8.8 Chile Earthquake and how is Ursula doing?

(Zone 7a)

Has anyone heard from Ursula? Over the years, she has been a major contributor to this forum and to DG. Now it's our turn to help her. I'm very worried about her and hope that Ursula will let us know if she is okay and/or if we can help and/or if not then hopefully another friend might have news. I think DG had a forum to help dg members hit by disaster - don't know if IB is continuing it.

Ursula, my friend, we are deeply concerned for you,


(Zone 7a)

Hi All, my computer crashed right after the previous post and am just now getting back on line. As far as I know, there has been no news about Ursula so far. There is a thread in the Prayer Forum for Chilean victims of the 2/27/2010 earthquake here - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1078583/ .

Well, I don't know about y'all, but as soon as I can re-load my security (McAfee), I'm sending a donation to Red Cross - evidently they were the first to respond.


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