whats happening to Daves

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Your a busy person this morning.
Why do you want everyone to quit this site?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

All my friends are here but to have a new company say Dave is only welcome as a member when he created the site and this new company doesnt give him a say so in it. Daves is not Daves without Dave and many of us probaly will leave. read the threads alot have said so not just me

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I don't think it's necessary for you to take everyone with you.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

From what I've read of most of the posts is that most of us are adopting a wait and see attitude and carrying on as usual. Lets not all jump ship before we find out if the ship is sinking or not.

Belton, TX

My two cents...wait and see is always good...and have you looked at the other sites lately?...they are constantly experiencing technical difficulty...lost data, lost communication, lost trades!!

From the five or six threads that I have read concerning the changes as to Dave's future, it seems to be a very confusing and perhaps uninformed amount of discussion on the subject. I admire Dave and I believe I will trust his judgement on the subject and take any facts or information from him that he chooses to provide publically.

Those that believe they are making some kind of a protest are certainly entitled to do so since we do live in a county of freedom...just as the rest of us are entitled to make our own decisions...good gardening!

Enid, OK

I think there is a lot going on here that some folks don't understand. Granted, there will be changes here, maybe for the better, maybe not. The only choice we have in the matter is subscribing or not.

Obviously, the new owners of the site did not just jump in and kick Dave out. Dave had to have sold his rights to the previous owners or the site could not have been sold without his negotiation. The previous owners had a use for Dave, the new owners do not; that's business.

I have only been a member of this site since Oct. 2009 and have not grown with Dave's and do not have the emotional connection some of you do. Those of you that have been here from the beginning have seen lots of changes. Hang in there and consider this one more change, this is a great site and it has come a long way in the 10 years Dave has been here.

I am planning on seeing what happens before I jump ship. It is my opinion that Dave was compensated for his time by the previous owner; the new owner does not "owe" Dave anything - he had alreay sold his rights.

Belton, TX

I totally agree, Enid and you said it much better than I did...!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Enid, thats what I posted on the other site that is discussing this matter. We should all just calm down and see what happens. So I'm with you. Just going to keep on doing what I've been doing on DG and wait it out. I also joined in late 2009 so I'm still a newbie.

Jasper, AR(Zone 7a)

Not a newbie--10 years here this year--but I am adopting the "hide and watch" attitude too. There are many many things I like about DG--ease of use is the main one. There are also things I don't like. When you sell a car do you still get to drive it? Not usually--Dave was able to keep drivng this vehicle for a long time after he sold it. We can only hope that the new owners keep driving it along the same road it has been on, and any detours they make are hopefully for the better. I do wish Dave and his family all the best in the coming years and many thanks for developing a wonderful "vehicle" for us gardening folk.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

If Dave wanted to remain in control of DG, he shouldn't have sold it. He sold it; therefore it's not his baby anymore. Frankly I'm surprised he sold it and still wanted to work for it. Why sell a company if you still want to run it? Maybe the money was good? Sentimentality? Once you sell it, you no longer make the decisions for it. I don't know why that surprises everyone. Now Dave has an opportunity to move in a different direction and perhaps create something else or do something else he's always wanted to do. Change is often good!

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