Seed Swap Chat #53 (sowing the seeds!)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We came from here:

We're continuing to chat about the seeds we're sowing & plants we're growing from what we received in the 2009 Piggy Swap...

Missed the swap? Want to talk seed starting with us anyway? Jump right in. This is a friendly group; all are welcome.


Thumbnail by critterologist
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Thank's Critter ,
At least can get going again , sorry don't no all this puter stuff , lurk a lot and learn alot but as far as puter smert not me!!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

This morning I can see something happening with the Begonias I sowed! Lea, they're the seeds you sent :-) Not sure, but I think I see something happening in the Lisianthus too. It's so nice to have little green babies in all this winter slop!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm amazed every morning at how tiny and slow the begonias and lisianthus are! What other seed is comparable? If I could add one or two more, I'd have enough to start an entire flat at say 14 weeks :) As it is now, I always end up having to transplant half a flat before the rest of it is ready... I've got angelonias in there with them now, and they're growing much faster. Of course, everything is a month behind, but that may be a good thing this year as we're going on vacation a week or two before I'd normally start planting out! (NOT my idea...)

Got some Astilbe action this morning! And I see a few heads popping up of Delphinium... can't wait to see if they'll make it here in our steambath... have an afternoon shaded place in mind for them.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks for makign the new thread Critter. Was gonan do it yesterday and then forgot. Shame on me.

ROFLOL. Seeds gone wild. that is too funny. I'll trade ya though would rather get wine out of the fridge that the darn sticky maple syrup I have that has dripped and hardened in back of fridge and on seed packets.

Lebug.. The ice seed shosuld be fine. If they don't geminate, holler and I will look for some.

Thsoe with those with those tiyn begonia seeds, really watch em and I would mist them. They don't like wet feet and the roots grow slowly too so ya don't want tohave wet pots more than halfway down that coudl rot the seedlings. Don't let em dry out either.

I have some lavender seeds up. re they suppose d ot be real skinny or did they stretch on me.

I manage dot get a coupel mroe flats of tomatoes transplanted . Supposed ot be a ta dbit warme rtoday, wil be glad, maybe I cna finally get somethgin done and need ot get the 4" hollyhocks transplanted into one gallons already. I soooooo behind.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I cleaned one whole plant stand off yesterday lol Just four more to go I put a thermometer down there to see how cold it is under the lights I always worry about my seedlings at first when I take them downstairs it's so cold down there and with just one shelve going it really worries me without running a heater. I just looked and it says 60. I really need to find the rest of my 3" pots so I can get the rest of these annual geraniums transplanted so I can at least turn another shelf on I put maylar (sp) around three sides but couldn't on the side the cords are on.

Do the annual ice plants reseed I was wondering about that this one I have is an annual, I've never had them before but have always wanted them.

Ella, I have a guy coming don't know when but when he can to give me an estimate on rewiring the whole house now I'm nervous about the cost lol Just talked to his wife yesterday hope she doesn't forget to ask him I asked her to ask him a couple of years ago and she forgot...she's going on a cruise Sunday for a week so I'm going to try and get intouch with him myself while she's gone lol He's always busy working for other people doing odd jobs she said he wasn't doing much right now and doesn't have any plans until June keep your fingers crossed for me!

I've had lavender seeds before but it's been so long don't remember what the seedlings look like sorry.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lebug.. befor e you let somebody re-wire yoru house. Make sur e they have insuranc eto cover their work. Big time insurance and make sure you have a signed contact that has in it that if anythign goe s wrong and a fire develops that their insuranc e wil pay. we just ha d somebody her ein the othe rtown lost their whole hous e due to fir e from gettign hand man electrician to save on money. be careful.. very.. very.c areful... What that abotu the good deal isn't always such a good deal especialyl when ya los eyoru home.

yep they do reseed temselves. : ) Haven't foudn it to be a problem reseeder though. They usually dont' coem true for me, it seems either.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Do you mean the ice plant just doesn't come true with color I'm good with that just want some don't care about the color :)

I'm going to have a license electrician check his work out when he is finished but he had done a lot of rewiring for a lot of people so he should know what he is doing but it's worth it to have him do it then have someone check it all out afterwards. Yep, that's the part I worry about the most having a fire after it's all done fire worries me more than anything a hell of a way to die or lose the house!

