African Violets

Canastota, NY

Does anyone know the secret to keeping African Violets beautiful? I have three of them and for about 6 months they were nice a green and had very pretty blossoms. Now that the blossoms have died off the leaves are losing their color and some of them are dying. Help!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Phoebesviolet might be able to help you....will send her this way.

Land of OZ, CT(Zone 6a)

Hee-hee--looks like someone else has been bitten by the AV bug--they are very addictive you know! We are developing a 12-step program.....NOT!
Seriously, without a picture, or a more detailed description of the problem/growing environment, it is impossible to diagnose. The most common problem is overwatering, then, improper pot size and or potting medium that is too heavy. The commercial AV potting soils like Miracle Gro are too heavy! These issues are easily remedied if caught in time. Also, AV's like to be repotted every 6 months or so. There is plenty of help is link to the DG AV forum--members are very friendly, experienced and helpful.
Here's another link you may find helpful
And there are tons of resources on the web. This is the central resource if you become seriously addicted Don't forget to click on photographs and drool! Hi... My name is Jan and I admit I am powerless over my addiction to African Violets!

Thumbnail by phoebesviolets
S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

hi Sue!

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