What gets you going in the morning?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Are you a coffee person? Tea? Soda (yuck)?

What about breakfast? Large or small? What's your favorite?

Do you have a morning routine? What is it? Do you wake up the same time on the weekend?

I am a devout coffee lover. As I get older, I like it stronger and stronger. Just started grinding my own beans and what a difference! Should have done it long ago. I like the old 8 O'Clock brand. Don't like tea and hate soda.

I usually eat a small breakfast - no cooking! Usually some kind of toast. Currently, I really like the German Dark wheat bread. Yummy! Also like oatmeal in the winter.

I sleep later whenever I can. I like being up early. It's GETTING up that's the problem!

What about you?

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Even though I have not had to get up and out to work the last few years because I take care of my Mom, I still am the first one up. Six hours of sleep is about my limit to sleep, sometimes less, regardless of alarm clocks or anything else. Never could sleep in as most people can even when I was a teenager. First have a cup of tea with DH. Then after he leaves cup of coffee. Breakfast in summer usually yogurt and a handful of nuts of some sort, usually almonds. Winter the same except some days two fried egg whites when I make her breakfast. Once in a while, usually if it's snowin' and blowin' outside I'll have oatmeal. Glass skim milk or a second cup of coffee with breakfast. I am not a morning person but have adapted to having to interact with people a lot better than when I was younger, still want my coffee first.

North Augusta, ON

coffee...lots and lots of it.
I like to sleep in but rarely do. I just wake up. When I was younger I could easily sleep until 1pm. Not anymore, seems I can barely make it to 9am. Get up at 7am on school days.
Can't handle breakfast but have started taking daily vitamins and have to take them with food so I choke down an egg.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

PepsiCola! Yummy! cant get going without a cup of my syrupy, caffeine loaded, sweet, bubbly, cold soda in the am!

Then I have healthy stuff like a few Italian cookies and/ or a buttered roll. Get up at 5:30 then I'm in a comatose state until 9:30, that's when I wake up, (the 4hrs are a transition state to full awareness), then more Italian cookies and maybe a slice of Gouda cheese until lunchtime...

South Hamilton, MA

Sleep is strange since last summer, always waking up. My drink of choice mornings is skim milk. Never could stand coffee, not even mocha. Decided as a senior in HS (long time ago), to drink a cup of coffee every morning for Lent in an effort to learn to like it. Did NOT work, never so glad to see Easter in my life.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Funny, Lucy! My wife does not drink coffee either. Nor tea. No stimulants! Don't know how she can do it.

South Hamilton, MA

I will drink tea. Have diet green tea (cold) in the fridge now. I drink hot teas as well & think I will go & get hot chocolate now. You guys make me thirsty & it is cold outside. :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

Early riser here. Up at 4:30 to feed the dogs and make a cup of very strong Earl Grey with a hit of fat free milk. By the time I walk out the door around 5:30, it's a large cup of coffee that I take with me. I'm lazy and use a Keurig machine, but I do stuff my own cups with fresh ground.

Somehow, I've convinced myself that the tea is a "gentler and kinder" caffeine jolt so early. Nice mind-game I play with myself ;)

North Augusta, ON

I drink tea in the afternoon when I'm taking a break from coffee. I drink a LOT of hot chocolate and cup a soups too.
Takes me a few hours to fully wake up as well. Was nice when I was working on an assembly line, wasn't fully aware that I was at work until lunch time and by then the day was almost over.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

I have a different menu for weekends, still have the soda 'on startup', but DW cooks up a full breakfast which we have as 'brunch', Sundays is hash browns, bacon, scrambled eggs with shredded cheddar, couple of slices of toast w/ butter and OJ. Saturdays we substitute corned beef hash for the hash browns and bacon. Sometimes we change Saturdays up with pancakes or french toast with Parks sausages instead.
- but the weekdays remain minimal...

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

You're running a diner, WC!

Wow, that's early, Dea! One reason not to have dogs. ^_^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

LOL Victor :) They'd sleep later if we allowed them, but I love working early and get more done in the first 3 hours when nobody is bugging me :)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I am SO not a morning person. During the week it's up at 7 to get my son't things ready for school and then if hubby is home he waits with him for the bus and I actually go back to sleep. I just like getting up whenever I want. I have 2 cups of decaf coffee and found I have to have a protein with breakfast so either an egg, meat or even peanut butter on toast.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

need coffee in the morning - breakfast is the costco kirkland raisin brand (excellent with tons of raisins) one day - english muffin and yogurt the next - a banana a day

sunday is omelette day - mushrooms and cheese with an english muffin - and boston globe sports section

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I find that I need protein sometimes too, Jen, or I get the shakes. I am very conscious of this when I plan to work out.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Fresh ground coffee in the morning - I don't use an alarm and usually am up between 5 and 6. As soon as the coffee is brewed, I walk the dog 3 miles, unless I get up after 6, then it's 2 miles if it's a work day. Breakfast when I get to work around 8:30, at home I usually don't eat til late morning. I've never slept in past 8:30.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Wow, you go hours before eating, Deb?

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm not hungry til I get to work, and usually have cereal and fruit at my desk. At home I just don't get hungry in the morning. Once I eat though, it has to be a meal, toast would just make me hungry in an hour.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Picky, picky! ^_^

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

That's what my husband says, but I just tell him yes, that's why I picked him.

