CLOSED: HAVE: Different kinds of seeds

Mount Vernon, OH

Got alot of 2009 commerical seeds, went through them and got what i wanted so now i wanted to see if anyone wants to trade? I have lots of annual, perennial, herb and vegetable seeds.

I put them in the trade lists and they are all either burpee or livingston seed. D mail me and let me know how many packs you would like. I put how many packs i have by the name. If you do not have anything on my want list ; will consider trading for postage or trading for plants and cutting in the spring when it gets warmer.
My tradelist:

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi -- would love some of the following:
Alyssum - basket of gold
red cockscomb
flax scarlet
marigold white snow drift
penstemon dwarf

I don't have anything on your trade list - would you consider postage? I may be able to send you some plants come the spring, depending on what survives the winter.

Mount Vernon, OH

Rose --sure I will do postage. You have dmail?

Virginia Beach, VA(Zone 7b)

I would be interested in:
Cucumber muncher
Garden sweet cucumber
Radish all season
Lemon Boy tomato

I have to trade:
Peppers-Lipstick(hybrid), Padron, Purple Jalapeno, Early Wonder
Carmen(hybrid). 15 seeds of each variety.

Tomatoes: Red & Brown Boar, Pink Berkly Tie-Die, Beauty King,
Evan's Purple Pear, Sweet Carneros Pink, Pink Boar, 15 seeds each.

Let me know if interested. Thanks

Mount Vernon, OH

I would be interested in purple jalapeno, brown boar, pink boar and evan's purple pear. If this is fine with you. I will send Tuesday since monday is a holiday. Your addy in the exchange?

Virginia Beach, VA(Zone 7b)

Yes, my address should be in exchange. I mistyped. It's Black & Brown Boar.
That is one variety, It's not just Brown Boar.. I will send yours Monday or
Tuesday. You can get more info on the tomato's from Wild Boar Farms, where
I purchased them from.
Thanks Linda

Mount Vernon, OH

Black and Brown Boar is fine. Thank you so much !

Mount Vernon, OH

Updated my have list...anyone else?

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Sent D mail

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

sending D-mail.

Mount Vernon, OH

Updated my have list again.

Dmailed everyone who has contacted me--will send all tomorrow since today is holiday:o)

This message was edited Jan 18, 2010 8:15 AM

toronto, Canada

Tish - sending a dm, I have lots of interesting tomatoes if you are interested? kd

Mount Vernon, OH

All seeds have been sent out as of Wednesday of last week.

Mount Vernon, OH

Last Chance! Have still alot of 2009 commerical seed packets. All new, never used! Will trade for postage plus one stamp or check out my want list.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Can I get the Chinese Potato coleus and Gomphrina Qid Carmine?
My have list is posted under seed trading. If I don't have anything you want, can I do SASBE?
Thank You


Warren Center, PA(Zone 5b)

Can I get some choamomile seeds, how much extra postage would you like. Sending d-mail with address.

Warren Center, PA(Zone 5b)

must have 11 fingers don't know where that extra O came from

Mount Vernon, OH

Marti, how about one package of your four oclock's? I am in the address exchange.


Mount Vernon, OH

withad- just one stamp extra. Dmailing you back.

Mount Vernon, OH

Last Chance! Have still alot of 2009 commerical seed packets. All new, never used! Will trade for postage plus one stamp or check out my want list or will exchange for cutting in spring.

My Have List is updated:

Billerica, MA(Zone 6a)

Just sent you a dmail.

Mount Vernon, OH

Thanks everyone who has traded with me. Though I was surprised more people didn't. lol.
Sending out all seeds today for everyone.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Sending you a dmail!

I either need a twelve step program for seed-a-holics or some serious acreage and a rototiller!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Tish - thanks for the trade. Your seeds went out in today's mail!


Mount Vernon, OH

Kelly, yours went out today too. Thanks for trading!

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