Seed Swap & Chat # 52

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Sure looks pretty though, if they're all warm and cozy! My parents got 25". DD is SO jealous! Luckily, Dad got a snow blower a few years ago. Thought he was nuts at the time, because they really don't get much snow usually... paid off this year though!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Is this close? Looks like a big group. I've had great luck finding people that need things I want to

Little late on this post... found it sitting around not submitted...

This message was edited Feb 8, 2010 8:10 AM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>Little late on this post... found it sitting around not submitted...

KL... OH, i do that all the time. Walk away [i get easily side tracked] and come back to find a mssg still sitting there.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks klstuart, that looks like the place now I need to decide if I want to look in there if they have a place in New Albany, the town I go shopping in I'll check it out I doubt if they would have some now though I'll check it out later need to get ready to go into town today in a bit :) I'm putting it in my favorites just in case :)

Starting tonite we are getting up to 6", I have about four inches still on the ground from the other day :) I'm thinking of driving the truck in town today poor thang hasn't been driven in a while sitting out in the cold and it's used to being a garage truck I've really mistreated it since dad passed he would have a fit! I do have three bags of that soil less mix in the back of it just in case it snows lol Need to get a bag in my car if it keeps snowing like this this year!

I've got the back of the truck loaded down with recycle bags I just hope the recycle people are there this morning to empty this thing before I go to town it will look like a Fred and Sanford truck LOL

I hope people are warm and safe in all this snow we are getting too, there are a lot of people north of us and below us that are getting more snow than us I'm just glad I'm not working and don't have to drive in it! So far it hasn't been a crippling snow that will probably come some time in March it's evened out so far here thank goodness!

Yes Terese that game really sucked for the Colts they were really off on their game, but if someone was going to beat them I'd rather see New Orleans win they needed something positive there Tony said they had never won the SB before? I haven't a clue like I said I don't usually get into games I'm just kind of stuck cause Tony and the neighbor is a Colts fan it was interesting to watch though, my neighbor's daughter called and harassed Tammy because the Colts lost she was for the Saints and her son lol

Ella, I have some dahlia seeds of decorative giants mixed, cactus mix and figaro red I'm more than happy to share with you if you want some from SH :)

Well I went to the neighbor's last night and watched the game then stayed for a while afterwards came home and went to bed, had a seed tray of annual geraniums still on the heat mat and this morning they were reaching for the sky hope they didn't get lanky I got them under the lights this morning but a few haven't germinated in there so I'm hoping the rest of them come up too without a heat mat under the lights it doesn't do any good to put the heat mat under the lights it never comes on.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- in the Saint's history... 35 yrs ?? this was their FIRST time in the SUper Bowl... so yes,,, BIG thing... Archie Manning [Payton's dad] was their QB 'back in the day' .. I guess he was some great QB but the team always sucked.

So, if it were any other team... i would have been rooting for Indy.

I didnt realize we too are expecting a lot of snow. We basically have NONE on the ground... just old 'shovel' piles.
I have to go out and feed the birds and squirrels, so they can eat up before the storm gets here. The weather liars are saying 2-4 tonight, 3-5 tomorrow... ending by the AM hrs of Wed. We shall see.

I've got 2 pots of the Barley for Charlie that has germinated... some look a tad 'fuzzy' so i'm going to spritz them with H2o2 and water... i['m hoping its not mold] I have them under the 7" dome, so less air flow. but if i dont cover them, Little Man will probably dig them up.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the offer Lebug, btu I have gotten soem of them too and actually, I am not happy about the germination rate on them. I hope your batch does better.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ants.. I keep forgettign to answer yoru question. I have a bunch of the bay species tree shrub seeds here to germinate. I was told to lightly scratch the surface adn pot and put outside for the winter. Soon as I get a chance, I plan on doign mine.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I didn't realize how long the Saints had been around but knew it was their fist time playing in the SB :) WOW you know people from the SB cool!

I hope it isn't mold Terese I've had my fill of it this year so far and planting hasn't even started yet!

