bog-pot 101

Arlington, TX

I want to make a larger container, perhaps even one of those prefab ponds into a bog garden next spring. Right now my pitcher plants and VFT's are in seperate small pots and I would like to put them all together into one rather large display (looks better and easier to keep watered) Some questions:
1. best soil for large outdoor display
2. can I keep VFT's , Sarra, and some sundew all together
3. drainage holes...half way up or so or does the bottom need some too
4. does it need any drainage material in the bottom
It is hot as heck here for a long part of the growing season so that needs to be considered too.

north coast nsw, Australia

Peat moss and sand is the soil. I'd put side drainage just so when it rains the water level doesn't cover the base of the plants...esp. in winter as they'll rot. Sarras and flytraps do both like full sun and some sundews so they should all grow together.
Sorry i haven't built one so thats all i have, look under the title 'building a bog garden' and theres some great step by step pics..

This message was edited Jan 17, 2010 4:12 PM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I made a small bog garden. The most important thing to remember is NOt to fertilize them and don't use city water because of the chemicals. You can catch rainwater and it is perfect. Depends on how deep the bog is to how far you drill the holes. But Breeindy is very correct. I have peat in mine and have got to add the sand yet.
I wish you good luck.

Arlington, TX

I am excited! Found some very large containers at Costco for under 30 bucks. They will make a couple nice sized container bogs. I am thinking about sinking them half way into the ground only because its so darn hot here. Will take pics when the weather finally warms and I begin. Wish me luck.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You can always side-dress them with rocks after you sink them. don't forget the hole, I think 3-4" from bottom.
Sounds like you got it going now. Good luck Dear.

Arlington, TX

The pots are almost 2 ft. tall, do you think the drainage holes should be closer to the top or bottom?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

How far are you going to sink them? You can make the holes a little bit above the ground. Remember you will have your peat in there sothat should be no problem. If you use a drill, put a piece of screen wire over the hole to keep the soil in bu let the water out. I use one of those drills that makes the big holes with a "spade bit" Probably two or three half inch holes will wrok.

Arlington, TX

hadn't thought about the part below ground. I have a bit I use for bird house entrances so that should be big enough. Will have to think about it a while before I just start drilling lol.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That's right. There is no hurry. I know how it is to dig holes for ponds and I did put in those bog gardens too. I hope This Does help you.
That drill wll be perfect just put the screen over the hole. do you have any screen?? If Not I can send you some. I took the screen I got from an old window.

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