Bees - Hive(s) - A Place to Put Them

Houston, TX

Hello all. Hello all. *waves* I need to throw an idea out, and see if it's looney tunes or not, and hopefully, this is the right forum for it. It involves bees and beekeeping in Ellsworth Me, and the nice people on the Beekeeping forum aimed me at you so....

My father lives in Ellsworth Me. He has a small acreage with lots of stuff that blooms at various times of the year: Blackberries, wild strawberries, apples, plums, chokecherries, etc. The plot is about 6 acres, and is near forest and gardens and such.

Unfortunately, like many other places in the lands, the fruit is somewhat less than perfectly bountiful. He suspects that this is at least partially because there are no bees to be found anywhere on the land. (Yes that phrase before was the understatement of the century.). We were talking about it the other day and he commented that he would love to have a beehive out in the middle of the field or somewhere appropriate, to help fertilize everything. Of course, he's 90 years old so he would not be able to do a lot to care for it, but if someone wanted a place to keep some bees, then he would be happy to offer some space.

Now, I don't even know if this is something that should be offered, but every time I've thrown off the wall ideas out here on DG, someone either jumped in happily, or they explained why it was silly so that I understood the issues. So, therefore, I am asking again: Is this something that would be possible - the lending of land so that someone who wants to keep some bees could keep them in an area where they would be sure to get food?

If it helps at all, our land has been pretty organic for halfway into forever. Dad is getting more and more into the concept of living with the land and would do whatever he could to protect the hives - although I'm not sure how that would work.

Anyway, if this isn't too crazy, let me know, and I'll PM you or something so that I can get you in touch with my father. Or not. If it's crazed, please let me know why so I can learn.

Either way, thank you for letting me ask, and for any help you may offer.

North Augusta, ON

Sounds like a good idea. All of the bee-keepers in my area keep their bees on other folks land. Have your Dad contact a bee-keeper and ask some questions.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Try contacting them.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

I agree

“Beekeepers are farmers, but, unlike most forms of agriculture, we farm other people’s land by renting suitable spots to put our bees.”

“The most common rental agreement between beekeeper and landowner involves about a gallon of honey a year and a handshake, but some landowners may also receive free pollination of fruit trees or other crops. If you have a suitable spot and would like to see bees there, contact your local state beekeeping association.”

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