holy moley! we're home

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

We are back home settling in. Ransom decided grain was optional this past week at the show farm. Great staff and great care. Got him to eat a time or two after some probios in his tummy. Might need to make that stuff a travel habit.

The show taping was high stress, but worth it. We worked over crossrails a few times, but Ransom got anxious which scared me. So we dropped back to ground poles and worked on crest release. I also learned the difference between half seat, 2 point & jump position. Got to try a nifty Myler bit I wouldn't mind using all the time. He got smooth in it but half halts worked a bit better in it.

The taping crew insisted day 2 ride tape looked better than day 1. I can't wait to see it on tv. I was the only English rider in the 6 pair cast. Neat!

I will blog a lot about the week. Hotel was *supposed* to have wireless but my laptop had other plans. Can't wait to share the details of the trip with ya'll. *smirk* I even got bf on a farm horse for a short trail ride! Just the 2 of us out wandering the farm trails. I was the "lead guide". Cool!! On one of their horses at that! I didn't even ride my own for the trails. =)

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