Frangipani Heaven

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Hi All, just a flying visit between entertaining a whole host of family from Sydney but so enjoyed reading the exchange between
Wayne,Sue and Helen, in the cordy section about the Frangi's.

After that exchange,me thinks I'm not the only frangi lover.....would love to see everyone's and neighbours frangi pics,I'll start.....

Thumbnail by MyaC
Sydney, Australia

Hi Mya,
I have been outside planting yesterdays buying and thought that I should move some of my frangipannis, so I came inside to look at a photo of one on my computer and then checked out DG. Coincidence, fate, kismet or whatever. LOL
As I have mentioned to you before, I loved the frangis on Magnetic Island and would have loved to have broken some pieces off and added them to my luggage.

This photo has already been posted on another thread but it really does belong here now.
Plumeria obtusa Petite Pink has been in my garden for over 5 years and it only stands a metre high and nearly as wide; it keeps it leaves throughout the year.

Thumbnail by tropicalsydney
Sydney, Australia

This is the first flowers on Denpasar, couldn't resist the colour or the name.

Thumbnail by tropicalsydney
Sydney, Australia

This is one I got a cutting of from my brothers garden at Coffs Harbour. Took quite a few years to flower and it is on the top of a retaining wall and that high now that I can hardly see the flowers. Itr is definitely going to lose part of its top so that I can plant it somewhere else to see the flowers.

Thumbnail by tropicalsydney

Just an unamed pink ...did not bloom at all last year too cool.

Thumbnail by
Brisbane, Australia

There's a lovely pink frangipani flowering all over Brisbane at the moment - they're no doubt enjoying the rain we've had in the past few months. I've been keeping my eye out for one on "public" land I might be able to acquire a cutting from, but no luck so far.
Mya the cutting you sent me of the blood red one doing ok & I've got just the spot for it!

Brisbane, Australia

Oh just found a pic of my potted cutting.
Mya, would you have a pic of the flower of this blood red frang?

Thumbnail by LeisaD
Clifton Springs, Australia

Oh the pain of it...not being able to grow those gorgeous things..
Isn't the colour range superb these days....from the deepest red, thru the blended colours, like lovely Denpasar, then the yellows and the pinks, to the beautiful whites.
One of my local nurseries has all of those colours, but at $70-$120 a pot, I can resist.
I know that the white basic one will grow here....but not for me, at least successfully..I only get leaves...
Keep showing them please...

Sydney, Australia

Must be something in the wind! I was looking at Frangipani yesterday. They are around a metre tall and $60. Would love one of these at Sussex as to me it evokes coastal living. I know it will do ok as there are others about. Could not decide between pink or white so left it for the moment. The little pink one here at Cronulla is in the wrong spot and has not flowered in three years. I suppose some care will help! Anyway it is one my list of must gets.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Leisa below is my blood red flowering, a stunning, vibrant red..........

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Oops Leisa wrong (blush) frangi picture............

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Dianne,here is one of my seedling yellow frangi,flowered for the first time,so may get more of a yellow as it gets bigger!!!! I've just received some seeds from Thailand of a complete orange(one can only hope) and a violet,with a hint of white.......we'll see what they look like in 3 years time!!!!!!!! I can only imagine the array that they have in Bali

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Dianne why are you unable to grow Frangi's in a 8b zone?

Here's one for you..........

Thumbnail by MyaC
Clifton Springs, Australia

Mya, did you buy your seeds for your yellow one?
or was it one of yours?
Just imagine a garden full of all different colours..
What a knockout.!!!
I will be glued to your progress notes.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Because I am a Klutz, when it comes to them...
I have 3 plus a cutting that seems to be growing..
But no matter where I place them, hot protected and so forth.
No flowers.
There are 2 in pots at my mother's care facility, about 6ft tall.
Flowers all season...and 5 minutes none.
It has taken me 40 yrs and i still can't get one to flower passed the second year..
I am reconciled but not
Thanks for the loan of yours..

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Dianne bought the yellow as a little seedling about 3 years ago,that was before I discovered the wonders of importing from Thailand......2easy..........
This was me this morning, waiting for the hoardes of family to wake up,my husband caught me sitting admiring the rainbow,having a quiet coffee........

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Diane, it's true they love the heat , they like being in sand and I fertilize mine quite heavily in spring, with super phosphate pellets fron Searles.....seems to do the trick,in regards to flowering....I also use the S.Phosphate on my oleanders and desert roses,great stuff....... here's a pic of my *hopeful * orange peach seeds that i just received from Thailand

Thumbnail by MyaC
Brisbane, Australia

Mya thanks for the pics! Now I know what to expect. I'm usually really bad at imagining how my plants will grow up in the garden, but I can "see" this red one in the planned spot in a few years time looking good! The fact the tree will lose it's leaves in winter is a bonus too, as the sun will be good for the broms & things I'll have underneath! I have very heavy clay soil, which might be a challenge for it, but the bed is raised a bit, so that might help with drainage.
You have some spectacular Frangi's & I'm sure they all enjoy your fantastic view & grow all the better for it ;-)
You also sent me some desert roses last year. The little seedlings are doing fine, but the bigger plant has lost quite a few leaves - should I fertilize it with super phosphate?

