What have you started from seed so far this year?

west allis, WI(Zone 4b)

I'm curious what you have started so far. Please share................thank you....b

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Smooth Aster, BlueBird
NY Aster, Woods Purple
Hardy Algeratum
Aclaea Simplex, "Elstead"
NY Aster, "Professor Kippenburg"
Monarda, Lemon Balm
M. bradburiana, Horsemint
M. didyma "Panorama Mix"
Blue Delphinium
Erinus alpinus, Alpine Liverwort
Joe Pye, Gateway
NoID Bee Balm
M. Bee Balm, Marshalls Delight
Agastache, orange
Veronica, Iron Weed
Verbena Hastata, Pink Spires
Huerchera, TIramisu
Huerchera, Caramel
Veronica, Darwin's Blue
Hardy Ageratum
"Butter cups"
Purple Pygmy, Agastache
Purple Larkspur
English Lavender
Shasta Daisy
Agastache, Apricot Sprite
Salvia sclarea, Clary Sage
Phlox, Peppermint Candy
Montana Cornflower
Liatris, White
Jap. HoneyWort
Obiedient Plant
Penstemon Red Rocks
Penstemon Smallii 'Violet Dusk'

this is my list of currently winter sown seeds.

I still have A LOT more to do.

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

That's a HUGE list, tcs!

I'm just about to get my seed starting project rolling this week. I've even thought about starting some annual seeds and selling them "yard sale" style from my front yard (we get a lot of drive-by traffic). Seems like a good way to make a little extra cash for gardening projects. I still have to research a bit on which seeds I want to start.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I wont even get to my annuals for some time... and still ahve more perennials to sow...

if you see any on that list you may like to have... let me know and i can bring them to the RU.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Salvia Rose Queen, heliotrope, cynoglossum, platycodon grandiflorus, arabis caucusica, rosa chinensis and just today, Cascade petunias in pink, soft pink, blue, burgundy and orchid. I have ten years of seed starting data and I have tweaked it so that I start, hopefully, not too early or too late. If I start perennials this early they usually bloom the first year. I particularly find that the Salvia Rose Queen I grow from seed (J.L. Hudson) is much tougher than the plants I buy.

I start them all under shop lights in my basement.


This message was edited Feb 7, 2010 6:28 PM

Thumbnail by DonnaMack
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Donna... is that your Rose Queen?? it's pretty. I got seeds in a swap... will be growing them this spring.

forgot to add....

I've already got 63 containers winter sown. maybe half done... though i do have over 250 varieties of seeds... I bet i'll be direct sowing a bunch as i'll never WS them all.

This message was edited Feb 7, 2010 9:12 PM

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes, it's Rose Queen. I started 12 seeds in December and have 5 nice little plants. I was pleased because the seed was several years old. I've had to pot them into larger containers twice. They'll bloom this year.

I love the color, and it's different. Most salvia is dark purple or dark blue. This is different!


Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Oh you guys put me to shame! I have done NOTHING yet, then again we were in the middle of a bathroom renov. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. lol

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

cece -- right now, ya figure your bath is more important... you'll still have time to get a few containers out before spring... ya figure - some years it takes a long time to get here.

Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, Donna, I am watching you then. I only started growing stuff up here last year and didn't do a whole lot from seed, so I will start what you start. Do you do everything inside? Is your data in a shareable form?

can I be a bigger pest? ^_^

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

GG -- here is my spreadsheet... just click the 2010 tabs.

It's up to date from the 6th i think... though i have not done any sowing since the 5th.


Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

tcs, that's a wonderful spreadsheet. You're so organized!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL.. it's an illness. Wish i could be that organized in my house though.

Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

It gives me something to aspire to...now if I can just get my butt in gear to actually WS something. Maybe today, there's a nice blankie of snow coming down.

But first to Jewel, just in case we get the worst of it. I think I saw that swirl on the radar turn the wrong way for us (giving us lake effect snow north of the city).

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I think you are closer to the lake than i am. I think i'm about 30 miles west. It's just been light and steady here... maybe a total of 2" on the ground.... so not bad.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Fellow Grayslaker (wish I'd made it to Jewell),

No, you are not a pest (isn't the snow ridiculous this morning?) What I have is nuts - I have been collecting data since 2000. And it's all long hand. I record everything. It's absurd. If you put up shop lights in your basement, and install timers, you can go crazy (and I do).

