Weather Guru Needed! (Z6-Lehigh Valley, Pa.)

Bethlehem, PA

Does anyone know how many days of above-freezing weather will it take to unfreeze the soil in order to work it?

I dug up the ENTIRE backyard just before the first freeze, and was able to get in organic bits for about 1/3 of it.
The other two-thirds is still mostly pure clay and very lumpy-bumpy.
The clay has the consistency, when frozen, of surprise there.
(I am in town (Bethlehem), which is a bit warmer than the surrounding area)

This is a task, I might add, which has prepared me for residence in a Siberian labor camp, should that need arise.

Thumbnail by gotpups
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hi, gotpups! Schipperkes?

The problem is staying warm enough at night for the ground to unfreeze, I think you're in for a long wait since this is supposed to be one of the coldest winters in awhile.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)


Really depends on how cold it gets and how long it stays cold. If there is an extended sunny period in the forecast, you can help yourself by laying down black plastic.

Bethlehem, PA

Well, there is my DUH moment..of course the nights are colder...never even considered that..

The black plastic does sound intriguing, though.
I am prepared to do anything to get back to work outside...

Yes, Schipperkes...all mill-rescues...I think they are the cutest beasts imaginable but the Schipperke is not everyone's cup of tea....too close to pot-bellied pig in stature.....

Thumbnail by gotpups
Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

Have to comment on you Schipperkes, a person I used to work for had one and i fell in love with her, her nickname was "Potroast" and "Wattle dog" She was wonderful! I miss her alot.

Bethlehem, PA

They are wonderful little black devils...just not for everybody...I have found that they are like eating potato chips....can't have just one....
I work with Schipp rescue...whenever you feel the need for a 'potato chip fix', let me know!!!!

Thumbnail by gotpups
Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

I would love to be there in a heart beat if I could! Thank you for the offer :)
Pat the little ones on the head for me!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Have you found house breaking problems with them?

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

that last shot looks like you snuck up on it.. like it was in trouble.. cute faces though!

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