Morning Glories 2010 #02

Melbourne, FL

My first bloom of 2010 is this Rebecca volunteer.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Beautiful, gardenpom!

Well ... I had ONE HECK OF A DAY. You never think things like that could happen to you ... but it can!

Melbourne, FL

That is some story, Becky. Glad all turned out well.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Whew! Wow, what a crazy day. I don't know ifyou'll be able to top this one next year. Didn't you bleach your plants last year?

Gautier, MS

Yikes!! Glad it all turned out well and you get to enjoy the rest of the week Becky!!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks! Me, too! Could've had much different ending.

Nicole - Yeah ... bleach last year, home intruder knocking my MGs off my bedroom window shelf this year, sheesh ... I hope next year's circumstances don't EVEN try to top this one. I think it really rattled my dh. He called me from work this morning telling me to make sure all the doors are locked. LOL! I don't know why ... but it really didn't rattle me except when I thought my dh and dog were in danger. I think I am more put out because of the damage than anything. So no big deal. If he had had a weapon, I think I would've been freaked out still today. But ... nah! Just a another day in my life. I am probably not affected by this chain of events because I've worked for years with young students that WERE violent and I've had to restrain them from time to time to keep them from hurting themselves or others. So ... a scared teenager running around my property and inside my home just did not feel like a real threat but instead a crazy kid on the run. But I was still very cautious entering my house even though I knew this kid. So maybe that is a foolish attitude to have, but I was thinking that this could be one of my own kids had they gotten mixed up in the wrong crowd at school. We do see the drug abuse here locally. Not very often though does a kid go nuts and does something like this. But it does happen on rare ocassions. I know his family is really upset about what happened. I think they were trying to help him before they finally had to resort to calling the police. This teen was hallucinating and thinking someone was after him. Well, actually ... someone was ... The police. He's not being charged, but will be getting hospital help. I feel for the family. I really do. They have other kids. All good kids who have never been in any trouble, Not even this son, except the situation that happened yesterday. It's really sad. I hope this young man gets it together for his sake and his family's sake. The alternative is not good. So am praying for this teenager and his family. This could be anyone's child. The drugs are out there ... and I was told by the police that Crystal Meth is made from cough syrup or cold medicine sold over the counter. That is why you are asked to show proof of ID when buying this over the counter medicine. Crazy huh?!

The police officer told us that latest way for kids to bake their brain is inhaling the Nitrous Oxide from whipped cream cans and inhaling nail polish remover. Are you kidding me??? Why are these kids doing this insanity? It is beyond my comprehension! Truly!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, Just relieved that you and your family are ok after this weird chain of events.

This message was edited Mar 31, 2010 1:43 PM

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

crazy, all the stuff that they use now. Our news station ran something a few weeks ago that there are some herb/plant stuff that the kids can smoke and it will make them high and it's perfectly legal to sell. It's just a mixture of stuff that creates the high.

We keep our kids very very busy.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh my Becky, I am so glad you and your family are okay. I too fear for the children who feel like they have to "run away" from life as they know it.
*sigh* I am glad you guys are okay.
*hugs* for you..

Melbourne, FL

This volunteer was blooming in the grass yesterday., I do have buds coming on my new ones, so it won't be long.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh that is so cheery! I love that!

Melbourne, FL

I moved a couple of MGs here so maybe they will climb up and over the dead limbs of the Hibiscus and privide some color while they recover from the deep freeze.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

That is a great idea!
Have a great weekend and a Happy Easter!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Hmmm... I should plant a bunch underneath my Cape Coral Honeysuckle tree that got hit hard by the freeze this winter. It's a tree, but is all died back to the lower part of the trunk. I never thought of using it as a trellis! Great idea! I'm gonna have to consider that!

Happy Easter to everyone here, too!

Melbourne, FL

My first new MG this spring.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

That is gorgeous.. what is its name?