February 9, 2009: high of 53, low of 28
Deeded in half of a 24 cell:
3 in 3 Double Cascade Blue Petunia (Swallowtail), surface
3 in 3 Cascade Burgundy Petunia (Swallowtail), surface – used 2007 seed
3 in 3 Cascade Orchid Mist Petunia (Swallowtail), surface
3 in 3 Cascade Pink Petunia (Swallowtail), surface

February 18, 2009
3 of 3 Cascade Burgundy (11 days with 2007 seed from Swallowtail): 100%
3 of 3 Cascade Orchid (11 days): 100%
2 of 3 Cascade Pink Petunia (Swallowtail), 11 days

March 16, 2009
Potted up in three cell packs: 73 days
3 Doubles Cascade Burgundies (2 strong, one weak)
3 Double Cascade Blues (1 strong, 2 weak)
3 Double Cascade Orchids (2 strong, one weak)

May 9, 2009
Outside to harden off:
3 Double Cascade Blue (Swallowtail)
2 Double Cascade Burgundy (Swallowtail)
1 Double Cascade Pink
3 Double Cascade Orchid (Swallowtail)



Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm putting my stuff in a spreadsheet, I can type for longer than I can write, legibly at least. I have an old laptop I can take outside with me if need be. It's great for listening to podcasts and music while I'm working outside.

Amazingly, we seem to have missed most of the snow this year. Even with this storm, we're not getting anything like the mid-atlantic did, and will again.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, I agree with you, a spreadsheet is better. A word document works for anal but impulsive people like me because you don't have to worry about cells. I also love your idea of listening to podcasts and music as you garden. I have been using an MP3 player, but poeple think you're wacko when you are singing along to something they can't hear.

You know, you're right about the snow. They got 42 inches. This is nothing (pretty too!)


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

When I'm out back in the field gardening... I always have my headset on, ,usually singing... but the only ones out there with me are my dog and the neighbors dog.

for the snow... i did see Karen [bluespiral] say they got 30" on saturday, with another 10-20 on the way... yikes.

we probably have about 3" on the ground, if that.

BUT -- yes, snow-wise, we have been let off easy again this year.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Good for you! We're up to about a foot, but that's OK. Better than 40 inches. And wow, it's pretty.

tcs - 250 different seeds to start? Impressive. Do you start all of your seeds via winter sowing? How do you manage them all once they've sprouted?
Was down in TN for 2 1/2 weeks - got back into Midway on the 10th which was touch and go. Down in TN they had snow and cancelled school for 4 days. They're not equipped to deal with more than a couple of inches of snow down there.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Cindy... i dont know if i will get that many done... but I do have just over 250 seed varieties.

I give some plants away, take some to the RV park where i live in the summer months... and dig small holes and plunk them in the ground. I do think i will be direct sowing a bunch too.

I think I've just over 50 different ones to start this spring. I either start them indoors or do a little direct sowing like morning glories or nasturtiums. I only do a few tomatoes as far as veggies go - too much shade - and I'm branching out a little in herbs in pots so that I can move them around to catch the sun.

west allis, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi, sorry I haven't been around.............I went for a 10 day visit to California!!I was in Anza Borego Desert to see the desert in bloom and it was GREAT. While I was out there in California I also visited garden centers in the bay area and of course I bought some neat seeds to try.While I was gone all my baby seedlings did good.I have baby articoke plants {someone from California sent me the seeds and yes I know that artichokes don't usually grow in Wisconsin} that are about 5 inches tall.I also have 4 cotton plants that are about 3 inches tall too.I have never seen cotton plants or have any idea on them so when the seeds came my way I was like What the heck lets try them and see what happens!! My regular s seedlings are doing good {perennials} too. The question I have is when do I start my annuals? I was thinking around St. Patricks day. What do you think?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm back after a long absence and need to get sowing again.

i was able to snag some Gaillardia seeds while in Fla... they were blooming quite nicely -- but found some spent heads.
I have no idea 'what' they are.... One had a larger bloom, a cream and reddish color. the other was yellow.

babs -- as for your annuals ... I think I plan to start mine at the end of March or early April... our weather is not that different. Are you starting them inside or more "spring sowing" ?

west allis, WI(Zone 4b)

Thank you tcs..........I always start getting the"gardeners itch" this time of year and just want to start things too early. Its a real nice day here and I'm almost tempted to get my motorcycle out. But I'll wait till all the snow is melted first.........but it is very tempting!!! The temps are getting it the 40s here during the day...........spring is coming!!!

west allis, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi, I found this article on growing artichokes in our climate. Thought you might be interested in seeing that I'm not totally off my rocker for trying to grow artichokes.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3287-2005Jan12.html?referrer=emailarticle

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