Seed Swap & Chat # 52

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Well shoot. I been thinking to myself, man the Cg been awful quiet and where did evrybody go.

Sniff. sniff... I got lef tbehind. Have no ide a why I didn't have a threa d update read to knwo a new one was coming.

I got lto s to read to catch up, but in the mean time have a coupel mroe sprout s up, btu seems thinsg are just sitting, even udne r the lights, think they waitign for some sunshine to shine on them too.

If I dont' see sun soon I gonan have mold and fungus a mongungus growign all on me with all this damp rain that been her e lately.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh my.. Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm freaking out. Aggggggggggggg.
Yuck.. Yuck. Yuck..... !!!!!!!!

Danita.. Did ya have to mention about the worms? So gross. Worms grow up to be snakes. I knwo they don't, btu my subconcious says they do. Yes, I knwo wroms are good for the garden and a s long a s I don't se e them they cna stay. But let me see one and the screams begin and I freak. it nto nic e when you have brother s who liek to put worms in yoru pillow and under yoru covers to get even with ya.

Geez. Al I cna say is it a good thign I didnt' see them worms when I put them bags in my fridge or was packign them. Sitting her e going ack..ack.. thinking abotu how them bags wa s by my lunch meat and eggs and othe r groceries.

If I ha d the gumption I woudl get up and go bleach the fridge out, btu I don't but cna bet ya for weeks nwo I wil be lookign aroudn the fridge and at all my food to make sur e one of them creepy crawlers didn't somehow get out of a bag and is havign fun in my fridge.! (Shiverign her e in fright! ) : )

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Heres the bunch I did today.... up to 63 containers.

Cup Plant
Viola, Blue Boatharbor
MG Blue Star
Salvia foriskaohlii
Salvia argentea "silver sage"
Salvia Lyrata, Purple Knockout
Salvia farinacea 'Blue Bedder"
Sambucus nigra, Elderberry
Lobelia, Great Blue
Wild Lupine
Lobelia, Cardinalis
Heliopsis, false sunflower
Purple Majesty Millet
Platcondon, Blue Balloon Flower
Rudbeckia, NoID BES
Rudbeckia, NoID BES
Agastache, Tutti Fruitti
Agastache, Pink Pop
Agastache anisata
Purple Milkweed
Cherry Tomato
Double Pink, Poppy
Purple Poppy
Semi-Double Mix Poppy
Grape Poppies
Oriental Poppy - Orange/peach
Queen's Poppy

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ella -- did you say you had more of that "Barley" Cat Grass [Hordeum Vulgare] ??

Charlie LOVES this stuff. I need about a truck load of seeds.

after he mowed it down the other night... he now knows that it is way up on the top shelf... he's been sitting up on the chair, looking straight up there, trying to figure out how to get to it... So i asked DH if he'd ever seen Charlie eat it... this cat came running for the pot. It was hysterical.

I started two more pots today, of 25 seeds each... but it will be a good 10 days before it's ready. I think i'd like to grow it in the yard for him too.

Lemme know how much you may have.

This message was edited Feb 5, 2010 10:08 PM

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Found a site that has germination days, planting depth & other
useful info. You have to scroll down to the bottom to find the
germination info.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Tcs. The cat grass i have now sending out is Triticum aestivum. I don't have mor e of that. I'll try late r and hunt and see who sells it wholesale in bulk and I cna get ya some. I don't remmebr how much Sumemrhill was chargign for it.

I have one package goign to Ant and have three goign to you. Ther e abotu 150 seed s in each pack.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

well, i finally found some on line.... $7.51 shipped for a pound of seed. I may have to go that route since the way Little Man acts around this stuff... it will never go to seed. Summerhill is $2.45 for 50 seeds.

I have one place, locally i can check, but i have my doubts.

Triticum aestivum sounds great too. any type of cat grass I'd love to try.

Thanks... Terese

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Hmm, now you all are making me think I should grow some cat grass for the kitties too... what was that site Terese?

