My first "head pot" oh boy oh boy oh boy!!

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

I have been cruising through lots of the threads here on the container garden forum while getting through these snowy winter days. Thanks to all of you I am now LOADED with ideas for the garden when summer comes. I have started frequenting some of my local stores looking for things to quench my container thirst lol and today I found my first "head pot" at Tuesday Morning! There were only 2 and I bought them both.

This message was edited Feb 1, 2010 5:56 PM

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

These were only $20 which I thought was pretty good since the stone ones I have found on line can be quite pricey. My cat Emmie was a bit miffed at first to be sharing here favorite spot for watching the world go by with my new container lol. I can't wait to plant some sedum in it this spring.

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Here is her pretty bun in the back. I also did a quick run through Hobby Lobby and picked up a few things. they always seem to have stuff half off even when they first get it!

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Tulsa, OK

Beautiful pot and beautiful kitty!! Happy planting - can't wait to see what you plant in them!

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks ultimateshopper! And any suggestions of what to plant in it would be welcome. :-)

Phoenix, AZ

What a gorgeous cat!

Orange, CA

I am envios of the cat and the heads. Lucky you.

Love both the head planter and the beautiful cat.

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone - and Emmie says thanks too!

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

While continuing in my skulking around for garden containers I came across these garden faces that were on sale (I think the store may be going out of business). I love faces. I got one years ago while on vacation which I loving seeing every time I pass it and I wish I had gaotten a few others at the time. So I was thrilled to find these so reasonable. I will tuck them in the beds along the pathways so they are sort of a surprise peeking up at you.

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks to the threads on this forum I have really been into heads and faces. I also like tucking fairy tale stuff in the garden too. And animals! We can't forget animals lol! I have lots of hedgehogs here and there. What kind of stuff do you like to tuck into your garden? (I'm going to see if I can find any pictures of my face or the hedgehogs.)

I have the leaf face on the upper right hand corner of your photo. I have had it for years we attached it to a gate. I have two hedgehogs one is a raingauge and the other is one of those on a swing. I am going to be on the lookout for a head planter.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)


what a great find!
where did you get her? I have been wanting one and the ones I have seen are $$.


Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi daylilydreams - what a coincidence! I am so glad I found those leaf faces. I love tucking faces around the garden! I would love to see your hedgies too.

Hi Lori! I found this head at a store called Tuesday Morning we have here in town. Its kind of like an upscale Big Lots (which I also love lol). They had two of these heads when I was there a few weeks ago. When I saw the head planters here on the container forum planted with all kinds of stuff that looked like hair I rushed back thinking I would be too late. But they were both still there so I got them both. I will keep one for myself and the other I will donate to my daylily club's annual auction. I will bring it with something planted in it. This is our big fund raiser so I am on the lookout all year long for stuff that I think would cause a bidding riot lol! I know this will be a super seller. :-) By the way, they were only $19 each. They are made of resin and I think the cement ones are a lot more.

Here is one of my hedgehogs popping out of a pot in the background of this photo. The cat birdbath was a recent Christmas present from my nephew. Boy, the front stoop sure looks barren without the usual summer pots.

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

We have them here to. I am going to call around tomorrow and see if any of our stores have them.

Thanks for sharing.


Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

I know its a bit to early here to put out potted plants as we still might get an April freeze. But I just couldn't help myself when I saw some lovely sedums and sempervivum. So here is Caliope all decked out with her new hair lol. I can always bring her inside (and kjeep her away from my foliage crunching kitties) if the temps plummet.

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

What's planted in Caliope's head(Hair)?

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Pippi - I don't have the tag any more but I think it is sedum 'Angelina'.

I ended up donating this pot with its sedum planting to my daylily club's annual fund raiser auction and it brought in a nice tidy sum! I do have a second pot that I bought at the same time I bought the first one. This one I will hang on to lol!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Do you mind sharing where you purchased "Caliope?" I've never seen them at any garden center locally where I live, that is why I'm asking. I would think the shipping cost would be a lot because of the weight. What happens if you have one shipped and it arrives broken? What's one's recourse then? Pay return shipping cost to company? Are these heads heavy; they look like they are made from concrete.

Another question I had was how does one know what plant will look and grow "right" for the head? Are the plants always in the succulent or fern families?

This message was edited Dec 10, 2010 9:31 AM

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Pippi - I found the pot at a store here called "Tuesday Morning" (because thats when they get their deliveries lol) Its kind of like a Big Lots for more expensive stuff. I bought the last two they had and haven't seen them there since. Also, I don't think the pot would break during shipping because it is made of resin and not ceramic. Its very light also. I will look around on the internet and see if I can see if someone else has them for sale.


Quote from lilyfantn :
Hi daylilydreams - what a coincidence! I am so glad I found those leaf faces. I love tucking faces around the garden! I would love to see your hedgies too.

Hi Lori! I found this head at a store called Tuesday Morning we have here in town. Its kind of like an upscale Big Lots (which I also love lol). They had two of these heads when I was there a few weeks ago. When I saw the head planters here on the container forum planted with all kinds of stuff that looked like hair I rushed back thinking I would be too late. But they were both still there so I got them both. I will keep one for myself and the other I will donate to my daylily club's annual auction. I will bring it with something planted in it. This is our big fund raiser so I am on the lookout all year long for stuff that I think would cause a bidding riot lol! I know this will be a super seller. :-) By the way, they were only $19 each. They are made of resin and I think the cement ones are a lot more.

Here is one of my hedgehogs popping out of a pot in the background of this photo. The cat birdbath was a recent Christmas present from my nephew. Boy, the front stoop sure looks barren without the usual summer pots.

Couple of years too late for this forum, but had to say how much I love your sleeping cat birdbath. I didn't realise it was a birdbath until I read your comments - so cute. I also love your little metal table, and note it has provision for hanging pots as well - awesome!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

We have several Tuesday Morning stores in our area, and we go browsing in them every once in a while. The one 1 mile from us, my husband finds audio books for a reasonable price. The other store is about 9 or 10 miles away..but a nicer store. Different locale, different clientel!

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