CLOSED: Blue marble tree

Gainesville, FL

Recently collected fruit of Elaeocarpus grandis (Blue marble tree), limited amount, available for trade. These are large tropical trees, suitable for zone 10 or 11 only. If interested please see my want list for the kinds of plants I am looking for. Thanks

Thumbnail by flabotany
Bark River, MI

Wow, no need to guess at how that plant got its name...

Unfortunately for me, I doubt if the inside of my house would qualify for zones 10-11 !



Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Look at all the views on this thread! Definitely an interesting name... and a cool photo! No room inside here either, especially for a "large" tropical tree. LOL

Fun to check it out, though! Thanks

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

wish i had something to trade but dont right now. cool looking fruit though

Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

Could these trees be used for bonsai?

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Just out of curiosity, is that an edible fruit?

Gainesville, FL

~ I don't think they would be good candidates for bonsai, the leaves are a bit large.

~ Not edible for humans, but flying foxes and cassowaries eat them

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