Best coral bark maple

Lake Stevens, WA

Went to the Pacific Northwest Flowers show and saw the Coral Bark Maples. I think they must have been Sango Kaku. What is the best for the Pacific NorthWest?
Looks like there a so many different kinds and some say the red bark goes brown in time.
Like this tree to stay about 8-10 feet

Others that might be better?
Japanese Sunrise
Pacific Fire
Beni Kawa

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

Another one is Winter Flame - it is a semi dwarf so it would fit your size requirements.

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

The pacific NW is primo JM country so any of those would be good .. Be advised Herbstfeuer is not considered a coral bark.. the name means Autumn fire and has great fall color ( obviously). I think buying a tree for just winter bark color is short sited although there is nothing wrong with having it as an added attraction. The Japaneses Sunrise is the best all around tree IMHO giving season long and winter color although the bark is orange and yellow in winter not red, but all the same spectacular. I would advise most folks in northern areas to shy away from coral barks which seem to be for some reason a bit dicey Although blanket statements about any JM is fool hardy and judging hardiness from loosing a tree over winter does not mean someone else will have the same experience or even you will the next time. I read a piece by a person who has a botanical garden and they try a tree ( in this case it was conifers), about three times before giving up, if they see something they really like. Now obviously most of us don't have the luxury of throwing $$ to the wind on a lark but you get her point ... there are just allot of things that can effect the survival of a I have long since learned to never say never . But on the same track , if there is a troublesome tree, one most folks don't have luck with especially in the north is probably best to stay away from it since there are literally hundreds of other primo JM's to choose from . I really don't get being stuck on having one particular tree since there are so many and likely one that is similar to the one you want that has a better track record. And if you live in far northern areas you will have very few JM choices but unlimited in containers ... For those in those areas you must be a bit more creative but you can grow JM's easily albeit differently then those more southern folks.

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