Ella glad you told me about the germination rate on them I hate that lol I hate sowing all of the seeds to get what I want out of them if I end up having a good rate I won't know what to do with the seedlings there only so many plants that get tall that I can plant I know they aren't all tall but still :) Thanks I'll just have to sow more seeds good to know :)

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

So, weird question. Has anyone ever grown Dichondra Silver Falls? My first sprouts are up, and the seed leaves look like grass! Bright limey green blades of grass. Weirdest start to a silver trailing plant I could have imagined... or did I get the seeds mixed up... don't think I could have but this is strange!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

How did you start your Baptisia, Australis the wild blue indigo??I was thinking of soaking and going from there under lights but when looked up said to straify so lost now?? And guess that not nothing usual for me just would like for them to grow and know you know ?? In our Sunday paper was saying it the flower of the year for 2010 so want to try and get these going.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Carolyn I WS those do you have any cool weather left if not put them in the fridge for a while you may have enough cold left to get them going not really sure in your zone I know Ella is still cold isn't she she might be able to tell you better but they get sown !/4" deep :) You could try both ways I'm sure there were enough seeds in there.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

KL... I don;'t know, but I knwo when I sow dusty milelr it coems up green and then turns and have a pulmeria that starts out gren and changes as it grows, coudl be the case with your new baby.

Has anybody trie d using a regular people heat pad for tryign to start seeds on. I wodnerign if I couldnt' put soem of my baggies of peppers on them to jump start em withotu meltign the baggy or the trays and cookig the seed.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Yes, I was using chamomile tea. I found bags of chamomile in Walmart in the Bardia (?spelling) spices in the ethnic food aisle. I also had some regular bags also. I made tea 1 bag for 2 c water in a pyrex glass measuring thing in the microwave, let it steep a long time to cool and put it in a spray bottle. I think it helps, sure doesn't hurt. I don't drink chamomile tea because it is related to ragweed which makes me sneeze. Luckily, the tea spray doesn't.

Vinegar and ammonia can both encourage mold, so I don't use them as plant sprays inside. I am trying the soda bottle - vinegar thing near the plants. I put one of cider vinegar and one of regular and each end of my plant tray. I really want to get rid of the bugs. (I had to find bottles that I didn't poke holes in for winter sowing)

The bug zapper has helped quite a bit. I don't want it to be a regular indoor fixture, however. The bf wouldn't care, he gets a kick out of the bug zapper. So does the cat.

People grow poppies from poppy seeds. I don't know about the others, but I love star anise.

There are lots of freecycle lists on yahoo groups. You have to join the mailing list. If there is anything of interest, you contact the person privately. The lists used to be better, now there seem to be more people with wants and less with haves, at least here in the NY/NJ/PA area. I guess that happens when something becomes popular.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Star, I used the regular people heating pad for years. Just keep it on low. I never had any problem.

Teresa, our 'weather liars' (LOL) are still sayiing 6 to 10 here, but I'll believe it when I see it. It was 336 yesterday. I car pool and tomorrow is my day to drive ... yuck!
We think alike though, first thing I did when I got home yesterday was to feed the birds, not the family. sigh.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

re-snow... the 'guessed' 2-4 over night, we got 1. good thing it's sweepable. **Knock on formica** we have not had a heavy snow fall yet this season. Only fired up the snow blower once, and that was to show "the kid" how to use it, just in case.

re-gnats.. I put out two little cups with Apple cider vinegar... not catching any.

>>Baptisia, Australis the wild blue indigo??... when looked up said to straify

Ug... i didnt know that either. I'd better get mine outside, today. I also have to do some NY Asters. Other than that... I'm done for a while.