Well, its 58° in here now downstairs, and the heating guy couldn't get to the unit because it's flooded in the crawl space, which is probably why it's out in the first place! So, it's upstairs for us until Monday. Good thing I never got around to that second tray of seeds yesterday, they'd be happy in our normal temperatures... but this is far below normal!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

this was the only place I found it in bulk.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I called my local nursery and they do not have the Hordeum... but they do have "oats" Avena sativa ... the packet is 1.79 ... maybe i'll get a few of those... then the new one Ella is sending. I'll take some of the seeds i do have and plant them out back, where Charlie can not munch them and hope they go to seed.

I swear, this stuff is like crack to Little Man.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Well all this talk about kitty grass I'm going to have to check it out too! Don't want my kitties to feel deprived I think they get on here and read what I'm up to when I'm asleep they will be jealous reading about kitties getting it and they aren't lol We have one of those farm places that sells grass seed in the next town do you think I could get some there and what exactly do I ask for?

I found a knot on my favorite kitty's neck yesterday gonna have to take her to the doctor and really hate to she hides in my arms until the doctor comes in she is so shy she is the only one now that hits the back bedroom when ever there is a noise that doesn't belong or someone comes in the front door. I'm wondering if she got bit by a spider because she stays in my bedroom closet so much, so much that I bought her a kitty bed for back there it's so darn cold!

I guess the vet bills are going to start now this year Max is starting to get hot spots AGAIN $800 on hot spots just last spring! I had all of his hair cut off everyone else really likes it but I liked his long hair but he scratches so much with allergies I had to get it cut and this spring I have to take the carpet up for him think he is allergic to the nylon in the carpet. I can't afford all of these vet bills anymore have to do something! He's even allergic to the dew on the grass!

Ella, didn't know you were that squeamish about snakes and worms what do you do when you are planting I run into fishing worms all the time when I'm planting lol Another story told so well :) I guess brothers would make you leary like that after growing up with worms in your bed LOL

Wahoo! Squeeealllll! I got my little and I mean little tiny cells yesterday Ella thank you! I'm gonna plant them today :) I have just enough room under a dome on the heat mat, they will have company with the geraniums and Electric Blue penstemon they aren't under the lights I just have them sitting on the heat mat :) Mist each cell a couple of times then sprinkle the seeds? I'll have to go back and look think it was on the last thread :) Thank you!

Klstuart, hope you get your furnace on soon! 58 would be a heat wave here it's 25 out right now and would hate to be outside the wind is blowing like crazy! I couldn't hardly even get the back door open this morning to let Max out it was frozen! My jugs look snug as a bug out there though covered in two inches of snow :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Terese, how did you do your Electric Blues? I put mine in the fridge for a couple of weeks before I put them under lights? We're going to have to compare notes so we can get these things to going how are you keeping yours cool for a couple of weeks I would have let mine set out for a couple of weeks on the table but I was afraid of mold.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Um, its 58 inside... but in the mid 40's for a high outside, so I think we'll warm up a little during the day.. have a ton of south facing windows. Got pretty chilly overnight, but upstairs is fine. Could be much worse! SO thankful we have a dual system. Have always found the Heat pump upstairs to be a little inefficient, blows cold air, can't keep up with the chill or the heat in the summer... but boy am appreciative of it now! Fire going in the fireplace, and playing Wii fit to stay warm :)

Looking over my tomato seeds now. Do the 'Bulls Heart' really get up to 2 lbs! I can't imagine a plant holding up to that! Might be time to finally build some wooden supports for my tomatoes. My nice metal cages tend to bend with the 'big boy' variety on them!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- I ws"ed mine.

this year i may do them in the house, but wont until the second week of march -- due to timing... just cant do it before then.

I should take a photo of mine...

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Now Bulls heart is nto oen mater i have heard of before. I need ot check that out. Maybe, just maybe I wil tell ya all my encoutner with a bunch of smart allic cow rustlers and a bull. But that for anotehr day. : )

Been sprinklign on and off here and windy!!!!!!!!!!

