Cataloging Perennials on the Computer

West Plains, MO(Zone 6b)

Does anyone use, or know of, a good computer application that would enable me to catalog pictures of my perennials, along with information about them, and also to search for a key word? (Like searching for the word "Spring" to bring up all the plants that must be tended to in the spring, etc.)

Thumbnail by ericabelle
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

There's a journal feature here on DG--it can take a bit of time to learn how to use it and it's not perfect, but I think it'll do most of what you want (and it's free!) The search feature in it doesn't search key words though, but if you want, you can make a category or status called Spring and then you can view all the things in that category. To get to it, click on "my tools" in the navigation tabs at the top of the page and look for the journal option. There'll be a few steps you have to go through to get things set up, but once you're done with that you can start adding plants. The other nice thing is if you look up a plant you have in Plant Files, there's a link at the bottom of the Plant Files page where you can add the plant to your journal. That'll import the correct name and everything for you, and also create a link back to the PF entry so when you're in your journal if you want to see care information, etc you can use the link to go straight to the PF entry. If you have any trouble getting started with the journal, here's a forum where you can ask questions:

West Plains, MO(Zone 6b)

I checked that out - looks like a really good tool! I would really like something that is not dependent upon a website, though. That way I know I would always have all my data myself.

(Carisa) Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, this isn't exactly what you were describing, but since you haven't received a lot of feedback on this, I thought that I would throw in what I use. I use a free program called Garden Planner. Basically, it is like a drawing program with labels and what I do is I have one drawing of my flower bed saved as a Spring file, one as a Summer, etc. That way I can move plants around as needed, see what should be coming up in the Spring, look at any notes for a specific plant... You basically drag and drop flowers that look similar to the real thing, then give them a label and any notes that you want to add. You can google the name and download it for free although I did notice there is some sort of trial time period now that wasn't there in the past. I'm not sure if the new version is just a trial now or not, but version 2.2 I know was completely free and there is very little difference between the older one and the newer version. I really love it, absolutely couldn't live without it.

This message was edited Mar 25, 2010 9:09 AM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

How do you find out about this Garden planner program?

(Carisa) Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Just Google it, it's called "Garden Planner". If you search for Garden Planner 2.4 it will come right up.That's the latest version.

The program I use to keep track of my plants is a Flower program by plantstep. Take a look at their website I think they have video's showing how it's many functions including photos work. The program costs just under $30 there is no extra charge for future updates. They have excellent customer support and always answer any questions rapidly. Anyway I have had it since 2002 and would not want to be without this program. I read about it on a forum somewhere and decided to give it a try.

This message was edited Jun 22, 2010 8:08 AM

West Plains, MO(Zone 6b)

Oh,thank you - that is exactly what I was looking for! I have been trying to do something similar with Microsoft OneNote, but it is hard to catalog my plants with it. It is great for garden planning, though.

You are very welcome ericabelle. To me the program is easy to use although there are some new functions that I have not had the time to use so far. This program allows you to record lots of information on each of your plants. This program is very popular with folks who grow lots of daylilies which includes myself.

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Wow! Thanks! I was using a trial of a software gardening program and by the time I got around to buying it, it was no longer available. And I really liked it. Stupid me... Anyhow, I went searching and was looking for something similar and found NOTHING. ;o(

This looks very promising. I have quite a few daylilies, but really want a program for organizing ALL my perennials. Also want it to be alphabetically organized so things are easy to find. Would you suggest this program as an all around perennial organizer and not just for daylilies? From watching the videos, it looks like I may have to buy it!

Thanks and wait for your reply,

Sherry you can organize your daylilies, lilies, roses, iris, hosta, perennials, trees & shrubs, wild flowers, herbs and vegetables which seems like it covers everything anyone would grow in a garden. The program also has a fertilizer schedule, garden diary and photos plus other options as if these aren't enough. Can you tell I love my flowers program. LOL

Added I just realized that it does not have a catagory for vines unless I missed seeing it. I may have to make a request that they make an additional catagory.

This message was edited Jun 25, 2010 8:12 PM

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