Magnetic Island

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Check out what's been happening here on the weekend...thankgoodness,no devastation down our end of the beach.........

Thumbnail by MyaC
barmera, Australia

Wow Mya that looks pretty rough. Glad you're okay though. Colleen

Sydney, Australia

Mother Nature can be so destructive and at other times so beautiful. It is sad to see those large trees uprooted and those palms almost horizontal, lots can be rebuilt or fixed but not these.
I have been in Tweed when there was a king tide and a hundred year flood at the same time and I have seen the damage that causes.
Thank you for posting that link.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Great photos Mya, I'm glad that your part of paradise wasn't affected.
We had a king tide last year and we watched the water rising up the beach, nothing violent like yours
but it certainly makes you think about how insignificant we are.

Glad you are ok mya ...the moon has been at it's closest point to the Earth and the pull on the tides has been at it's strongest.
I have lived on rivers, lakes and by the sea and at these times of the moon being closest to Earth always brings flooding
Nature is both beautiful and terrifying just as Australia is.
Stay safe.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Excellent pics mya. It must have been awesome to experience. Has everything calmed down a bit now? Glad your garden survived it all too.

townsville, Australia

Mya great pics, glad to hear you are ok, how did your garden fair with all the weather.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

do any steel boats ever stick to your island?

Alstonville, Australia

Ha Ha Ha very funny.
This was Waterfall Way at Dorrigo, 40 k's west of Coffs Harbour heading to Armidale 2009.
Road was closed for months.

Thumbnail by hel
townsville, Australia

Hel great pic, very scary, looking at that you can see how people can get washed away. I was listening to the news on the way in to work this morning and 2 people killed in the floods down south, very very sad for the families.

Alstonville, Australia

Shell, nature can be so devastating and cruel yet it can be beautiful and gentle also.

Thumbnail by hel

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