Anyone have a few Canteloupe seeds ?

Lindenhurst, NY

Looking to try canteloupes for the first times,
My seed list of what I have to trade is on the seed trading forum if you look for my name,

Lindenhurst, NY

Here is my updated list:
Agastache, foeniculum (hyssop) 2007 trade
Amaryliss, Razzle dazzle x self '08/09
Astser, Stokes aster
Cardinal climber - 15-20 seeds
Cardinal flower
Celome, Rose Queen
Cleome, mixed violet/pink 25 seeds
Columbine bonnet type - not sure of color 20 seeds
cuphea lanceolata
Cypress Vine - 20 seeds
dahlia, tall cactus double mix
daisy, white
Dianthus, Allwood's fragrant heirloom '07
Downy lobelia (blue)
Echinacea white (maybe white swan, from my garden)
False nettle (2008 trade)
Foxglove, Excelsior Hybrid Mix
herbs: sage
herbs: chives
herbs: rosemary
herbs: oregano, organic
hosta was named lost tag, 08/09
Imomopsis Rubra
Japanese Red Maple
Japanese Red Maple cutleaf
Lettuce, black seeded simpson (2008 trade)
liatris, purple
Marigold, cracker Jack = 25 seeds
Mina lobara - 20 seeds
mirabalis, jalapa pink/white 8 seeds
painted daisy
Salvia Coccinea Texas sage 20 seeds
Salvia Coccinea Forrest Fire = 20 seeds
Salvia Coccinea Coral Nymph = 25 seeds (2008 trade)
Salvia Splendens pink from trade -- year?? 2008
Salvia Coccinea - lost name - 25 seeds
Salvia subrotunda (2007)
Sedum matrona
sedum carl
sedum brilliant
sedum autumn fire
spanish flag -= 20 seeds
Spinach - baby's leaf hybrd
Sunflower, knee high
Tithonia, mexican sunflower 20 seeds
Tomato Matina 07
Tomato, Arkansas Traveler '07
Tritoma , red hot poker = 15 seeds
Vigna caracalla -- limited only have left 2 seeds left from '09 and 2 seeds from '08 total: 4 seeds for trade

Lindenhurst, NY

NOte: I will trade 5 of mine for 1 of this.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

I have these if you want some.they are very sweet and I fell in love with them last summer. Trying to grow my own this year.

Lindenhurst, NY

HI jadajoy - thank you for the offer - but i think the one you have is like a honeydew melon, which I don't eat. I like the orangey cantaloupe/muskmelon types.
if you have any of these pls let me know.


Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

I have 3 different kinds of cantalope seeds and one probably is Charteney, the others, I have no name for them but they are very sweet. One of the three I have (no name) are very small melons, aprox. 5in. round, green skin but the flesh was a nice salmon color. Those i grew in pots last year. If you are interested, I would like to talk a trade for some rosemary but I have a question, would they be cuttings? I didnt think rosemary flowered and had seed. If it could be a rooted cutting, I would be willing to send send you 25 (or more if you like) of each of the three. Thanks.


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi Maureen,

I can send you some cantaloupe seeds from a big juicy cantaloupe I had last year. It's the best cant. I ever ate. I think it was grown here in Arkansas. Got it at the local farmer's market. I'd be happy to pop some in the mail to you. Just dmail me your address. I'm sure I have it somewhere, but I'm lazy you know. LOL I probably have some tomatoes you need too. What else are you looking for? I probably have it!


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have Minnesota Midget. Grew it last year. It's a keeper!

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

I have lots of Hales Best Jumbo seeds; is only kind that seems to grow well for me, and is very sweet. It's a keeper! Let me know if u want any.

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