Kings Mantle (Thumbergia) spelling may be wrong

Fort Lauderdale, FL

I live in Zone 10 and have a Kings Mantle hedge. When I planted it, I had a big tree in this area that shaded the entire area. I have removed the tree and wonder if this beautiful hedge will survive in full sun. From around mid May to mid September temperatures here can go well into the 90's. Any suggestions to care for this plant will be appreciated.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I am in NW Florida, zone 8b/9a. I planted one in full sun and it just baked. I moved it under a shrub and it really took off. My thought is that it needs to be shaded from the hot, direct sun.

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Thanks for your info. It is very helpful, although I suspected as much, I was hoping for better news. Very much appreciated!

Mon Plaisir, Aruba

I have one on my back porch that has grown like wildfire, despite getting direct afternoon sun. It's very hot and sunny here too, so I would imagine it's just a question of getting it enough water.

Fort Lauderdale, FL

That's encouraging! I hope mine does the same. Right now it's very cool here so it's doing very well. I'll have to wait for the killer sun to come back to see the outcome. But this gives me hope. Thanks for that info.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Grows in full sun here, but as happy said, mine gets plenty of water too. It does tend to get very large here, and we are constantly having to whack it back.

I agree with Braveheartsmom.

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Very happy to hear such good news! Thanx y'all and thanx also for the tip on watering often. I will definitely follow that advice.

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