I am really wanting to try Joe Pye Weed or Little Joe Pye

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Do any of you have seeds to these plant seeds, Joe Pye Weed or Little Joe Pye? I know nobody over here that does, but I would like to try them.

Also I am interested in any varieties of Salvias and any varieties of Agastache and Penstemon esp. digitalis husker red.

I would like to try Sulbur Buckwheat "Shasta".

I have to see what seeds I have but I do have some. The ones I know that are sitting in front of me are Alaska Cotton Eriophorum Scheuchzeri one pack someone sent me, that won't grow here, also Althaiea Cannabina. I have some cotton seeds of unknown variety, some Mystic Merlin Malva seeds to name some.

Hey girl, d-mail me in a few days to remind me, but I have a lot of the ones you are looking for, just got a lot going on right now and don't have time to concentrate for a few days. I'll be happy to help you then. I have joe pye weed. And over on your want list I have some of those. I have lots of seeds not listed on any lists, haven't had time to list anything lately.

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