Rudbeckias Part 2

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Gotta love em! Thread continued from here:

OK, I have a question, while I am trying to resist yet another seed order. Thompson and Morgan lists Kelvedon Star and shows this picture, which definitely shows dark brushstrokes near the eye that are really distinctive. However, when I googled Kelvedon Star, I also see some that have red, same with the plantfiles photo, there is a rusty tone.
If any of you have grown Kelvedon Star, does it look like this photo?

picture from T&M catalog

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I was wondering what that one looked like myself! I got seed for it in a trade.. guess I best plant it to see!

I bet Jon knows!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I ordered those from T&M too. I hope they are like the picture, but lighting will always play in photos.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

They are too pretty and I can just see so many landscaping options with that contrast, they get fairly tall from what the description says.

...almost hoping someone's going to say it stinks and isn't worth ordering, because I'm going to be way too impatient to see the true!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Never heard of that one, but do like it. Haven't looked through any of the catalogs that have arrived in the past month. Once March gets here then its time to start seeds for the summer. It's basically too late right now to start anything for the cooler winter season.

Existing rudbeckias and echinacea have all started back into their spring growing down here. After several months of doing nothing they are all "greening up" and just entering the blooming cycles. Here's Echinacea "Harvest Moon" putting out its first blooms of the year yesterday.


Thumbnail by amorecuore
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Now that's the kind of sensibility and restraint I need to hear more of..don't even look at the catalogs! lol

mega zone envy, the only blooms I have now are pansies and violas in's the view peeking out the back door last night..not for long though...brrrr

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

That looks like the results from this weekends "Southern" winter storm. Pansies are violas are great. They are tough plants in cold weather.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

This was a really great snow, sledding for hours...oh I hurt now, though!

Pansies and violas are really the only reliable bloomers through our winters, but even some of them are looking pretty beat up from all the ice we have had. I probably will try to grow more next year, I really like the delta pansies

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Kara, looks like you got a bit more snow than we did...Lots of ice on the top, though. I should've made that trip to your house before it all started;) Soon, soon.
Now what am I doing on this thread?? You know I am a crazy fool for ruds and didn't really get a chance to collect seeds from the ones I already had. No catalogs...trying not to look...argh!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I was thinking that pansies probably did pretty good in NC in the winter. I would guess you get plenty of cold weather, but not for long durations of time. I read that they most important thing is to make sure they're damp before you get a long cold spell. That way there's still plenty of moisture around the roots. If they're dry, and it freezes for a long time, they don't have the ability to absorb moisture for protection from cold (because there isn't any moisture around the roots).

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well look at you, Jon......who would of thought you were in Florida. Ha Ha

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL. I'm like most Floridians. We're from the North originally and came here for the weather. Not many true Floridians in South Florida. Is Calgary still growing pretty fast Joanne? There's been a steady migration of young people moving there in the past decade.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Bev! How much snow did y'all get your way? We got a little ice but not enough to mess things up. No kidding, definitely have to make the trip up there, it's been too long. Appreciate the earlier intervention about the Cherry Brandy, I think I can wait at least a week before I have to order them now. I hope you already sensed I was planning to send you some seeds, lady ;)

Yes, amorecuore, pansies and violas do well here in the winter, mine are in containers up on the porch, not much protection from winds. We have had some interesting winter weather this year, but overall our weather is just unpredictable. Can't complain too much though, it's great to have a beautiful sunny day right after 8+ inches of snow like we did today. Totally enjoyed a day of snow play

joanna, earlier in the snowstorm when I was going stir crazy I saw your thread about your swingset cold it! I have an old swingset and one of those old clotheslines I may have to put plastic over and try if things grow well this spring. My GH is very small and I'm already out of space.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b) amorecuore, I think NC is the new South Florida. I'll be nice, I'd probably want to get away from the cold, too

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Jon, Yes, Calgary's population more than doubled in the last decade. Our road systems really are not designed for 1-million + . I hate the rush hour traffic. Not only Calgary, but all the nearby towns have grown into their own cities. A lot of commuters too.

Tropicanna, It's amazing how creative one becomes in desperation....anyways that's my story. That swingset really saved me that year. I'm very excited since I had two 15 amp lines run to the greenhouse in the fall and I now have a light and 4 plugs for the heater and fan. I use a propane heater for the main heat source and an electric one for added heat or emergency heat and also for the air movement since it has a fan.

We had snow here too. Mind you, probably a bit cooler . -10ºC or 14ºF, with a wind chill of -20ºC or -4ºF. I took the kid shopping to a garden centre and she picked out a little trinket. A small spade with the following carved in the handle "Gardening is Cheaper than Therapy" If she only had the slightest knowledge of what I spend on gardening.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Kara, you're the bestest:)) We really do need to get into some trouble (again). I've had to be far too good for far too long.
Don't know about anyone else, but my pansies were just beginning to show some color before the storm. They survived the ground frozen solid, but wouldn't flower. This past week saw them beginning to put out some nice blooms...wonder how long it'll take them to bounce back from this?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

They'll probably bounce back from the snow real fast since they were already beginning to bloom. It seems like many plants react, and begin growing again, based on the daylight hours beginning to lengthen as spring approaches. It's not like the temperatures in February are all that different from December and January. Perhaps something else is telling them to "get going" again. Anyone agree with this theory?

