Hot pink in the fall? Looking for a vine.

Corrales, NM(Zone 7a)

My friend has a vine that is a very close climber, it hugs her smooth cinderblock wall, with roundish leaves that are no more than 2in. The cool thing about this vine is that in the fall it turns a super hot pink, not orange, not red, but dark pink. It does lose it's leaves, it is not evergreen. She has it mixed in with English Ivy for the evergreen and the volume, but it is lighter and more delicate looking. It never has flowers.

Does anyone know what it might be? I have taken cuttings in the spring, and they will root, but have quickly died when I planted them. I have stuck bare sticks in the ground and still nothing.

I need something that is a close climber for the front of my house. I have stone that is permanently water damaged from our well water irrigation system. I would like to fill up one side of the wall with a nice climber. (The walls are a foot thick so I am not worried about damage or anything.)

Any ideas?

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Do you have any pictures of this vine?

Corrales, NM(Zone 7a)

You know, the only one I took was of the cutting I took in a glass of water. Let me see if I can find it.

Thumbnail by LissaD

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