Salvia leucantha (Mexican Sage) not coming back?

Manning, SC(Zone 8a)

I think my Mexican Sage is dead, the wood is brittle and dry. This is the second year I've had Mexican Sage die, after growing into beautiful big plants, and it's such a disappointment! I will definitely buy another plant in the spring, but am wondering if I'm expecting too much for it to winter thru in my area, has anyone else in zone 8b had success with it overwintering? Or should I just consider it an annual?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Have you checked the roots? A lot of plants come back via the roots .. just because the stems are brittle and dry doesn't mean it's not coming back .. my brugmansia stems are all brittle and dry .. I just cut them back to the ground and they reappear.

Check the roots - see if they are white .. if they are not a mushy mess and all black then wait.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

X is correct, it is too early and way too cold this year for that sage to be showing it's new growth yet. The old stems always die back, even down here. Bet you'll have lots of little green leaves at the base of the plant come warmer weather.

Manning, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks! I guess I'm a little premature, probably not the best thing to do to go out and evaluate the beds on the first really nice day. I was so disappointed last year, when the first Mexican Sage didn't make it thru the winter; I thought it had something to do with my trimming it down the previous fall. So this year I didn't trim it in the fall, and it looks like I still lost it, but you're right, it's early, and I will check the roots in another few weeks.....

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

generally, you don't want to trim any Salvia back until spring, after the last frost, because the stems are kind of hollow and they fill with water/ice and crack or split open. i have no doubt that yours will come back fine as long as it's not lying in water for any length of time....(mucky rain).

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