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Don't know personally, but am keeping my fingers crossed. I'm ready for some color!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

tggfisk, our weather has been so up and down....I thought it was just me but even at garden centres, everyone's pansies look funky. I had been feeding mine before all the snow started, so I have some blooms but a some of the leaves look yucky. I plan to clean mine up after the next bout of winter weather is over

even my kniphofias look awful...I have been trying to convince my friend they're evergreen for me and now they'll never believe it

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Too funny, Trop...sometimes 'evergreen' is a state of mind (or leaf). Some of the epimediums are, evergreen. Tell that to the ratty foliage that I have to cut back in the spring;)
To funky pansy or not to funky pansy...better to have funky pansied than not to have pansied at all? I so need to get outta here, lol!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Have you been up all nite? LOL! My epis have been buried under slush, I finally saw a heuchera this morning. Pulmonarias are looking good, but even some of the evergreen ferns are...yep...funktified

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Feels like it;) Going to drag dd out to Logan's for...drumroll please...more seed shopping! They carry Renee's. Anything (we) particularly need?

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

omg! Are you getting snow? I cannot believe this!!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Logan's..Renee's?...hmm gonna have to look up on those, I'm sure there's something ;)

we have had some flurries on and off...can you believe 4 whole snows in one winter? wow...Tues. it's supposed to snow again :)

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh, man! At least it's good for the ws babies!

This message was edited Feb 6, 2010 11:42 AM

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Get Renee's Garden "Apricot Blush" zinnias and get some "The Joker" sunflower seeds. There's also a Lime Green and Apricot mix of zinnia seeds that's great.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Gotcha! If they're in stock, then you're in luck:))

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I love it, it's way warmer than it you'd think it would be :)

going to look up renee's

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Oops, I'm all set on those varieties Bev. I was just making a few recommendations based on how they've grown for me.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I really like the apricot/green mix...have you tried the crayon color, amorecuore>

tggfisk, I'm going to have to make a list..I doubt they'll have everything and I need to be talked out of some....trying not to go overboard
liking the
chantilly snapdragon
cerinthe (even tho it's probably too hot here for it, so pretty)
apricot/ geen and crayon colors zinnia
any of the double/frilly cosmos
cherries jubilee nasturtium (don't need it but love it)

...ok now the talking out of needs to start

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Ooh, the "Chantilly" snapdragons are excellent and grow quite well. They're a medium sized snapdragon/good for cutting. Currently I have the following zinnia mixes from Renees: Hot Crayon Colors, Cool Crayon Colors, Blue Point Bouquet and Raggedy Anne. Waiting till March/April to give them a try. Tried them in the winter and they're puny. I think they're NOT "daylength neutral".

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well do show them on the zin page jon! Zen is looking for the blues!

I saw Renees crayons. I held back and you know how hard thatis for me to do!

I hope I get all my coreopsis planted. I did cannas to pots yesterday, but have not watered them yet. They are just sitting in damp potting soil. Im not to in a hurry to get them wet yet!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL Blossom. You better cool it on the Cannas. Those things take off like rockets. I'm not sure why Renees Garden names it "Blue Point Bouquet" zinnias. There's no blue zinnias in the package.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, probably then like Bluestone calls themselves Bluestone! Silly me, here Im thinking blue zinnias on your post! LOL!

Well the hub just got off the Zambonee plowing snow. Guess its my turn next time. It was drifted in spots and we got some big piles!

I hope that dang gopher freezes his potatoes off. Dang trader anyways!

I best get watering the house plants before they all croak on me too.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL. You had me all breathless dashing for that seed pack thinkin there were blue zinnias in there. Ain't gonna happen. Sounds like you're settling in for a cold winters night.

Thumbnail by amorecuore
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

UM, ........jon, ......whaaaaath the heQQ is that thang??

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

HaHa, Jon's dream machine

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL C'mon Blossom. It's a zamboni. Doesn't look like yours?

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Go 'Canes! Ok, so this isn't really their year:(

Ok, Kara I picked up Apricot Blush Zinnias and Heirloom Zinna mix Granny's Bouquet plus I'll share a pack of Rud. Cherry Brandy...Guess I'll give them one more try in more sun this time. They didn't have sunflower 'The Joker'. I'm afraid that if I keep this up, I'll have to take the neighbor's yards by force instead of waiting for them to offer.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Go Big Red basketball (Cornell)!!! Ooh, ya got the "Apricot Blush" zinnias Bev. They're beautiful. Ditto, I'm trying the "Cherry Brandy" ruds one more time also. LOL At least buying seeds is less expensive than buying plants. No worries Bev.

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