Best places to buy historic iris

Central, SC

Can someone tell me the best places to buy some historic iris? I'm looking for the really old ones. Thank you everyone!!

Raleigh, NC

HIPS - Historic Iris Preservation Society - they have a yearly fundraiser to promote historics

Winterberry's has a lot - that 's Don and Ginny Spoon's place up in Cross Junction VA

and i've heard that Superstition Gardens has quite a few.

ARGH - my post disappeared again! what's with that- it's happening a lot lately. (((grumble))) had to retype this

Central, SC

Thank you, Bonjon!!!

Raleigh, NC

y' welcome

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Stoney Creek Iris has quite a few.

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

BlueJ Iris has alot of them.

Central, SC

Thank you grannymarsh and grannyh. I'll check them out. I'm crazy about Blyth iris, and Keppel and Ghio.....but there's something about the very old historic iris that I love. I've got to have some of those too. :o) Thanks again.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Probably the largest collection is Argyle Acres in Texas
They are wonderful to work with

Central, SC

Thank you avmoran!!

Santa Ynez, CA

I personally have to say Superstition, they have a lot and are great quality........

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Speaking of Historics, I've researched this one for two years. I found it in South Dakota near where an old hotel used to be.....
I think it's Flavesence.... any tips, approvals, objections or suggestions? &:-)

Thumbnail by naomimade
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

another pic

Thumbnail by naomimade
Central, SC

Thanks makj !

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

I have some I call "similar to flavescens" but they have not
been identified as such. Very pale yellow, weak blossoms
fading to near white after a few days in the sun. Not quite
a match for the description in the HIPS album.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi Oldgardenrose, these look very much the same.... how would we find out? I thought of purchasing some and then comparing...

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Here is a pic that I borrowed from the HIPS website... I know, I know.... lots of iris look the same, but are not....
but look!

Thumbnail by naomimade
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

The HIPS description includes some fragrance I do not
recall my irises having. The blossom appears to have
more substance than mine. I have some pics of them
wet and they are nearly transparent.

From what little I know of irises, there can be hundreds
if not thousands of them in circulation without any true
pedigree available.

If you are a member of HIPS, they have an annual sale
of historics giving you first choice. If not a member, the
enrollment rate is something like $24 for 3 years. Well
worth the money.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

This is a sample of the difficulty of identifying irises
by photo only. I posted this one on the HIPS 'identi-
fication forum' and had over 100 hits but only one
guess attempt and it was not even really close in
my opinion. As you and others have said, the best
way to id an iris is to buy one of known pedigree
and compare them side-by-side.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Not such a bad fate.... I'll probably end up joining the AIS as well! &:-)

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Try here!!! I have never found this site after many searches until this year. He has quite a few and I ordered several from him this year.

bfilardi Website:

Central, SC

Thank you estrail1rider!!

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a) old? I am slowly increasing my collection of pre-1940 irises.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

nice web-site, but I wish there were pics of the Historics

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

As info for those who do not receive the HIPS semi-annual Roots journal, on the
inside cover, page 2, there is a question about changing the designation of pre-
1950 irises to 'heirloom'. Makes a lot of sense to separate the early historics
from the new historics. I have kids born before 1980 and I do not consider them
to be historics.

Raleigh, NC

I love that idea!

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

oldgardenrose...Yep...I have been hoping we could get this done!! Although...I wish Historic would designate the older ones.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Oldgardenrose.... your kids! ha ha ha!!! good laugh... and how true! &:-)

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

You can select a 10-year time frame with the HIPS pics and see a definite change from one period to the next. 1930-1940 irises have a distinct appearance of the germanica variants where 1940-1950 begins the same but changes to a more modern appearance of ruffles in the standards and wider falls as you approach 1950.

For the sake of cataloging, I would like to see the pre 1900 irises listed as historics with 1900-1950 listed as heirloom. Until I gained a spare tire, I had clothing older than the so-called historic irises. I still have my military shoe brush from '58.

Feel free to chime in. Good way to while away the days until spring.

Raleigh, NC

for designation purposes, any iris over 30 years old is designated an historic by the AIS.

Which means, this year, we have irises introduced in 1980 being labeled historic.

So, a LOT more than just the 1950s. In fact, most of our "standards" are historics, or soon will be.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Info for the original question if you missed it the first time around.

Cherryvale, KS

I usually get some iris from He has old-new and is usually cheap. The garden is located on #25 at Colorado City at KOA campground.

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