Melbourne, FL

Unless the person who gave the seeds to me sees it and knows, I have NO idea. That's the main difference between me and most of the people here, I just plant them and enjoy them, I don't keep track of who is who, sorry. If anybody knows the names of the ones I upload, I hope they will jump in and let us know.

This message was edited Apr 14, 2010 2:18 PM

Melbourne, FL

OK, NOT a Morning Glory....but I am so excited about this. Pelletory sent me Wisteria seeds from her plant several+ years ago. They came up quickly, but this is the first time it is blooming. Can't wait for the first to open.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

This volunteer was blooming on the ground this morning.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

The Wisteria is open and beautiful.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

I realize some of you may have taken my comment above the wrong way. I was told a long while ago my pics were wanted, even though I do not keep track of the Morning Glories I plant, and seldom know the names. I admire all of you who devote so much time labeling, growing and even breeding new Morning Glories. Since that seems to be a requirement now, I will not be posting here anymore. Thanks to all the nice people here who have given me MG seeds in the past...and good luck with your flowers in the future.

(Zone 7a)

Hi Gardenpom,

In my opinion, the only requirement for participation in this forum is a love of morning glories - on whatever level folks wish. I have enjoyed your photos; each is a reflection of your joy in this flower unique to you and I hope very much you will reconsider leaving us.

I also appreciate folks (hah! I enable them :) )who seek to preserve old strains or make new crosses, which can entail various types of identification, but beyond that I think a group needs as wide a variety of types of involvement as possible - seems to me one kind of person is the poorer without another kind.

But I don't personally believe there is or ought to be a requirement to label or breed anything here. Curiosity draws some to that, and doesn't for others - as a Buddhist friend of mine likes to say, "It's all good."


Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)


There are no requirements. It is perfectly ok to just say,"I don`t know what kind this is." There is always someone here who can answer questions to satisfy curiosity. Please stay because I enjoy your pictures. I would never ask more of you than that you enjoy posting here.


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

gardenpom - Your blooms are truly stunning as usual! I love that wisteria vine! How big does it get? Gorgeous! Love all your new MGs! Mine are starting to get into the blooming phase, too! The weather has been a delight, hasn't it?! :-)

As far as labeling your MGs ... don't worry about it! Most folks do that for trading purposes, but some folks don't care, so it's no big deal really. I hope that you will continue to post your always amazing photos!

Melbourne, FL

Thanks, I'll consider it. Becky, the Wisteria is growing among two small trees I have, I have no idea how big it is, although portions are higher than my roof. I was just so happy to see it finally bloom this year. My Morning Glories have just begun to bloom.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Gardenpom, plz keep posting your beautiful pictures, I have enjoyed them to no end, and I was hoping my wisteria between the lilac and old elm tree would bloom this year , but it didn't.. everyone elses' around here is , mine are only 3 or 4 years old, how long did that take? I started mine from two cuttings, one is a chinese and the other a regular one. I love the dark blue on that volunteer, I have tons of them popping up, have to decide which ones to let go by the locations they are in.. my special trade seeds are in planters with tags, but that is for the people who sent them to me.. personally, I just love morning glories to look at and make me feel cheered. I again, beseech you, to please keep posting.

Melbourne, FL

Mine are budding should I have some new ones soon. I grew my Wisteria from seed and it took at least seven, maybe eight years to bloom. Sure worth the wait, though.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I love wisteria. They smell wonderful. We have some beautiful white ones growing wild down by the river close to our house!

Melbourne, FL

I've never seen a white variety. I bet that is lovely.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I think GordonHawk said he has grown one before. But they are not common to see. The purple ones are vey invasive here in Georgia. I hear that the Japanese Wisteria are not as invasive.

This message was edited Apr 16, 2010 12:10 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

gardenpom - 7 to 8 years to bloom! Oh my! I have heard the scent is very nice and I love the lavender blooms! Lucky you!!!! Love getting new blooms like that to a long awaited plant!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

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