I Got My Computer back!!!

Winnsboro, TX

Ok, so I don't have to type this over and over I'm posting this here.

I'm sure most of you know I've been without a computer for nearly 3 weeks while mine was in the shop. I've nearly gone crazy!
Woooo Hoooo I can now drool over photos and dream about spring blooms. (grin)

Right after the computer went in the shop we had a Freaky Winter Snow Storm. The electricity was out here for days and I had nothing to do but TRY to stay warm. During this time I got very sick with what I assume is H1N1 flu. The doctor didn't say that's what it was for sure but he said everyone here has it and it's going to have to run it's course. Well I finished up the meds yesterday and I'm still very much under the weather. The only good thing out of all of this is I now have my computer fixed and back home to play on. Yippeeee. I never realized how lucky I was before when I could just take my computer and have it fixed in a couple of hours or a couple of days at the very most. Now that I live in the boonies it takes them FOREVER to get the parts in from anywhere and then it takes them forever to get back on the computers to get them out. Next time I'll just take mine to Dallas and have it fixed. Live and learn I guess. I also told them I wanted to be compensated for the time I was not able to use the DSL and my computer. They are "Suppose" to give me a free month. I'll wait till I see next months bill before I toot my horn about this too loud.

Anyway, I'm back up and running and have 100's of emails to catch up on so everyone bare with me.

Mitt's, Thank you ever so much for the Iris Seeds and the wonderful Iris Book. It gave me something to read and do while I was sitting around here with now computer and no electricity. What perfect timing on your part!!!!

Bill, Thank you for the seeds you shared with me also. This is a wonderful group of iris lovers and just good all around people.
I'm glad to be able to call all of you may gardening buddies and friends.

God Bless You and Yours, Marian

P.S. Here's a couple of snow scenes from last week. Enjoy

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

It does not snow like this in Texas very often. I think the last time I saw anything like this was in the late 60's or very early 70's,

So much for Global Warming...lol

it's snowing here right now too

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
South Hamilton, MA

Snow is pretty on branches, hope that you don't have to spend too much time playing 'pick up sticks' this spring.

Winnsboro, TX

Are you kidding, we've been picking them up when we can with the tractor. Lot's of broken limbs everywhere. That's one of the reasons it took so long to get everyone's electricity back up and running. They would get one problem area taken care of and then more limbs would break around the same areas.

I'm going to be playing pick up sticks for a good long time, but not until I start feeling a little better!! (grin)

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
South Hamilton, MA

Great pictures.

Winnsboro, TX

A couple more just to enjoy. You folks up North probably think this is nothing but for us this is a very big deal. Not to mention the fact that most people in Texas have no ideal how to drive in this stuff. Lots of wrecks everywhere too.

I liked this photo because of the clouds rolling in the background.

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

The center of this photo is a fairly good size pond. You just can't tell it from the photo.

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

Just playing with the camera and getting the branches from the oak tree hanging in the top of the snow photos.

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Welcome back! I live in snow country, but it sure can be pretty when you are not used to it. Your pictures are beautiful.

Winnsboro, TX

The poor horses were trying to find a warm spot to get out of the snow storm too.

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

Yelp, since we're not use to seeing it it's beautiful. I could not live somewhere that stayed cold and got alot of snow. I'm just barely able to take it when it dips down below the 50's here. I have the heater cranked up on high, the electric blanket and heating pads both on. LOL Yelp, I'm a woose.
I love to see the snow from the warmth of a nice fireplace, car, and so forth. I don't want to get out and play in it. My sister fell and had to go to the emergency room. Both me and DH fell but neither of us were hurt other than our feelings for looking so dumb laying in the snow.

Notice the swimming hole sign.....lol

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

Thanks for the kind words regarding the photos and so forth. I've got to stop playing and get with the program of answering some of my emails.

Hugs everyone and sweet dreams about spring things,

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Marian I hope the weather clears soon and you have a wonderful growing season. So sorry you got the BUG. Hope it goes away very soon and you are good as new when the weather breaks. Love the photo's but feel so bad for the horse.

Winnsboro, TX

Thanks for the kind thoughts Steph. Our horses have a huge barn but they didn't stay in out of the snow. They got out and romped in it and played. I think what the were actually doing was getting their blood to move and warm themselves up. LOL

The above horse is not ours. It was one I spotted while out taking the photos up and down the roads. I felt sorry for it too.

Love Ya, Marian

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