Warners, NY

My wife or I set up two coffee pots the night before, a twelve cup and a four cup. In the summer I grab a cup from the four cup pot and head out the back door to the woods path. I think Herself has her nights and days switched as she reads until two or three then sleeps until eleven when we both hit the twelve cup coffee maker. For a while I was making double strength coffee from beans ground at the store-----now I've gone back to half strength as it was wrecking my stomach, although the Druid (what we call our Irish doc) insists I have gall stones and they must come out, I still wonder but he and my wife say I'd argue with the Maker.So I guess the stones are coming out. All I can say is they better find stones when they get in there and I want to see them and maybe keep them. I throw oat meal in the microwave year round, used to mix it with peanut butter and instant hot chocolate powder but have gone off the mix to cut calories. When winter ends I'm up with the birds to see what is blooming in my weedy jungle with coffee cup in hand although I've been known to lose the cup in the weeds somewhere.----------Weedy.

Thumbnail by weedyseedy
South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Dunkin D. coffee, got 8lbs for Christmas. ^_^
Never eat breakfast unless im hiking or up North, something about camping out in the fresh air makes me have an appetite.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

I get up about 6 and have a cup of coffee 1/2 decaf just for tastes and warmth, not caffeine, rest of the day tea and only from tea leaves, rarely tea bags. Same mix of cereal everyday but Sunday, when sometimes we do a late breakfast out. Kind of boring but the carbs get me going for the gym which I try to get to every morning.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Does tea from leaves taste very different than the bags?

North Augusta, ON

I've heard that you can taste the bags but you don't notice that you do until you've had it loose.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Once I started brewing from leaves I was hooked. Sooo much fresher tasting and such a great variety.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Sounds like grinding coffee beans.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

yup, just as good!

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

I LOVE my coffee!! I set the coffee-maker to turn on at 6:00 a.m.. I grab a cup as soon as I get up between 6 and 6:30, and the puppies climb up on my lap and cuddle quietly while I drink my first cup. We used to walk before breakfast, but we've changed our routine slightly now. We have breakfast and watch the morning news now before we take the girls for the first of 3 walks each day. We generally have an eggbeater vegetable omelet and fresh berries/red grapes with fresh sqeezed OJ for Hank and ice water and my 2d cup of coffee for me. I love the OJ but don't want the high carbs in it for now. After the walk, we do yard work, etc. outside before it gets too hot here. Then yada, yada, yada.....coffee break included for low fat latte or cappuchino late morning. Yummm

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

ooooh, yeah, love the fresh ground beans!!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

roll out of bed between 5:30 & 6 every day... let the pups out.. take the thyroid meds.. wait and hour (time for Dave's)... then a small breakfast and usually two cups of strong coffee... well in reality it's 4 ... I have a keurig coffee maker that makes your coffee in your mug... I use green mountain dark magic extra bold & double black diamond extra bold ... no sugar just 1/2 & 1/2... the work week I usually only take the one mug with me... and sometimes grab another cup on the road later on.. but I like my coffee better

Get up anytime between 4:30 and 6. Put left sock on then right sock. Let dogs out. Hit the coffee button. 1 teasoon sugar and a bit of milk. Max 3 cups. Let dogs back in.

99% of the time dont eat in the morning. Soda NO NO NO.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Well this mornings routine got messed up with the rain, 55 and only light rain when we started out but it got heavier so cut the walk short. No umbrella, but even then the dog doesn't like the rain. Of course she usually gets hit from the umbrella runoff.

South Hamilton, MA

Wake up at various times--check clock--don't want to take medicines until after 7 am. Check testing schedule to make sure don't have to do so before breakfast. If it's early & all is well go back to bed for a nap. DH makes his own coffee.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Alarm at 6:45 to get mom up with her first pill of the day. Me, too. Get her set up, then turn on the coffee. I also have to wait a bit before I can partake. Usually 8 o'clock brand beans fresh ground. Sometimes I mix hazelnut in for a switch. 2 mugs. Not much of a breakfast for me. Sometimes toast with pbutter. OJ with vitamins and second med.

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

I usually don't have anything until I get to work. I'm up at 6:30 and at my desk by 7:15 most days. I have a big cup of tea and some breakfast at my desk while I go through emails and phone messages. On the weekends and when working at home I brew loose leaf tea but that's too messy at the office. If I'm traveling I take bottled tea (the organic safeway brand is pretty palatable) to keep the caffeine headaches away.

I love the smell of fresh coffee but can't stand the taste. I worked in a coffee shop in college but no matter how much milk and sugar I added, I just couldn't drink it.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

As some of you have discovered my morning posts are anywhere from 3:45 to 6:00, moltly 4o'clock.
My cats are waiting to eat the divided can of FancyFeast.
I MUST have coffee while I check the DG posts from the night before.
I fix my coffee the night before.I could never manage making it the same morning.
I drink a combination of A&P 8O'CLOCK and Starbucks Breakfast Blend with a bit of Starbucks Dark Roast French.
I eat breakfast around 6AM cold cereal often and Eggs once a week and MegaMush( ablend of Steelcut oats,OldFasioned Rolled oats)with 1/4 cup of potstyle cottage cheese and almonds.I have this when its cold weather.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

My Vat of coffee 3 cups brewed in a 5 cup Melitta coffee pot.

Thumbnail by ge1836
Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

Dh drinks his coffee black. I prefer tea, but don't get up early enough to make it in the am. I'm NOT a morning person and I have to be at work @ 7am. I usually have jucie and toast in the am, then out the door.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ok went with WeedySeedy's idea of putting pb in oatmeal(mine was cinnamon apple), Man was that good!!! Thanks!

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