Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

What do you think is wrong with my rose-Cecil Bruner leaves? Is this normal to turn purple like this ? or do you think it is some kind of disease? It is only about 1 year old and had been doing very well until recently. Thanks to all! Rusty

Thumbnail by RustyStar
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

That's cultural. Not fungal or pest related. Either temp, chemical or lack of nutrient. Have you used anything on them? Have the temps been abnormally low? When did you last fertilize?

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Oh gosh! Thanks so much! I've been so worried that it is rust, but I really didn't think so because the plant still looks healthy - just darker. YES! It's been much, much colder here in Southern Cal than usual - freezing for us (40's)!! I put in these Jobe's in-the-ground rose fertilizer spikes about 5 months ago. Do you think I should prune it at all or just leave it alone and see what happens? Thanks again!! Rusty :)

Thumbnail by RustyStar
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

I would prune it. And now is a good time to do it. I haven't used the Jobe's spikes for roses, so I don't know how long they last.
I can't see what the rose is planted in. Is there lots of soil around it, or is it confined?
I'm still thinking it may be nutrient related.
Rust is very orange-colored and rubs off on your fingers. The symptoms here are all along the margins of the leaves. And I have noticed that lower leaves seem to be chlorotic. That points to nutrient deficiency also.
I don't think 40's should do damage.
How long have you had this rose?

This message was edited Feb 20, 2010 8:38 PM

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

What do the bottom of the leaves look like? When did this start? How much sun does the rose get? No chemicals except the fertilizer 5 months ago?

Questions, questions.

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks so much! I am hearing from people on the Rose forum that they are sure it is weather-related and not a disease!! So I'm happy now.
What about nutrients? How can I rememdy? This rose is planted in a rather "tight" spot, but I planted it extremely carefully - dug a large, deep hole and amended the soil like crazy before planting.
I've had it a little over a year.
The bottom of the leaves look the same as the tops.
Nothing rubs off like rust - they just look like "fall leaves" that are changing color.
It is facing West and gets a fair amount of sun.
How do I add nutrients? Is that fertilizer or....?

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Are the roots surrounded by concrete - like a sidewalk? Does it get good drainage? Maybe you could take a photo of that area?

Yes, nutrients are fertilizer. Here is an example of what I am talking about: http://www.bhg.com/gardening/flowers/roses/solving-rose-nutrient-problems/

Have you had your soil tested? I would be very interested in knowing what your pH is.

Thanks for answering my questions. Sometimes the correct diagnosis is not obvious.

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Ceejay. Yes, it is in little plot - an entryway to my house - just outside the fence. I will take a better picture and send to you. But the plot was big enough to make a really wide hole when I planted and I planted carefully. It is growing nicely - already two of the canes are about 20 feet - going over the top of the building.
I don't know about the PH. I will buy the little kit soon.
On the drainage - I have to hope that it is getting good drainage, because I planted with special rose soil that I bought and mixed with my native soil and then I added a little sand, too. It seems to drain well - water doesn't stay on top of the soil for very long.

What are you growing/primary gardening interests?
I can't thank you enough for all your great advice! I will get back soon! Rusty

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

To check your drainage, dig down a ways and see how wet it is, at various levels. Like maybe 6", 12"... I had a situation where we had soil on top and clay below. We dug a big hole and amended it before planting the rose, but the problem was - we had formed a basin, and when it rained significantly, the basin filled up with water, and it took too long for it to finally drain through that clay.

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