Aquilegia vulgaris 'Clementine Salmon Rose'

East Tawas, MI(Zone 5b)

I have a few trades of this beauty!!!

also have plenty of these butterfly favorites:

Shoofly~~~ Nicandra physalodes 'Black Pod'
Milkweed~~~ Swamp Silkweed, White Indian Hemp *a must for monarchs*

what do I want???? tempt me!
will do SASBE for shoofly and swampweed


Frist day of Spring in 21 days

This message was edited Feb 28, 2010 12:09 PM

Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Would love to trade for the silkweed and the clementine, look over my list, I checked your journal page and it looks like you & I have lots of the same plants, Maybe I have something to tempt you. Thanks DJ

Pretoria, South Africa

You have d-mail.

East Tawas, MI(Zone 5b)

DJ ~~ I did look over your list and believe I have found something of interest to me, I'll send you a d-mail soon

Elsa ~~~ you have an answer on your d-mail. :)

Still have trades available

18 days till spring

East Tawas, MI(Zone 5b)

All trades due to go out have left today.
Best wishes, to each of you, for a wonderful green growing season.
Thank you for your trades. I look forward to raising them.

DJ I received your note with seeds yesterday. I'm quite sure you've sent enough of the snakeroot....( LOL: small yard ~ really big gardens) yes, I can see where seperating would be difficult and have no problem with the chaff. Your trade was great thanks again.



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