, so should pollinate each other and give you good fruit set as well on those plants.

Your 'Mariesii' is the lonely one. If you want a good set of the bright red fruit that Doublefile can form, you'll need a pollinating partner like 'Shasta', 'Shoshoni', or one of the many other Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum that are available.

Dahlonega, GA

Can do later and will spell correctly . Common name only .
I'll look for the cross pollinator. digger

Dahlonega, GA

V V , That Mariesii was supposed to be fragrant . So far , I can detect no scent . It's opening up a bit now . Should I wait longer ,or did I get duped ? digger

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Of all the plants you listed, 'Mariesii' Doublefile Viburnum is the only one that is not fragrant, at least not in any noticeable sense.

For additional nose candy, you could acquire more of the Viburnum carlesii clan; Viburnum farreri and clones; Viburnum xcarlcephalum; Viburnum x 'Cayuga'; and all the selections of Viburnum xburkwoodii.

Dahlonega, GA

Nuts , and that's the one I planted next to the front entrance to my front porch . There are three entrances , I haven't put the Mohawk in yet , I'll put it a little further out. You have to pass the others to gain entry to the house on all sides of the porch . I sure appreciate you , thanks , digger

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Find a 'Cayuga' or two - you'll thank yourself for eternity. It's the greatest plant you don't yet have.

Aside: how close are you to Frogtown Cellars?


Dahlonega, GA

When it says turn left on Cavender creek road , Turn right and 8 /10 mile to my house. I just tried to show you a pic I painted on a coupla wine bottles , but my camera said no more room . I'll look it up and see if I put them on Daves . digger

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I have been in your vicinity, then. I got to travel through there in spring 2008, on my way home from the Masters golf tournament (just spectating - actually, a leech on my brother's invitation).

Tasted a few of their offerings, and took a few home. I really liked the design on their glasses, but unfortunately broke one of the pair. Now, my wife goes without...

Dahlonega, GA

Finally got my pictures of how I remember which plants are what . Here's a couple. I usually use permanent marker , then when I have time , paint over with oil paint . The marker will fade in a coupla years .

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Dahlonega, GA

Two more ,I think

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Dahlonega, GA

One left . Hope you enjoy . digger

Thumbnail by digger9083

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