I so excited. For the past thre e years I have bought package s of Mimulus seed s and nevr had the first one pop. Well bought me another package and plante d 25 and have 5 up and one barely a half inch tall adn it makign a bloom. I smilign big time!!!!!!!!! I knwo I reallt shoudl pinch it off, but when ya try for years and years to grow somethgin adn ya finally have a chanc eof seeign the first bloom it is sur eis gonan be hard to pinch it off. I may not be able to. Just dont' knwo if I have enough heart to do it.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

kl, my last frost date is May 15th. You asked me about my last frost date because of the timing for planting the salpiglossis.
Oh, I know what you mean about those knats ... yikes! I was lucky last year and so far this year. One of the things I stopped doing was buying Pointsettias for Christmas. They always had the knats. This year I bought a small decorated Norway pine. I sat and watched it for a long time before I bought it. Didn't see any knats, so bought it. Still none. :o)
Love it that you are playing wii fit to stay warm!!!
Your geraniums are doing great, I love it when they get that little black ring at the middle!

Cant remember what I bought from Summer hill last year, but know I didn't have any real problems with germination.

Lea, I sowed my Penstemons 2 years ago without any cooling period and had many germinate. But this year I got a package from SH and it says to cool for 2 weeks, its for the chocolate one, Penstemon Chocolate Drop. I think I'm going to do it. But like tcs, I'll wait a little while. Maybe I will refrigerate them on Feb. 15th. I sure hope it works.

Now, I'm not totally sure, but I checked my strawberries (in the dark) and I think i have one little sprout. :o)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Toofew I have had Penstemon Chocolate Drop so many times and have tried to sow it every way imaginable and no luck! I hope you get some out of it! Hope you got a little strawberry baby too!

Terese, I'm just going to save those penstemons a spot if they get too tall for the lights I have two stands that there's a lot of head room they couldn't be any taller than what I have to deal with the tomatoes there can't recall how tall they are this is one I'm taking a chance on :)

To the people that was in Suzy's swap remember how every one got all excited about growing seeds and in all zones we were all growing plants way too soon not wanting to wait and every one was running out of room on their plant stands lol I remember Suzy and some others maybe Terese too that were rotating their plants from under the lights every 12 hours because they ran out of space lol That was such a year I think a lot of us learned their lesson that year!

Klstuart, glad to hear you are at least staying warm :) Playing Wii fit is a good way to do it!

Does anyone here have a nursery license or what ever it is to buy pots wholesale and such? If ya do could you tell me how to find the info. on line? Seems like it doesn't cost that much from what I have heard before but it's been so long :) I'd look for the information but don't know what it is called to look for it what do you call it?

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Lea - my hubby just asked me to look into a landscaping license....will allow you to work with nurseries at wholesale as well. Have NOT looked for info yet. Maybe it is a state license? not sure.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Chele, a landscaping license would probably be more than what I'm looking for I think :)

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Usually to buy wholesale, you just need a business tax ID. Go get a DBA (doing business as) from your town or county, costs about $25. List yourself as some type of "plant" business. Then you can use the business ID on the from along with your SS# as your tax ID. Once you have the business ID you go to or call the place you what to buy wholesale form and just fill out their forms.
I know this as I used to run a herb products business out of my house in my spare time :) and did this to buy wholesale.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

aaaahhh but Lea - I'm sure you are a expert landscaper! ^_^

Thanks herbspirit!! That sounds rather easy!

i buy stuff at a nursery supply place in another town..i guess they do give discounts to people who buy a lot. the prices seems reasonable to me since it is much cheaper to buy from them than to buy from retailers even tho i only buy a few items and i dont pay shipping as we can stop by on the way to visit my mom.


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Ella, if my bag had two worms just think of how many there may have been hiding in all those bags of crocosmia! I'd check really carefully before I ate any leftover spaghetti that came out of your fridge! :)

LeBug, I hope your kitty turns out to be fine. Our cat had a bump that we had to get checked but it was just a cyst thankfully.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Lea, I got my seed-starting flats from Novosel. They have good prices and are currently having a sale on 4inch round pots and seed starting supplies:

You might want to check them out. Also free shipping on orders over $75.