**edited to fix transposed words that made no sense at all

This message was edited Feb 9, 2010 9:18 AM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW -- it took me some time... I've been awake about 45 min ... and i just noticed a "date stamp"

HECK, it's my anniversary!! As DH just said... just another day. Though 24 yrs ago tonight.. i was just a young thing walking down the aisle in a Vegas Chapel!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Looks like we have about three inches out there and it's still going good really pretty coming down, I filled my feeders Sunday and have been trying to keep the cotton pickin starlings and squirrels out of it! My dog loved the snow and ran around in it when I let him out this morning I bet he misses that part of not being outside anymore :) If we get the 6" like they said we might it's on top of 4" going to be an interesting day it's not suppose to quit I don't think until this evening.

I want that yellow Baptisia I think it's hardy here wonder if it germinates as easy as the blue after all these years of it being out I have still never gotton seeds to it. I'm still waiting to pitch some seeds out in the field I know we will have another good snow in March.

Hang in there with the gnats it takes a while but they will get in there when you least expect it!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Happy Anniversary Trese 25 yrs. hats off to ya! My last two didn't even last 8 mos. saw what game they were playing and kicked their butts out wasn't goin thru 8 yrs. of hell like I did my first husband LOL Won't have another like my freedom some people are lucky picking out honeys but not me I'll settle for a room mate don't have to answer to him :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I have my first seedlings today! Geranium 'Pinto Salmon' from Lea (sown on 2-4) are my first babies of 2010!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LOL Al kinds of celebrations today!!!!!

Congrats Tcs on 2 years may you have that may more a dozen times over. : )

Gemini... Way to go. Allhappy and wiggly and havign a warm piggy group hug feeling coming over me. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Neal great you have babies! I started mine on the fourth and they started popping up on the 8th still have a few that hasn't shown their heads and had to put them under the lights so hope they come up :)

It's finally quit snowing for a while the neighbor measured on her picnic table and it was 7"!

Nothing on my rex begonias yet but it's still early :)

Terese I was going thru old disks and found where I WS some electric blues back in 06' lol No luck with those think it was in late March when I sowed those.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- i'm going to do them in the house in a south facing window. I just do not want to risk them NOT germinating.
I have tiny buds on mine right now... and i just know they will bloom while I'm on vacation.

still light snow [havent check the radar in a while] but total, ,we are only around 3"
I think the east coast is getting all of our snow this year.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

If anyone gets or doesn't get germination on the Geraniums that I collected this year, let me know! I'm curious as to how they do, and if I should save them again next year. I've sown a few of each, along with my leftover commercial seed from last year. So far the commercial seed is up, but the collected seed is not :-( Still hoping though!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here's my Electric Blue

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here is where i think it will bloom.

The macro on this camera stinks.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey Terese
Congrats on the anniversary...We have more snow than we've had all winter. Hope yours isn't so big. Maybe you can go out to dinner.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Adding my congrats Terese, that really is quite a milestone.

Thanks to todays seed angels George, Beck, Mamawk & Ella.
The seeds you entrusted to me all sprouted today :)

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Congrats Terese!

Today's baby is.... my first little begonia sprout! Now if the other 20 or so would come along I could give the space on the mat to some other seeds! I think one of my self-collected Geraniums is going to sprout too... see something other than just seed coat down in there! Yippee!

Still waiting on 2 of the 3 types of lisianthus too though. Weird, one type (echo blue) is all up, and the other two aren't doing a thing!

Cold, rainy weather isn't doing much for my patience :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

We gonan need a bigger maturnity ward with all the babie s beign born aroudn here. LOL Glad to see it happenign though . Proud parents oen and all. Just tell them seed s to keep popping , we need lot s of babie s born for next years swap. LOL

Hey all of you in this nasty snow belt and comign a secodn blizzard becareul. Check yoru roofs and try adn get soem fo the snow off if ya have alot. They had on new s tonight folsk soem house s in IN. wher e the peopels roofs are collapsing ad cracking Said the snow that they already have is equal to a 1,1oo ton elephant sittign on it.

