bulb in distress?

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

I have a new Charisma bulb that I planted after Christmas, it has 2 nice stems and buds about to bloom out. The bulb is getting soft, and I'm afraid I'm going to lose it, but since it's about to bloom, don't want to disturb it.. This is the first bulb I've had do this. We were gone for a couple days vacation and I think Dad may have watered it again while we were gone. The papery outside covering comes off very easily and the first layer of the bulb feels like it could be peeled off.
Any suggestions on what to do with this or do I just wait it out?


Thumbnail by Kizmo
Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

Only what you already know.Stop watering until the soil dries completely.I had a couple do this and they recovered.

agree with JT

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks, I'll let it dry out. The buds are working on opening in the next couple days, so I'm hoping for a recovery...

Is that one of those kits with no drainage holes?

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

no, this was a bulb I bought from supplier that I've bought from before. I've noticed that some of my other bulbs seem to be the same way. It bloomed beautifully, but am waiting to see how it does after the blooms fade.
The pot I have it in has drainage, so I'm not really sure what's going on.. One of my bulbs from another supplier is following suit..hmmmm
Pic is of the Charisma that I posted on:

Thumbnail by Kizmo
Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I love 'Charisma' - it's one of my all-time favorites.

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

I really like the color, just hope the bulb doesn't rot completely.

I would give it a little dry time.

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