Apropos of Nothing v.8

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

We came from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1069632/

This thread can't be derailed because there's no topic. HA!

Here's a macro of my cat Henry. Enjoy. ;p

Thumbnail by the1pony

and he is adorable!

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

He is dangerously cute. :)

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Looks like a lover!

Pony, Linda brought you a little tree. I have it if you want it.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Feisty is looking forward to playing her new game.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Both kitties are adorable!

Pony, we missed you at the seed swap. It was a grand time, and you definitely could have found some wonderful things to add to your growing collection!

Bea, we've missed you in general. Have you gotten your computer issues solved yet? I was thinking about you yesterday when we were preparing to wintersow some columbine and I was fondling my Leprechaun seeds! :)

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Julie..I bought a new computer while waiting for my brother to fix the old one. I really don't like Windows 7 yet and prefer XP. Thanks for missing me,but it has taken forever for my back to feel better. I do a little every day but can not seem to catch up.I am so ready for spring and the warmer weather so I can do more outside. I did go to the nursery today and picked up a few pansies which are easy to pot up. I have seeds laid out on my dining room table...just waiting to be planted outside and trays for my grow lights. Soon is the plan!! I hope you will be successful with the Leprechan columbine. It is a pretty varity.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Bea, may I beat a dead horse & suggest yoga? It can do wonders.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

I have heard that yoga or pilates would help but I am so un-coordinated I would probally get all twisted up and hurt my back again or fall on my face.LOL!

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

No, no! Look for hatha yoga, ideally from the Svaroopa people (that's what I teach, or could if I weren't too lazy). In my classes, we seldom even got off the floor. The teacher has no vested interest in making you do something that is out of your ability, but rather in giving you the best possible outcome.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Did everybody see this?


How about that!
Summerkid, I started a Kundulini yoga class a couple of weeks ago. I absolutely love it! Plus, I had lower back pain and remembered what you said about yoga. My back has felt great ever since I started. (I have no back injury, just getting older and do more than I should with the shovel). It's not the same as Hatha yoga, of course, but I do love it and love the teacher.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

I'm simply not familiar with Kundalini so recommend what I know.

One does have to be careful -- you do NOT want to get into a situation where you feel a need to measure up to anyone or anything. Lots of people have combined yoga with exercising, kickboxing, whatever, and to me that is anathema to what yoga truly should be. It should be more akin to meditation.

Once, in Portland, I went to a bikram class with Lisa and was horrified at the frenetic, competitive pace. I might as well have been running an obstacle course in boot camp.

that sounds hideous! Kundulini yoga is basically meditation with stretching poses. It is very relaxing. Fortunately, I am beyond trying to measure up to anyone. I have enough trouble keeping up with myself.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Mmmmmmm ... sounds delicious. If we ever have a gathering where we can secure even a large living room with carpet, I'd be more than happy to guide a hatha session.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

I second (or third or fourth) Summerkid's suggestion to try yoga - in any form. Or just stretching in general. When I am working at the computer for long periods, I open up the free version of Pandora (music streaming) and when it pauses, I think after about an hour, that is my signal to stand up and do some stretches, go get a glass of water, open the door and breathe some fresh air, pet the dog or cat, then come back to work. A 5 minute break can really rejuvenate a person.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Bea, Sorry to hear that your back is still bothering you. What a way to spend the winter!

I have been meaning to try yoga ... have a dvd ordered as a matter of fact. I really need to excersize to keep the back from aching so bad after a long day in the garden (which I am finally getting motivated to get back into and am in the worst shape I have ever been in!) I love to dance, and have several dance arobics dvd's from years past, but in my teeny tiny house now, that would be like putting the proverbial bull in the china shop.

Had to share this with you all. App. of nothing, but it made me giggle. Came from another garden website I participate in, and I am still snickering:

Thumbnail by Rarejem
Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

I'm still in Chicago so can't upload photos. You guys would die laughing if I could. About a week ago, I had HAD it with my hair -- it's thick & heavy & was getting long. So I pulled it all into a topknot & cut across the ponytail, losing a good 8 inches. It looked like a bad '70s shag or perhaps an Amanita mushroom but at least it wasn't in my way so much.

So last night, about 2 a.m., I'm horsing around on the computer & Jack gets up to go to the bathroom & I convince him to cut the raggedy bottom part of my hair so that it's even all around.

It seemed like a good idea to both of us at the time.

Suffice to say that this morning I look like the Little Dutch Boy, if the Little Dutch Boy had a crush on Sinead O'Connor & tried to cut his own hair.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Hmmm.... sounds..... hmmmmm... hard to imagine. Look on the bright side... hair grows back, and maybe you can start a new trend!?!

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

You have to be boss of your hair, and sometimes that takes drastic measures. Bravo, Summer!

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

It looks a tad more sophisticated than a bowl cut -- like if you used a Martha Stewart bowl.

You have to admire a man who will take scissors to his girlfriend's hair at her request. It must be love!

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

He loves me, no doubt about that, but I'm coming home a single woman.


(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Oh Oh. ????

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Sorry you're comming home alone Summer. At least you are not questioning where "home" is!

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Another something that I got in an e-mail, and figured that my garden friends would appreciate. Mom and Lynn both got a kick out of it, so I figured I would post it here for you all to enjoy. I honestly think that some of my friends who I have had tend my world for a weekend (including DH!) see it kind of like this.

The e-mail went like this:

Need a Favor,

Hi .... I need a small favor ... If it's not too much trouble.

I am going away on vacation, and I need a friend to come over to water my plants while I am gone.

The plants are mostly geraniums and begonias.

In the hot weather they'll probably only need water
twice a day. I'll be gone only 21 days. I've attached a photo for your reference.

I'll send you a post card.

Thanks. :-)

Supporting photo in the next post for effect.......................

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by Rarejem
Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh my goodness!! I think I may have actual nightmares about that image...

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Heavens to Betsy! Why would you do anything like that. Wow.

And funny.

This message was edited Feb 3, 2010 7:21 PM

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

That is almost enough to make me look at my gardening addiction...Nah.
Funny e-mail...somebody knows you and knew you would "get" it.

North Lakewood, WA(Zone 8b)

LOL, Julie! Maybe the tin foil hat with the straw would work.......

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I would never trust anyone with THAT!

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Eh, don't cry for me Argentina. We're still close. Although I think he felt glum to wake up in a dark, empty apartment this morning after I got antsy & took off for home about 3 a.m.

I think I've seen that photo somewhere before. I want to say that that is taken somewhere in Italy, but I can't remember for sure.

Summerkid, he's probably used to this kind of thing from you. You get the wild hair, then you are gone.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Yeah, although I felt pretty terrible when my cell rang at 5 a.m. & he said, "Where ARE you, honey? I thought maybe you went for a walk."

I think we both feel terrible in general about the whole situation.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Glad you enjoyed the photo. There are several making the e-mail circuts that I have seen several times, but this was a first for me, and my first reaction was WOW.... next was hmmm... I suppose you could run a soaker hose underneather the gutter and ...... Gads NO! My deck is bad enough!

Summer, I sooooo feel for you. It is very hard to be torn in two different directions....

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Well, normal people just make it work. They choose to be together & the other chips fall into place.

Well, I don't know about 'normal' people, not knowing any of those, but it's generally true that when people want to be together, they find a way to do so. That generally entails personal sacrifice of one kind or another. Although I admit that giving up living in Chicago or New York to live near the Oregon coast doesn't sound like much of a sacrifice to me.

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