Clematis and Roses

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I am putting in a new Arbor and could use some suggestions for Clematis and Rose combos. Color isn't an issue as this is a new area and a clean slate as far as color goes. I do need a climbing rose that will be an easy keeper. One that is pretty hardy, easy care, and disease resistant.
The President and America

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi Holly, anything in paticular you looking for in a climber..There are a lot of combo's that I like. One that is sure to please is the "Forth of July" rose and "John Huxtable" a white clematis. I have "America" the rose and "Ville de Lyon" the clematis together. I also have Aloha the rose and Ville de Lyon together. One I put together last year that is sure to be loud is Golden Showers the rose and Bonanza the clematis. I have Eden the rose with Polish Spirit the clematis. I think once you pick the rose you want it will be easy to match it with a clematis. Wish I had more pictures with the combo's.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thank you Diamond I will check out your suggestions.
That America in the pic came from one of your co-ops a couple of years ago. They and the White Dawn that also came from that co-op are doing well for me. The President clem that is planted out there is young and only gave me a few blooms last year. I am hoping for a bigger show this summer. I also have to get more clems for on that fence as well as for the new arbor.
I noticed your order thread and saw that you are ordering the Betty Corning. I wasn't interested in bell shape clems till I saw a Betty Corning at a garden tour they are just lovely.
I have looked at the Aloha before and liked it, not sure if it will grow tall enough? The Arbor that the roses are going on is a walk through arbor so I want something that will go up and across the top. One for each side so I'm thinking I need something with an 8-10ft growth. I think I want a climber not rambler, right? Easy care disease resistant and something that I can keep pruned enough for easily walk through as it will be over a well used path. I plan on putting up some type of lattice to help with that. I'm Zone 6 with clay soil.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Holly, Here's a combo that I like....other than Eden :) You definitely want a climber rather than a rambler. Ramblers can cover an entire building given the chance. I have Aloha, but it has been very s-l-o-w growing

I believe this is Autumn Sunset with Viola

Thumbnail by venu209
Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Here is another combo, but to be fair to the plants, it is not a great shot. Also, it was taken in October, which gives an indication of the resilience of both. The rose is Bantry Bay with clem John Huxtable.

Thumbnail by venu209
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Venu, I looked up the Eden you suggested at the swap it is a pretty Rose.
The Bantry Bay is pretty, too. Love the Autumn Sunset/viola. I think Ric will probably end up picking the combo so I can take all the suggestions I can get to show him. The arbor and rose/clem combo was my suggestion but this is for his garden project.

Evansdale, IA(Zone 4b)

Roses and Clematis make good neighbors..................

Thumbnail by Edaleputt
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That is just beautiful.

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Very nice! do you know the names??

Evansdale, IA(Zone 4b)

Thanks! I think the clematis is Henry Young, (something Young, anyway) and the rose is Linda Campbell.

I'm going to do some other combos this year.

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Uh oh, I have Linda Campbell and no companion plant for her yet! She is a wonderful rugosa rose, alway's in display with her gorgeous sprays of red flowers. H.F Young is truly beautiful growing with this rose, maybe a tall white lily from the co-op too! Thanks for the picture. I'm doing many combo's this year too.

Pittsburgh, PA

Ok, I am new to this----you plant the clematis and the rose in dilfferent holes but close together---not the same hole?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Definitely different holes! I'd put the clematis about 18" from the rose and give it some kind of support leaning towards the rose to teach the clematis which way to grow. Planting the clem on a 45 degree angle, towards the rose, will also help. Mulch well, very well. They want cool roots - not drenching wet but moist and cool.

Pittsburgh, PA

what resource do you suggest for metal or wood pillars/obelisks?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

My husband!

Seriously, look around and check out places like Walpole, Jackson & Perkins, Gardener's Supply and by using Google to search either wood or metal tuteurs or obelisks you should find a wide assortment.

Thumbnail by pirl
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Janet, I have an old split rail fence that I have roses and clems growing on. I added some new clems to it this year. Hopefully the clems will start putting on a good show in the next few years. Can't help much with resources as my husband Ric builds whatever I come up with. What do you want to grow your roses on are you thinking obelisks or would you be interested in a larger arbor? You might want to chose different varieties of roses or clems depending on the support structure. There are a couple of really good old threads one on arbors/trellises and another on growing roses & clems together. I will see if I can find them and put in some links for you. They might give you some good ideas.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Plow and Hearth is also a great resource for arbors and trellises.

Albert Lea, MN(Zone 4b)

I have a William Baffin climber with Lady Betty Balfour clematis. The WB rose is extremely hardy for me up here in the frozen tundra, I haven't even had to give it any winter protection (although it is growing on a south-facing wall) and it is growing with leaps and bounds.

Its first flush of blooms have passed already but hopefully later in the summer I can get a pic of them together. It's my first attempt at growing them together. :)

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

When you plant the combo of roses and clems, do you just plant the clem in the ground next to the rose and let it climb the rose ? I have been finding clems on discount and have to stop myself from buying more. Not sure where else I could plant them, but if I could mix them in with the roses that would be great.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Yes, you do plant them in the ground next to the rose but leave enough room to groom and feed the rose without disturbing the roots of the clematis.

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Rose Dynamite (CL) and clematis Violet Charm

Thumbnail by PNWMountainGirl
Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks that will help me plant my latest

I just ordered the Avant Garde Clem, I am so hooked on them now. It will go well with the roses.

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