Also, if you're posting ads on craigslist or elsewhere to sell plants, just mention that you recycle plastic pots. When I had my plant/yard sales last summer, someone brought me 2 large trash bags full of plastic pots, and other people brought smaller amounts. You can't beat free, and people are happy to recycle them. Before that I would hunt in recycle bins for plastic for plastic food containers and put holes in the bottom, but that was kind of a drag.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Herbsprit I was just thinking about you yesterday I found some comfrey seeds if you want them, I figured you probably have them but thought I would ask I never could get them growing from seed and broke down and bought three plants from the classifieds last year :)

Thanks about the info on the license I’ll check into it this week now :) I have a place in Louisville here but I hate driving over there too much traffic! And they have changed the expressway so many times since I’ve been there but think I can get my room mate to take me over there but want to get a license before I go so many nice ‘extras’ that I remember being there I know I’m going to want to spend a bunch and can’t really afford it this year lol Figure that license will help a lot! I have no sense when it comes to buying plant paraphernalia LOL The thing that gets me they have gone up so much on labels too since I bought some last, they have almost doubled in price!

Did you have to claim any of you plant business on your taxes to be able to keep it?

Nope Chele lol My yard is one big collage wish I could put plants together to make people go Ah! Every time they looked at my yard lol I have had people stop and take pictures but it’s still just a collage! I can only imagine what it would look like if I knew what I was doing Ha!

Danita, I think this is just a cyst on Stump it moves when I touch it I just hate to put her thru the trauma of even going thru it she is so terrified when I take her out of her environment here in the house not like the other two. I just hope they can take care of it that day so she doesn’t have to go back :)

Perenniallyme, I’ve checked out Novosel back when they were having their sale in Nov. but to me they just seem a little high but I was going to go ahead and order some six packs from them anyway and missed the sale then they didn’t even have them listed so guess they sold out. Lynn has sent me some now so I hope I won’t be needing anymore I’m just waiting on them to arrive just can’t believe she did that it was so sweet of her!

I was just skimming thru some sites the other day and seems like this site is a little cheaper on pots:

I won’t be putting my plants on Craig’s List I don’t trust that site too many weird people out there! I check the recycle places here but they save them for someone else :( Plus from what I have seen when I was selling plants and asked people to bring pots and such back for a discount on plants they don’t take much pains taking the plants out of esp. the six and four packs and they brought those back all ripped up and expected me to give them a discount on them I did but it kind of got my goat a bit :)

I have annual geranium babies this morning just poking their little heads up! I have four seed trays of them planted with 15 seeds in each tray I’m going to be doing some transplanting in a few days LOL Not counting all the little lisanthus seedlings that I want to transplant, think I’ll do the lisanthus seedlings in six packs when they get here from Lynn (thank you so much Lynn!) think they would grow faster in six packs than trying to get them going in 3” pots? I’ve always hated putting a tiny seedling in a three inch pot looks like it would take them longer to grow what is your alls opinion?

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Ella - I received your package!! THank YOU!! I have never seen such little flats - so cute and perfect!! ^_^ And can I say wow to the potting soil. WOW! It is amazing compared to the MG I've been using. I really think I'm going to have to start making my own.

Now to find some really good flats - not the flimsy things I find and have to replace each year because they crack and break.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Chele, you are not going to believe this BUT lol I went to a yard sale our church was having a few years back and guess what I found in the trash, about 35 of those web trays!

Check Big lots out if you have one near unless you need a bunch of trays are they the ones without the holes? Not web trays? Wal Mart two years ago had the whole set up a dome, flat and those too small of a six packs I think but they had under those little six packs a seed tray too without the holes in them I just had to make holes and it's so sturdy! The trays are too don't care much for the dome but it works. It was all for $2! Six seed trays, a flat and the dome is all I use out of it but what a bargin I thought! Wal Mart doesn't sell them here anymore but I did find them at Big Lots last year haven't been there this year to find out if they do this year.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I wonder if you could post on that you are looking for pots? I used to save all mine ages ago, and finally took them to Daylily gardens one year when she said she could use them. Those were the big ones, but if people have the little ones too...

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

klstuart Lynn is sending me some but I don't think we have a free cycle here other than where I go to do my recycling don't want my addy on any site like that even here :)

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Hmm, usually it's pretty anonymous until you find someone that has what you're looking for, then you exchange whatever info you need to to get the item. Could even arrange to meet somewhere other than your home I'm sure. I'll check on your area..

