Wetting agent for use with Glysophate (RoundUp)

Perth, Australia

I have some Glyphosate 360 to kill some persistent garden weeds, It says on the instructions that the addition of a wetting agent will improve performance.

However it doesn't mention what sort/type/brand or quantity to use by volume (Per litre), I use a commonly available 5 litre plastic pump spray.

I'm in the suburbs with an 850 Square metre block so wouldn't require a huge amount but can't find any help at Bunnings or the garden centres.

Appreciate any help.

Barmera, Australia

"Roundup" glyphosate came with its own added wetting agent, since that is all I ever used I can't say for any other brand except the Wetter container will have the mixing rate on the container. Houshold liquid detergent is a good substitute, use that at 10ml to your 5 Ltr spray. If Bunnings won't help you go to your local Garden Centre I bet they will/

Clifton Springs, Australia

Hello,Bille 1, my husband uses Roundup and on anything shiny leafed where you need the Roundup to stick,or if it has been raining, he uses the same quantity of dish washing detergent as you Brian....never fails..

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

yes mate,what brian says is true,never use the glyphosate at full stength,i've never gone below 50/50..liquid detergent,cheap hair shampoo,watered down a bit,will make it stick.pick a good day,spray in the morning,sit back4-5 days,bobs yr uncle..it wont happen overnight,but it will happen....,.,.,BUNNINGS,.,hmmmm,are they some sort of religion,...[if you dont know,--guess the answer],.,.,i gave up many years ago!,.,.,.,dianne,you got in b4 me

This message was edited Jan 24, 2010 4:32 PM

Clifton Springs, Australia

Were you eating that turkey Anthony?

A few drops of blue food colouring is very helpful too besides the detergent as it shows you what you have missed.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

no,transfixed on putting a lot of thought into[bille,bille dont you use that numbers] answer.i'd hate to lead someone up the garden path,but id love to lead them into the vortex for a perouse[dont worry bille,i'm an 80s music addict,]and too many zombie years working at a mitsubishi dealership has sent me insane.

Perth, Australia

OK thanks everyone, that's what I have been using (Dishwashing detergent) and about 10mil in the 5 litre container with the recommended amount of Glysophate, just didn't seem to be working very well.

These weeds are pretty stubborn, they grow upright like wheat and have very narrow, bright green, shiny leaves with a couple of stalks with a sort of green flowers, if I know where they came from.

EDIT: Just did a crawl through some weed identification sites and it looks like it's Nutgrass and that Glysophate isn't the cure so I will need to hunt down the "Proper" spray in the next day or so.

This message was edited Jan 24, 2010 10:51 PM

A squirt of dishwashing soap will make Roundup, or anything else stick to leaves, instead of rolling off.

But grass has little "nuts" underground and you need to apply it a few times as each "nut " sends up another sprout. These little nuts are like garlic cloves to look at only teensy.
I read that if you put a drop of kero right between the two leaves with a dropper it will kill it stone dead.

Perth, Australia

chrissy100...That's interesting, over 50 years ago I was told by my boss's uncle who had a Nursery in the suburb of Gosnells (East of Perth) that Kerosene was the best and safest weed killer on the market.

I had forgotten this so I'll give it a go, will come back either way when/if I get a result.

This message was edited Jan 25, 2010 4:32 PM

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Billie, Sempra is what you need for Nutgrass. It is selective, and only kills sedge grasses, without harming other plants it comes in contact with. try a turf and irrigation supplier, or a produce shop, or google for a supplier near you. It is often used by councils and golf courses.
I have tried using the hand pull method, and after 4 years, it made no difference to the quantity of nutgrass popping up, but Sempra has made a HUGE impact. It must be used the same day you mix it, as the pH of water breaks it down quickly. It is expensive, but you use the tiniest bit! Good luck with finding a supplier. It will make your life much easier.

Barmera, Australia

That Kero used as weed killer wasn't ordinary lighting Kero it was Power Kero as used in Tractors before Diesel took over. Power Kero is no longer available but it acted the same as knock down weedicides it was good in seed bed situations when the desired seed had a long germination time IE Citrus rootstock etc. It was also used in Carrot beds to control weed grasses and wild turnip.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

brian,i have a 'cross'power kerosene box in my collection

Barmera, Australia

Crikey G-whizz that must almost qualify as antique.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I THINK Kero is an ingredient used in some pre-emergent weedkillers, to burn off the emerging shoots? What effect does it have on the environment? Is it residual?

Barmera, Australia

Hadn't heard of that before but I would imagine that, because it is a petroleum product, it would hang around for many years the same as oils.

Gisborne, New Zealand

Yates have a product called "sprayfix" I use this if I really want a good take with my sprays. After years of using both detergent and sprayfix I decided that the latter did the best job. It also seems to stick around thru a shower of rain which detergent doesn't.. For hard to get rid of weeds there is also a product called "Pulse" which you add to the "Roundup" and this has a good kill rate on weeds. I use this
combination myself most times I spray, I got tired of all the hard work spraying involved for only half the kill rate.. A waste of roundup.. It is a little more costly but cheaper in the long run. Hope this helps...

Perth, Australia

I tried some Kero (Small amount) and it wiped out the Nut grass it was sprayed on, you could see the difference the next day, just waiting for any new shoots to appear.

I don't believe Kero used in such small amounts applied only to the leaves/stalks should/would have any residual damage problems.

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