Just becareful evrybody and hope everyoen stays safe and doesnt los epower through this secodn round.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

The wind got up this evening and it's blowing a lot of the snow off of the roofs around here looks like a snow storm lol

There's one place in Floyd County where I live they are on a hill and it's so wet that they are afraid of a mud slide! Can you imagine as cold as it is here! Those people's houses are cracking and everything, one guy thought his house was just settling but it's cracking and starting to fall apart they showed pictures of the concrete on his porch it had big cracks in it, this county is small but I have no idea where they are I didn't see any snow in the picture that was so odd. I'm going to watch the news tonite and see if they tell more about where they are. Seems like they said there were ten houses on that hill.

Yes it's getting ready to bloom Terese! Funny how outside you don't pay that much attention to how long it takes a flower from bud to bloom but if you are watching it it takes forever!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Sure hope you stay safe weather really has been something this year we in for more freezes this week and my heat freeze's up under 40 so central doing me no good but thank goodness got 2 space heater's . Everybody haveing fit's over electric bill they tripled last month no telling about this month cause this usually the coldest. just keep hopeing for spring . Got a milkweed coming up and a mountain bullet lol made my day just one seed of each but that means they more coming.
Hug's Carolyn

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Carolyn I have one of those little holmes heaters not even a foot high that heats the kitchen and living room with blankets over door ways to the bathroom and back of the house guess you couldn't do that with so many people in there the heater is a good thing but the electric is sky high. Tony was running one at night and that drove me crazy worring about fires so I bought him an electric blanket he loves it thank God! Sounds like you need some work on your Central I know more money! Hope you stay warm and safe :) Is it just not working right because it's not used to it being so cold?

Which milkweed is coming up? More babies coming of course! Great! I had some mountain bullet starting to leaf out a little just before the snow now they are sitting under 7" lol I think my geraniums got leggy they never germinate until night when I'm not watching them they aren't under lights glad they are ones I can pinch! The ones coming up from under the lights are a lot shorter :(

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Lea here we are just not used to staying this cold this long my unit of course is 30 years old but been a blessing . My brother has kept it going but being a heat pump thingie just not able to handle all this cold usually by mid afternoon it thaws out and can warm up whole house for a little but have to use space heaters at night when temps drop below 40 ,it just blows out cold air but tell you spring coming I am sure. just got a feeling we gonna be cold till April this year we narmaly have a frost week of easter anyways but have nice days inbetween . I am like inbetween and seems like get the most cold in the country. Oh one of the pinks in the milkweed and have never had one just hope it hangs in there. Ella had to set me straight when told her was losing my rudbesckia she sent lol using these tiny cells when up susposed to give light fertilizer. Now how could I miss that one. Still have lots more see to get started slowly but surely got tomatoes coming up and gona try and work on more tomarrow . Had great Grand over and she want to help but using these tiny cells not good for her gonna let her do her own little pots with mixed seed. She does have a green thumb .

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

How old is your ggd now 3 or 4? It's been a while.

Are you starting all of your seeds in those little seed thingies then just transplanting them when they get bigger? I've never seen those in person that Ella sent they are so cute lol I hope my rex begonias come up in them! I planted some penta seeds but haven't had any germination yet they were planted the 4th and they are getting that white and green mold on them just don't understand it! Gonna have to buy my Pentas this year I guess :(

You didn't use any cold treatment on the pink milkweed? I always forget which needs cold, I think the orange will do good without cold too as many annual geraniums and Lisanthus I have going for taller plants I'm kind of afraid to start my milkweed in the house I do have jugs of them outside except for my purples but I'm going to grow so many tomato plants to sell this year I'm afraid I'm going to run out of space on my taller shelves lol Plus my vines and I'm sure there will be more that will be tall that I'm not thinking about lol

