Need some help deciding.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Time to put in my spring clematis order and I need some help deciding what to get. I can only get four this year and have narrowed it down to
Daniel Deronda,
Duchess of Albany
Etoile Rose
Guernsey Queen,
Princess Diana

I know for sure I want Princess Diana and Ragoochi. Does anyone have any experience with either of them?
Princess Diana is so pretty I couldn’t resist.

I already have:
Belle of Woking
The President
Rouge cardinal
Languinosa candida
Niobe – Not crazy about the color
Dr Ruppel
And maybe Susanne if she comes back up this season.

Pic of some of my fuchsias with some yellow lilys.

This message was edited Feb 15, 2010 5:09 AM

Thumbnail by mstish
Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

mstish, I have both Princess Diana and Rugoochi. I am extremely happy with both of them. They are both vigorous growers, so give them plenty of room. Princess Di outgrew her obelisk the first year! She got moved to share a trellis with a climbing rose. I am hoping that her pink bells will mix well with the blousy rose blooms. Ru is known to be somewhat prone to mildew, but I have not had a problem with that yet.

Beautiful garden picture!

Athens, PA

Mstish -

That's a gorgeous picture!

Venu is right - I have Roguuchi and it although it is prone to mildew, I have found that spraying Roguuchi with a fungicide like Bayer 3 in 1 goes along way towards taking care of the mildew, which may not be a bad idea in your part of the country.

What I really like about Roguuchi is that it has a long bloom time. I typically get a bloom time of several months with this plant.

Princess Di is on my want list......

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