Hope you are staying warm there Ella :) I went out and checked the gas tank yesterday because of using more gas with Tony being here but it's not even on 50 yet so we are doing good on that part :) Had to pry the top off of the gauge it was frozen lol

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I ha d to order mroe ga s yesterday. This the third tank. Bil went up 30 bucks sinc e last oen a fe wweeks ago. About ha d a fit. That one bill when it coems I hope to hide.

Some of them do and some of them don't. Just depends on the particular color.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I filled the tank up just before it went up in the fall just wished I had two tanks that would give me enough for the year lol I keep wanting to change people I get my gas from they are so expensive but it's expensive to change people I have to buy a whole new tank not right! As long as dad has had this tank he should have paid for it by now!

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hey Guys! I haven't kept up much for the last few weeks. I've had a house full of the flu and then my Mom has been told that she probably has Lymphoma. So, now that I had myself a good pity party. I have to keep myself busy again.... No place better to start than to pick up my seeds that have been cluttering my Dining Room table, lol.

Just checking in... Boy, I have a bunch of posts to read, lol.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

*HUGS* so sorry about your mom's diagnosis, hoping that "probably" will turn out to be "not" or an easily treated form.

Got some good seed clutter underway here, too

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea... i had one Ice Pant reseed, the darn 'volunteer' never bloomed for me. i LOVE Ice Plants, and the ones i've had are not hardy here.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I sure hope Gracie the kitty is doing better. She's too young to have a stroke. Critter, you the gal!
mygypsyrose, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. It's scary to find that out, but know your options, and be there to support your Mom. I'm sure the flu wasn't fun either.
I've been busy doing lots of stuff. Most of it I shouldn't be doing, but someone has to. I started a new thread on the CA Regional forum. It's all about my and any one else who wants to post their Daily Walks. I'm way behind because of the flood and then being gone to the beach for a week. Eventually though, if I quit goofing off, I'll get caught up. Here is a link to the site, if you go back you'll see the flood.
I do miss you all, and Critter, were your ears burning today, 'cause me and Dillansnana were talking about you. : - )
Only good things, of course.
Carolyn, I'm glad you're hanging in here and speaking up more often these days.
Star~Ella, what would this thread be without you? You were my inspiration for my Daily Walks thread.
You all inspire me!
Does anyone know if the "Guppy Plant" will reseed? It was one of my favorites from last year and isn't dead, but doesn't have any leaves right now. I hope it comes back.
Got to go for now!
Don't worry bout me, 'cause I'll be back!

This message was edited Feb 17, 2010 8:33 PM

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Mornin everyone. Just wanted to make a note for anyone who needs more WS containers. I asked about getting some up at the dump and the guy in charge told me I could get all that I wanted from the recycle bin. Even let me use his stick the with hook on the end to fish them out. I ended up with around 30 containers, and most of them only needed rinsing out. So now I'm a dumpster diver :)
Happy Thursday!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

mygypsyrose, so sorry to hear about your mom I'll be praying they diagnosed her wrong and everything will turn out to be alright keep us updated on what is happening with her :)

Neal I just saw that you had the begonias coming up which ones were they? The pink ones?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Yep, Lea, the pink ones you sent :-) There's a bunch of them up too! And the Lisianthus, I can see them well enough now to know its them and not mold, LOL.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I checked my wintersown containers this morning, and cleared of some snow to put some more out later today, life permitting. No sprouts, yet, but it is still winter. I haven't started many things inside, yet, but will get to that shortly, life permitting again. I have to get this dirt and containers out of my kitchen/dining area! Not to mention the seeds and labels off my desk.

I had tried two types of lisanthus last spring, but had no success. I am making notes on everyone's successes for next time. I have to try again next year. Have my hands full with my other seeds right now.

I am soaking some morning glory and datura seeds in dilute peroxide to start inside. Soaking seems to work better for me than nicking seeds. I am going to germinate thme by the paper towel in ziplock method. I want to grow a "living curtain" for my bedroom window in addition to growing more vines outdoors.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ansonfan... Isn't dumpste r diving lot sof fun. hehehehehhe what ba dis when ya getting in one that almost empty and it huge and somebody goe s to throw the trahs in and sees your rump bent over diggign away. LOL

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i have a few daturas sprouting and a few tomatoes. i havent been on alot due to problems with health and here at home. I hope the tomatoes are sprouting to early but they are in a cold room but protected from the outside. no heat in that room so if its cold out its cold in their. i started different types of them. i got here from the swap like 5 types. seed starting is new to me. i usually buy the plants but money is tight and just cant do that anymore.

ok question one type of tomato seed i got had red stuff on it. what was it? started then like the others so will see. Rie

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've seen red dye looking stuff on some commercial pepper seeds, said to be an antifungal treatment

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Hope everyone is feeling better soon. Don't forget to clean the germs off your keyboards! (You can use a dampened cloth safely)

I picked up a gallon jug on my way back from the post office today. It was a poland spring water jug and I made sure no one peed in it or anything before picking it up. It was garbage day, I think it blew out of someone's recycling can. I have been using soda bottles, but a gallon jar will come in handy.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

mygypsyrose, your Mom will be in my prayers.