I noticed on one of my old disks that I have for my past WS that I've started my lights around the last of Feb. I was thinking it was first of March so I don't have that long to wait to put these plants I have up under them hope they hold off until then but I'm running out of space and will have to start transplanting real soon! The basement is so cold so I'll have to have a heater down there for a while until more lights get to going to warm it up I just hate using so much electricity! Plus my electric worries me in this house it really needs to be rewired and that's not a good thang!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Kennedy is 4 now and very busy and fast actioned , when she plants believe she plants fast and furious . Am trying to teach her one seed not all in pot . And no flower in the yard goes unpicked , she needs a little help in that area to but nice if she keeps the ones that need deadheading done for me.We do her some mixed 6inch pots with different annuels to take home and she watchs over them very well and takes care of them for the past 2 years so think we have another gardener on the way. She was very proud of her bell peppers and tomatoes last year just had to make her understand when to pick .
On the milkweed its the orange that is up said one yesterday well lets say about 30 this morning lol. Happy happy here. And yes they are in those tiny cells. Ella has done such a great job growing with them . Right now I am in training with them , but she is great teacher!! I just have hard time remenbering the rules.
Gonna try and do some sowing this morning andtransplanting that needs to be done.
Hope you are staying warm and snow not to terrible.

Kannapolis, NC

Didn't have time to read through the entire thread, so I'm sorry if this has been asked. Does anyone know the best and least expensive source for grow lights? Park Seeds has a folding arrangement for $79.95, 48", with trays and so far this is the best deal I've found. I only need something to get my tomatoes started this year.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hemophobic... I go to Lowes, get there work shop light which is abotu 10 bucks and twolight bulbs is all ya need for along time . My same bulb s runnign on third year.

Then just find a way to hang them froma stand of somesort, or if only doign one little area. Thinkit was Lebug idea to just put on table and find somethign to put under corners to lif tit up.

If ya want to d alot fo stuff, you cna buy a metal stand or go to T's flower and things and on her web site she has directiosn for a plant stand otu of pvc pipe. I did mine with 3/4" pvc and they on their 3 years too.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

AW Carolyn you do have a little gardener on your hands you're so lucky to have that little one! Orange, man didn't think I could start orange ones down stairs think I planted all of mine of the orange outside I just hate doing them in jugs it takes them so long to come up out there.

I'm just wondering Hemo how many tomatoes are ya startin? I always say I'm going to just do what I can use and that ain't much but always end up with a whole shelf full this year it will be at least two shelves full. I just have a light hood with two bricks one at each side sitting on the kitchen table but it doesn't leave me any room on the table :) I have a double heat mat, table light set up and the hood on there lol It works though if you don't need your table that bad :) I have no room in my little kitchen now lol

So Ella how do you decide what to grow in those tiny cells and what to do in your baggies do you put the ones in the cells that need heat? This is interesting but I'd never find any of those tiny cells here. I do have a lot of seed trays though but it's something to think about it's a lot less room.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

those cells are great but like I told Ella only problem is you get so many plants and then like today haveing to wash 6packs for the tomatoes the roots already 2 inch's out the bottom. And useing bigger pots at the monet for other stuff.
Is amazing at how fast they grow . She cuts her's to size of seed amount and puts in her gallon baggie's blows air in them and puts on her table with the sunlight and keeps overhead light on. She just has it all rolling. Told her I am jealous. She probaly be along later and set me straight if I told you wrong , see got to cover myself with you to but love you both for helping pull me out of this deep hole I have been in!!
I don't know if she has tried any hibious seeds in them but think I am and see what happens , know she does use 6packs for larger seed but they handled the milkweed fin fine. Think gonna throw some bell pepper in next lol and gonna work on these salvia's you sent also.
May have to take a nap first cause been up since 5 and didn't sleep to much last night.
And yes Kennendy going to be a great gardener can't say all came from me because her father has a huge love for it and hope he will be helping me out this year . While I show him and he helps with the heavy stuff.And she listens more to him than Granny , guess I give in to easy.
How's your snow??

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Carolyn :) It's snowing again they said about an inch this time lol

I can't start my tomatoes until around the first of March I always end up starting them too early then they are so darn tall it's so much trouble trying to get them out from under the lights to water them trying to hit the right time this year but doubt if I will lol They are always my trouble makers because they stick together so much when they get that tall. Don't forget to plant your tomato seedlings deep all the way to the first leaves that come out if you can makes them stronger.

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