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm on a local free cycle, and you dont post your addy.
when you post a "want" or "offer" - someone replies and that goes to your email. then the tow of you correspond thru email.

Only one time i did not "feel" comfortable and told the person i was no longer interested.

I had a bunch of ladies come over last summer and take plants. [Pot Marigolds] and I got a great convection oven!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lea. If you get a license, ye s you have to claim yoru business on income tax. Ye s you have to report yoru sale s evry month on or before the 20th even if you don't have any sales. You have to report city taxes. to by the 20th and county taxes, nto onyl for yoru hoem area your sellign in, but any othe r area s you may be selling in in yoru state that requir eit.

If you miss a ta x report date it an automatic fifty to hundre d dollar fine seperate to both the state and the local city/county taxe places .

A nursery licens e is abotu a 100 bucks here. Then you stil have to have a regualr business licens e too. that about another 80 bucks or so.

Cheles.. That mix is what is known as Fafard seed starting mix. You cna make it yoru self using spagumn moss, perlite and vermiculite, but just not a s fine , or you cna buy bags of jiffy mix which is somethign clos e to it.

The only thign is jiffy mix is not a s fine. Now somebody forget who suggeste d ot me using a blender to maybe take somethign liek Jify and gridn it down into a mix mix like what I use. Haven't tried it yet though.

I need to put soem smalle r bags of the stuff together and maybe list on classifie d or market palce for folks who can;'t get it readily in their areas.

Danita. Oh gross!!!!!!! I didn't have spagettii in the fridge but have been eating left over s of chinese food and chinese noodle stuff.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Yep you have to be careful about postign yoru addy for place s liek craigs list and such. Thinkign abotu the guy here o Dg that lost abotu fifty big pots of trees and knwo of somebody els e who when they was gone somebody helpe d themselve s to their pots and gardens and such.

Good idea to meet someplace els e and then look at their car and make it dont follow you home.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Ella been there :) I've got a friend that said she would order pots for me if I need more sounds like a lot of trouble and with a lot of paper work like you are talking about I will always get into trouble some how so think I will just stay away from it lol

Going to watch the game over at a friends b back later :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I read about that guy wasn't that awful you just never know!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>Going to watch the game over at a friends b back later :)

Me too. getting ready to head out. be back after the game.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW... no posts.... was everyone watching the game??

Lea & Veronica ... Sorry about Indy... even though i do love Indy and the Colts... I was happy to see NO win.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning. Lookign at a world of frost out there. I didn't watch the game but am watchign bit s and piece s of replay on tv this morning.

Goan try and see what else I cna sow late r today. Also kickign myself for not following some of my own normal practices from just getting into a hurry.

Ha d got some hybridize d Dahlia seed from a company and didn't take time to fiv e them a H202 quickie bath. Wel this mornign I am paying for it as the cells are covere d with fungal mold.

Forgot that even though I go tthem from a company , it wa s nto from a commercial company with sealed checke d commercial seeds, so those seeds ha d infection that wa s carrie d on them from the mother plant as the seed heads dried.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Oh no Starlight! So sad. I have a bunch of Dahlia seeds, what ones did you lose?

I actually did the same thing. Was looking at my plugs the other day, and realized I totally forgot about H202 this first time! I guess most of them were too small a seed to soak, or the pelletized begonias that would just dissolve, but some of them definitely could have used a little bath and I was in too much of a hurry! Luckily nothing has struck yet... will be bathing seeds today before I plant!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks KL. I have more of them. It just they came from a huge field where alot fo cross breedign woudl have gone on and the ones I lost could have possibly had the most beautiful seedling in there. With hybridized seed like that each one is a surprise.

I feel liek I got the box of cracker jacks that somebody already took the toy surprise out of. LOL teach em to stop and not skip steps. Send myself to seed sowign tiem out corner to read my personal manual. LOL : )

Wow. Seeign all the snow that folsk got again and hearign they gonan get more. Sure hoep folsk are safe and warm. See lot sof folks in areas cold and no electric. Hope all our gang has some or someplace warm.

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