Newbie Question about Amaryliss

Phoenix, AZ

Hi all, I've heard some say that its not wise to buy bulbs that have already sprouted or in the case of the Amaryliss, began flowering in the box. I'm new to the bulb world but IMH(laywoman's)O it would make sense that you'd want to know that the bulb is alive. And If its showing green that means it alive. ? Some sagely knowledge is appreciated thanks!

Panama City, FL(Zone 8b)

I have bought a lot of amaryllis that are sprouting or starting to bloom in the box if I can get them at a discount (Lowes is a great place for bargains of this type). You may not get the best blooms the first year, but if given good care they will continue to grow and bloom for many years to come.

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Yes I've heard this too. If the bulbs are on clearance I'd say give it a go! They may not perform well for a year or two, but if you feed them up they will probably recover.

Marietta, OH(Zone 6a)

I've bought reduced ones at Lowe's, Home Depot, and even Walmart that were sprouting in the boxes, they produced beautiful blooms the first year and the last couple years. They bloomed their little hearts out for months.... Out of about 6, only 2 are slow growers, so far, but are firm and green with lots of roots. Of course, the only thing is you can't be sure of the variety as they aren't labeled like what you would buy from a supplier, but it's always fun to get with the others here and try to guess which one it is! The one pictured is the first one I rescued from HD, also have solid red ones from my Mom that look alot like Red Lion. I haven't purchased any white ones, just the reds.
Mine cost $2.50 and $3, so for a little investment, you get a lot of fun!

Thumbnail by Kizmo
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

meisgreen I think you will be fine buying bulbs that have already bloomed or sprouted in the box. I love finding bulbs on clearance. Unless a bulb is squishy ( is that even a word?)
it is probably still good.

Phoenix, AZ

The last 3 boxes of bulbs I bought from HD (for $1 each) have been very slow to grow & are barely showing green from the bulb. The ones I bought from Wallyworld were growing in the box and are looking good now. Some of the flowers that were showing from the bulbs when I bought them were duds & some didn't bloom at all but at least the bulbs have grown beautiful stalks & are storing energy.

I've really turned into a bulb-junkie - Tulips, daffodils, etc. It started at the dollar store where I bought different kinds for a buck. The dollar store bulbs are growing they just haven't started blooming yet. Maybe they won't this year. Maybe I need to feed them well.

Best food for bulbs? I heard blood meal. True?

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I am not one to answer the bulb food question. I am a bad bulb parent when it comes to feeding. Most of my South African bulbs do ot like to be fed anyway. You going to put your amaryllis int he ground?

Phoenix, AZ

No room in the ground for any more bulbs. I did plant the paperwhites in the ground and they seem to be very happy. i do have a little bulb garden. Suppose I should take a picture.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yes you should. There is hardly any place that I can dig in my beds that you do not run into a bulb of some sort.

I look to buy the ones that end up on sale after Christmas.

Places that don't sell bulbs regularly are the best place to look. Always open the box and check the bulb. I don't care whether it has started to sprout or has bloomed in the box, but dried out won't work. The bulb should feel like a fresh onion. You need to watch out for places that have no idea that the bulbs sprout, or worse, that think that they can hold Christmas stock over from one year to the next for sale.

You can also try to bargain down the price for healthy bulbs that blossomed in the box, but only if the seller understands the difference.

I bought out a grocery store's supply of those kits for 10 cents each right after Christmas a few years back. They are great for growing future gifts for non-gardeners, and for filling up a flower bed.

Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)

Bonemeal is good food, but only outside. I use AV food after my potted ones have bloomed, and put them outside as soon as the weather will cooperate.
It's never failed for me. (I have had a Red Lion bloom for 19 years straight!)
Good luck, and be patient!
(The bulb's bloom shown is Orange Sovereign.)

Thumbnail by Machikoneko
Deltona, FL(Zone 9b)

Nice pics!

This message was edited Mar 12, 2010 7:47 PM

Panama City, FL(Zone 8b)

I had to dig most of mine up this winter due to the large amount of rain we had. The bed they were in was so waterlogged I was afraid the would rot. I put some in pots and some I suspended over vases of water. All the ones over the vases and some of the ones in pots are now sending up bloom stalks. I can't wait to see the blooms as I did not mark them when I moved them last time.

Hobart, Australia

Friend lust brought this photo for me to identify. Flowering mid-late summer.
Growing in spent tulip bed. Solid flower stalk not hollow. Appears to have have white flower buds soon to appear between the bracts.
Can anyone help please -two photos follow.
Thanks in anticipation. Cerahipp, Tasmania.

This message was edited Mar 15, 2010 11:33 PM

Thumbnail by Cerahipp
Hobart, Australia

Slightly closer view of flower head-

Thumbnail by Cerahipp
Ladson, SC

Send a picture of the leaves, are they shiney or sort of soft feeling?

Hobart, Australia

Pic. of leaves.Thanks for your reply.

Thumbnail by Cerahipp
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Could be the giant squill.

Hobart, Australia

Here is another picture with a flower just open. Thew are several flowers coming in a spike each is c. 3cm. diam. Looks like an Allium (onion) sp. now but NO smell. Anybody know which Allium?

This message was edited Mar 22, 2010 11:48 PM

Thumbnail by Cerahipp

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