4 legged pests

Marietta, GA

Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question but I looked for another place to post this question ----- CHIPMONKS ------- I'm infested with the cute things but they destroyed my garden last summer--- most 30 ft rows ZERO harvest just pea and bean hulls on the ground under the leaves-- bites out of my tomatos and squash- my trellis and okra were the only things they didn't get to --- any suggestions-- I tried the sticky mouse pads- regular mouse traps under my tomatoes -- Shot-Gun Repell All a pellet that "smells bad to critters" ---- I even put rat poison out in coffee cans with small entrance holes in the plastic tops to keep pets out-- but still just got over-run with them

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Get a Jack Russel terrier. No critters survive their constant harrassment.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi. Have you seen this thread? There were various suggestions. Milorganite works for me. I was having all kinds of problems with chipmunks, and this eliminated it completely without my having to kill them.

I get Milorganite in large bags from Ace Hardware for $6.00. It's cheap enough to see if it works for you. You just need a trace.


This message was edited Feb 14, 2010 7:16 AM

Marietta, GA

Thanks Donna I'll try your suggestion eddy

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

How do you use this product? Does it harm the plants?

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Hello Pippi.

Milorganite is an EPA approved fertilizer made from - yuk - sewage. The EPA approval is important because it's important that the wrong kind of gunk not be in it.

For pots: after I have finished potting up a plant, I sprinkle a trace of Milorganite on top - I would guess a quarter of a teapsoon. When I put new plants in the ground, I use a similar amount. Chipmunks are attracted to freshly turned earth because their insticts tell them that some other creature may have just buried a tasty morsel there. Their senses of smell are far more sensitive than ours, and, well, Milorganite does not smell great. In the quantites I describe, you can't smell it, but if you want to know what a chipmunk experiences, open the bag and take a whiff.

It is also a slow release fertilizer with a low nitrogen count. And what's really nice abiout it is that after you use it once, the digging stops.

Does this make sense?


Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Milorganite is human waste composted and dried, therefore it works by human odor is manifested with it.

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