Help with my sick plant.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha all,

I have what I believe is some type of Tabernaemontana (not sure which one) that is looking very poorly. It has been turning white between the veins for ages now, mostly on the newer leaves. So far I have given it Miracle Gro 24-8-16, Bloom Booster 15-30-15, epsom salts in H2O, Chelated Iron with Zinc, fish fertilizer, Alaska seaweed extract 0-10-10 over the past months. Nothing seems to be helping it - any thoughts?

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Close up of the leaves. Although you can see that some bug has had a nice bite or two I can't see any other bugs on it at all. I sure don't want to loose it as the blooms smell wonderful...

Thanks in advance. ^_^

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Keaau, HI

Hi Jenn!

Has it been given lots of water with the fertilizer?

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


No, no extra water given when I fertilized, just the 1tablespoon per gallon as directed. The plant does get watered by the sprinklers 1X per week for 20 mins. Does it look like an iron deficiency to you? The direction for the iron was to spray the dilution on the leaves, but I do admit to pouring some on the ground around the plant too when the leaf application didn't seem to work.

Also, dose anyone know which Tab I have? After looking on the net I think it's T holstii which some info (but not all) says it's now called T pachysiphon - so very confusing!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

It sure looks like an iron deficiency. Have you had your soil tested by your extension office?

Sometimes iron chlorosis can be caused by a high pH; you may have plenty of iron in your soil but the plant cannot use it because of the pH.

Keaau, HI

Hi Jenn!

With the twisted looking flowers, I think it is Tabernaemontana pandacaqui.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks Dave! Nice to know what I have! Now I can look it up.

Thanks Ardesia, I think my soil is slightly acidic. I did buy one of those soil testing kits from HD and I came out at between 6.5 and 7 ph... which I think is just about neutral if you can believe the kits. You are right - I really must have a proper soil test done, although I have not had any trouble with the gardenia...

Foliar fed the Tab with chelated iron and zinc again this evening after the sun went down - fingers X'ed!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

You need to find out your "cation exchange capability" and your extension service will do the test to determine that.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


Thank you so much. I will call the Dept of Ag today and find out where and how to get the soil sample done.

I seem to be having the same problem with my three Acai palms.

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I could also be a manganese deficiency same effects as iron deficiency (from what I have read) soil test is only real way to tell which is lacking.

Good luck its a pretty plant!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Manganese hmm...will try to go up country this weekend when I am off work and try to find some. I haven't had time to do the soil test yet, but I am planning on getting that done. I don't want to loose the plant because the flowers smell out of this world good.

I did give it some more chelated iron and zinc spray, but it hasn't made any difference. I am not sure how quickly I would see iron work anyway - anybody know?

Mahalo for all your help!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

The iron should work right away IF the plant is able to take it up; the soil conditions have to be right. Dig a pint of that soil and drop it off at the extension service. You have put down so many chemicals now, I would not do anything else until you know what the issue is.

noonamah, Australia

You can also get leaf tests done. Sometimes the minerals can be in the ground but for some reason aren't being taken up. The answer might even just be as simple as altering the pH rather than throwing a handful of chemicals at it.

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