becoming independent in the U.S from oil and food sources.

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

I subscribe to Peakmoment in you-tube and have seen lots of good videos from this particular program. I just finished watching their last video about a young couple that downsize their house, sold their cars and are now living a simple life in California driving their bikes everywhere.

It has always, expecially ever since I had kids to become more independent and and not so dependable on other sources such as electricity , food and oil but I have to say it is difficult here in the U.S, expecially when we talk about transportation.

I was born and raised in Spain and can see that many people there do not have the need to buy a car because they can prety much get anywhere by either bicycles or by taking any public transportation provided by the city, also people tend to live in smaller houses and tend to live with less.

The reason why I am commenting on this is because even though many people might not see the need of a car, I think in the US is practically imposible to live without one and to just go to either work or go shoping on your bike or use public transportation to go places unless of course you live in a big city, the infrastructure is just not there, where I live they don't even have bike trails to safely drive your bike and it is really a shame but that is just the way it is.

I also think downsizing your house might solve a lot of finatial problems and it can be done if you don't have a big family but when you have kids you really need more room and a one BD apartment just does not work. A good reason why this works in Europe or at least Spain is because we are hardly home, when I was growing up I spent a lot of time on the streets with my friends and we just went to parks all the time so the house was just mainly a place to sleep and eat, people just walk more there or at least like to walk more. Things are just closer, stores, restaurants so you can just walk to them instead of having to drive to them.

I admire this young coupe for takig this step but like I said before it is imposble for some of us to do the same and just don't think it can be achieved unless you live and work in a big city.

Now the only step that I am taking to live a simpler life myself is and just started this year so please I am not an expert is trying to grow as much food as possible in my little back yard and not going out hardly at all to restaurants etc... as far as cars is concerned, my car is all beat up but it gets me places and it is paid for, hopefully someday when I am not moving so much I can build an energy efficient home put solar pannels, have more land to grow more and have chickens but for now at least I am trying to make a little difference.

Here is the video if you are interested in watching it,

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