western sydney nsw, Australia

With AUSTRALIA DAY coming up I was thinking it would be nice to show where in your garden are you flying your flag .
My main flag is flying in front of my house every day of the year goes up at 6 AM every day down at 8 PM .
I dont do it to be trendy all my life every house I have lived in has had a flag pole and flag flying so if you can please fly our flag with pride this Australia day .----elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut

I tried it one year and it was torn away, since then I usually put one on my car somewhere.
yours looks great.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Was it torn away by the wind or the nice man next door .
He is so lucky he is not next door to me -- here is the cloths line flag this time of year I do go overboard but a few little flags are in windows around here may be this year one might might bite the dust and put a larger one out.-------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

Here I am thinking I was talking to Dinky Di Aussie's but it seems no interest in our flag so to me thate must mean no love of the best country in the world.
Thanks for the memories .------------------Elaine .

Thumbnail by sammut
Merino, Australia

Elaine. you are talking to dinky di Aussies but not all of us can fly a flag conveniently. If I put anything up here , it would be gone in a minute in the wind. Admittedly a lot of us take our lovely country for granted, but just let anyone say anything and they would soon see we are Aussies to the core. We are a laid back people and don't display things quite as much as overseas.
I have my Aussie flag where I like it . On my heart and in my words . I tell everyone how I love this country of mine.

Barmera, Australia

G'Day Sammut,
That's a bit rough. I thought you were saying what we all thought so no response was needed. To me at least, that's OUR FLAG and the Dingbats that want to change it have no love of this country. That might be political so I better not say any more.

elaine sweetie ...if you have read our threads you have to know how much we love our country I know you didn't mean what you have said.
Our hearts flutter with love at the sight of our flag.
Many don't have access to a flag or for many reasons cannot display it.
It's lovely that you can,
please don't think it is the only thing that qualifies you to be a true blue aussie.
The love of our Country is what makes us dinki di.
As jean said we wear our flagin our heart's safe and very loved there.
hugs chrissy

Alstonville, Australia

Not everyone can afford a flag or flag pole.
Ditto!! Brian & Chrissy.
We live in one of the most beautiful and lucky countries. I know a lot of people wouldn't agree but
try living any where else and you will soon change your mind.
Maybe I should hang it off my black boy oops!! grass tree.

Thumbnail by hel
Clifton Springs, Australia

Hey Elaine, I didn't reply because I wanted to post a photo...I can do that later before the Day.
We fly 2 flags the Australian and the Aboriginal one...the Aboriginal one because my husband's great grandmother was Aboriginal.
He would put up his Eureka flag as well,
but there isn't enough room on our front verandah...we don't have a pole in this garden so they hang along the front of the verandah.
This isn't correct procedure of course but I want to fly my flags.
I think raising the flag each day is a wonderful thing and more credit to you for doing it.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

keep your pants on ,elaine.i believe,b4 australia day,there may be a picture of a 'crusty holden ute' with a flag or two..theyre giving them away with each carton of beer here.,.,.well maybe youll see 10 flags

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

how many cartons did anthony purchase today?

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

sorry,BWS has no more flags,the taiwanese shipment wasnt very big.maybe we should try lebanon or china for our australia day flags[am i the only person reading into this?]very sad.anyway heres my aussie stubbyholder[probably made in japan]..i read the BIG W catalogue and saw the[australia day] bikini on the back page,that would most certainly have to be brazillian

This message was edited Jan 24, 2010 2:45 AM

Thumbnail by g_whizz
western sydney nsw, Australia

Sad to say but your spot on Anthony . elaine

Thumbnail by sammut
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

so does that mean youve purchased 1 carton elaine?

Thumbnail by g_whizz
western sydney nsw, Australia

Great pic. I was lucky to get one carton it was the one you did not see over in the corner.--elaine.

Alstonville, Australia


Thumbnail by hel
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

'fudge' is worn out from australia day preparations

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I heard discussions about changing our flag? (I'm half oz, half kiwi, but love it here and consider myself asutralian) Theres not much left in our country for white australians to hang on to culturally, and I love our flag. However, I do refuse to buy one that is made outside of Australia, so if anyone knows where I can get an Australian made flag, i would buy it and fly it with pride!
I did however, buy a white singlet (made in China) that has a bikini on it. I'm going to wear it over my bikini tomorrow when I am lounging in the pool. There is a cultural festival on at the Botanic gardens, so i might go and have a look at that too. I have a couple of hours work to do first, but after that.........Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, oi, oi, oi!

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i just watched the news.missed out on australian of the year again..[ it must'v been close]they said its going to be a bumper celebration this year.heres the bumper[hx holden],bring on the celebration...enjoy your day everyone

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

sue, i wanted the bikini in the target catalogue,but..they didnt have one in my size,+the 30 odd dollar price tag made it less appealing

western sydney nsw, Australia

Sue ,
There was small a factory in Woodville Rd. Granville I have not been down there for 4 years so dont know if its still there also a factory I think it was in the double Bay or near there I have had Australian flags and Jolly Rodger made by them they make any size you want. I will look for the addresses if you want it .
the last flag pole I bought was from Go low cost 20 dollars with all the rigging needed-- come in 4 peices just sloted to gether . So if I move again it can be packed and move with me not left behind.
If a lot of places was flying flags or had them in their houses they would not bother about changing it also it is known all round the world . I think it would be a insult to our old diggers taking the English part out of the corner thate is a part of our country history A lot of people of my generation must remember as children we honoured our country and saluted the flag every morning at school love of country and pride have gone out the window .

Hope all have a great day tomorrow and remember how lucky we are to be living free in our great country Here is my flag on the wall in the studio. ----elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut

Have a good one ^_^

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

Anthony, that was the bikini singlet I got, but only $15 here. Must have a different australian dollar in tassie?
Elaine, I would be interested in that flag maker! I was even thinking of trying to make one myself!

Perth, Australia

4 of my customers have flags flying, 1 from Indonesia, 1 from China, 2 from Vietnam (People that is, flags are probably from China).

We don't have a flag pole and flying the small ones on my vehicles would look a bit red neck (In my humble opinion :-)).

I tried to find bumper stickers the past couple of years but couldn't buy them anywhere.

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