Guess I'm going to try the peroxide on my seedlings. I lost Love Lies Bleeding to the dampening off, so now I am worried about all the rest of my little seedlings. Do you just put it in a spray bottle & spray the seedlings? I've never used it before.

Canna 'Tama-Tulipa' sprouted for me yesterday.

I hope everyone gets to feeling better soon. Was a balmy 52 degrees today :) Spent some time outside with Fred & George.


Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Star I didn't have to get in this time, but I sure got some funny looks when the wind blew the jugs all over the place and I had to go chasing em down hehe. People who don't WS can not understand why somebody would be diving for empty gallon jugs, much less wanting them so bad that I am chasing them all over the parking lot.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

ansonfan, I winter sowed the peppers you sent me :) Can't wait to try them.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Rie... That red stuff on the tomatoe seeds was to protect the sed from diseases. It is coated to help protect from things like tomatoe spotte d virus and such.

Oh geez, seeign the word datura, I forgot I put soem to soak in a cup abotu a week ago, they haven't sproute din teh cup, wonde r if they any good to stil plant. Directiosn had said just soak 24 hours. Opps, I bad.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh man speaking of soaking I've got to do that this morning LOL

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

oh Andrea!! Big hugs and praying you get great news!

Hey SW....LOVED your daily walks thread and that you shared all your pics! Miss you too! I can't seem to get on DG except weekends and that is when I have to get gardening done along with the cleaning. Seems funny to try to clean while spreading dirt around all the time. Hee hee!

Ella - my baggie does have a mist on the top.....but the seed starting mix looks SO......DRY. Have a hard time not wanting to spray a squirt on them. ^_^ I know they are not completely dry with the moisture on the baggy top. I blow fresh air in every couple days.....and am waiting.

Jill - have missed hearing your wonderful input but know you've been busy.

Big hugs to all! I have 50 jugs that are prepped, filled with mix and ready for seeds!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Phew. Beautiful day today! Sunny and in the upper 50s! Managed to spend most of it outside... yeah! First a little freelance work inside (miracles!), then a walk with friends that I never get to see, then a lot of wintersowing, then another walk with other friends and daughters on bikes, then more wintersowing... 36 jugs (prepped and planted) and 4 miles... I'm beat! But couldn't have asked for a better day... and hubby's taking me out to dinner, so I'll be in a seated position for the rest of the evening. May not be able to get up again, but that's ok!

Hope everyone else gets some of this nice sunshine for a change!

(Zone 7a)

wish I could catch up with y'all, but coping with storm damage has been consuming. Ansonfan, since 2/10/10 - the 4th and biggest storm to leave us with 48" of snow accumulation - I've been trying to shovel/hack/administer tea kettles of boiling water through the deep, solid snow and ice to get to my wintersowing supplies. Who'da thunk that a few feet from the back door could seem like miles? Have been filling a bucket at a time with snow and ice and walking it through the house to the front door and then dumping over the porch. DH understands and holds the doors voluntarily without being asked, and has helped to clear a tree fallen over the back patio. I'm seriously thinking of wheelbarrowing snow over to an abandoned property next door if I ever get paths dug to that gate in the weeks ahead. This is very slow-going with spinal arthritis and various joint issues. We did clear paths and steps down to the street and to the car, which is running in spite of being rammed by the snow plow. If it wasn't, we'd be totally out of luck in spite of insurance - they are so backed up right now. Our roads are narrow, steep and twisting - very tricky with southern ice.

We've been fortunate - everyone looks after their neighbors and has been all right as far as we know.

Glad to hear about everyone's ws tootling along, and yes, wasn't the sun bee-yoo-ti-ful yesterday?


Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Oh Karen, what a mess! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that. Hopefully your beds will just be super happy from the nice insulation they got this winter... and the sun will stay out and melt some of it!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Wow Karen... You do have a nighmare and a mess goign on. I hope you get soem warmth and sun up yoru way to get that snow melted for you fast. That has to be agony beign out in the cold with health problems. Hopefulyl you'll get a few warm days to get yoru flowers done.

I didnt' realiae that if snow plows hit yoru vechiels that you could even file for insurance. Yep, definately a blessign it still running.

I sat out on the porch yesterday for a littel bit tryign to get more seedlings transplanted before I had to pitch them. Had left them inside ebcaus e of the cold and they almost sat in them 288 tiny cell trays too long.

Today when it warms have to tackel transplanting a bunch of Dianthus seedlings, soon as I find a place to put them.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Has anyone grown Hummingbird Bush "Anisacanthus quadifidus"? I got some seeds from Heavinscent last year - and REALLY want to grow this beauty....can't find any info on it though.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

What a gorgeous plant Chele! I'd never heard of them, but it looks like they could be wintersown.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Someone tell me the recipe for compost tea with the comfrey please surely it’s just not one leaf in a five gal. bucket and how long does it have to sit I don’t do the bubble thing in my tea. I just set it out in the sun for a day usually didn’t have time to make any last year and could see it in my plants too!

Karen sounds like you are having a time of it there wish I could come and help ya out! Hang in there we are going to get rain now for a few days so our snow will be melting soon thank goodness! I hope you get some rain soon to take care of yours too or a lot of sun shine :) I’m getting some of that much needed sun shine today and it’s wonderful does a world of good for my morality LOL Very much needed! When ya got all that snow and trouble like you have had it takes it’s toll so glad your honey is helping you hold the doors anyway :)

This snow has put a damper on my WS with jugs outside wet but frozen to the ground it’s suppose to start raining here the next few days so I plan on getting a bunch out to get wet and make up for it going to try and get planted that I need to for now today and tomorrow and get another plant stand cleaned up ready for all the seeds I’m going to sow lol I know I won’t have room upstairs for them it’s time to clean the kitchen table off and put everything down there :)

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

I agree Neal - very pretty.......however, I only have 6 seeds...LOL. I guess I could try to WS 3 seeds and then try 3 seeds inside on heat/cover. Couldn't find it on Tom Clothiers's site either.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Quote from LeBug :
Someone tell me the recipe for compost tea with the comfrey please surely it’s just not one leaf in a five gal. bucket and how long does it have to sit I don’t do the bubble thing in my tea. I just set it out in the sun for a day usually didn’t have time to make any last year and could see it in my plants too!

It's easy, just cut back as many leaves as you want and put them in a container (I use a rubber/plastic wheelbarrow as it does not rust). Fill with water just up to the leaf level. You would not use one leaf with a bunch of water, you would use several leaves with water to the level of the leaves. Just as if you were making tea for yourself with loose herbs.
Also, it's better to use a wider base container for this, as it holds more water up to the leaf level, AND there is more surface area for the leaves to be exposed to the water. Let it sit a couple of days and then use the water (and the leaves too- they make great compost). When it's cooler I let the water sit a week or more, when it's hot I can't go past 2 days as it really starts to stink! When it starts to stink you know it's ready. Use that tea water to water you plants in the summer and they will love you for it!

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

I was watching the Victory Garden this morning, and they were showing a "three sisters" garden mound (three Sisters= corn, beans, squash in the same mound, it's a Native American gardening technique).
I typically do not grow my own veggies (except tomatoes) as I am a member of a local CSA, and I already get a ton of veggies from there. However, I was thinking this might be a great idea for teaching my kids how plant symbiosis works, and some basic gardening for food.

Has anyone ever done this? Any hints on this? And does anyone have a few extra seeds for these? I didn't collect veggie seeds during the swap because of the CSA. I only need a few seeds of each, as I was only going to do one big mound as an accent part of the new garden.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Herbsprit :) About the only container I have is a five gal. bucket I can watch for something else in the mean time I'm used to making compost tea but just haven't tried the comfrey yet didn't realize you needed so many leaves in there. My wheel barrow isn't plastic :) Oh I do have a big styrofoam cooler in the garage this friend of mine brings them home all the time from work that would work :) Thanks :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm sure I have some zuczucchini seeds in the fridge if you mean that type of squash not sure if zukes are a squash lol I have some kind of green beans in there too from last years swap I didn't get planted seems like there were quite a few in there. No corn.

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