Clifton Springs, Australia

I will try that super next spring Mya..
Our soil is sandy too.
Gee that orange is beautiful isn't it.
It looks two-toned....
That is a very interesting photo ....well done your husband.

el arish, FNQ, Australia

I'm drooling too!!! Just gorgeous. Mya, they would be perfect in your conditions for you. Any possum troubles? Ann

Barmera, Australia

We seem to be in a 9a or 9b region and Frangipanis get killed by frost unless the plant is against a North facing wall of the house (Heat retention) or in a special micro climate area, even then in a year of heavy frosts the plants can be lost and you have to start again. Sometimes you are lucky and the plant will regenerate from down close to the earth but they take a long time to recover.

Christchurch, New Zealand

I miss those lovely frangis...
not a hope of growing in ChCh.
If I ever go back to the tropics I have a list developing of desired plants.
Frangis, gardenias, angels, broms...
wish I knew all this back when I lived in Brisbane.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I've just suceeded in germinating frangipani seed. Does anyone know how long they take to grow and flower?
I also have some seed to spare if anyone would like to try. D mail me.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Here's my Dwarf Singapore Pink. I have had mine for a few years now and have found it to be a tough vigorous little grower & prolific bloomer when well cared for...(it has had it's fair share of neglect in the past sitting in the same small pot). The blooms are fragrant and it is continually producing new inflorescences ...I have counted five more coming on. This is the ideal frangipani for those who are short on space. It is evergreen like it's bigger white counterpart P. obtusa

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I had to get up on a ladder to take this..

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Common old white

Thumbnail by brical1
Brisbane, Australia

brical1 that 2nd one SO PRETTY!!! The classic frangipani & we're glad you climbed the ladder!!
It sounds like they do ok in pots. I bought a "Darwin Pink" over the weekend & was planning to put it into the ground, but I might keep it in a pot, until I get some repair work done on the fence first. So it should be ok for a bit then.
What do you guys fertilize them with & when?

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Leisa, It will be ok in it's pot. But I have had pot grown Frangipanis for years and they can do very well,but some are taller more upright growers than others,such as the Fruit Salad one above and they can get to be very top heavy and topple over,thats why if you intend to grow them permanently in pots you need to use a large wide pot with straight sides to stabilize the weight.
Some people swear by a high phosphorous fertilizer others high NKP...In your climate I don't think you will have to worry too much about which is best... and it's amazing what humidity and heat can do. I have seen some absolutely beautiful flowering specimens growing in nutrient poor sand/soil. I just throw a slow release around mine.

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Frangipani Show

Find out the secrets to growing healthy frangipanis. Cuttings and plants will be for sale. Hosted with the Frangipani Society of Australia.

When: Sat 23 & Sun 24 Jan, 10 am-4 pm
Where: Tropical Centre
Cost: Adult $5.50, conc $4.40, child $3.30, family $11

Sydney, Australia

This is Pink Elegance and it is growing in light shade. The flowers are large and so is the bunch.

Thumbnail by tropicalsydney
Gisborne, New Zealand

Mya your frangis are just beautiful as always. Until I really started to take so much interest in them I didn't realise they came in so many colours. All of them to die for. I have been on Trade Me and there are a whole new lot of gorgeous seeds for sale. I think I am going to have to be very careful or of course I will get far too many. The new Thai strain being made avaliable here are just wow.. Much nicer than the seeds I got last year. These colours seem a lot clearer.. I already tried to send this post once and lost it and had to start again so am going to post my pic now ..
Last years seedlings

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

That is the adeniums
This is the frangis

Thumbnail by Awchid
Christchurch, New Zealand

I had no idea frangis grew in NZ until I read your posts about starting some...
I never saw any when I was growing up in Auckland, perhaps they were not available until more recently?
My sister & her hubby just bought a farm in Northland, they have a lot of tropical type plants that we only see in the glass houses at the botanic gardens here.
They have pineapples growing in tunnel houses on the farm, I was so surprised to hear that.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Hi Lesley, such a shame we can't swap established seedlings,yours are looking very healthy.

I know what you mean about the Thai seeds,I've bought quite a range of Desert Roses and have just started buying the Frangi me they are the easiest to grow because of our climate and absolutely nothing eats them, not even the possums, also they are pretty well pest and disease free.

Here's my Orange Frangi seedlings,sprouting after only 2 weeks.I sent someone a seedling that was only a week old,hope it survived!!!!!!

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

OK, here are some Desert Rose pics of my new seedlings.......these are just over a month old........I've already potted them up and I'm hardening them out in the full sun.......I breed them tough!!!!!!!

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

some seedlings that needed no help from me ,the pod opened and they just germinated where they fell...........

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Lesley and Helen for Neil

Here is some great information about growing large DRoses......I knew I was doing the right thing by watering twice a day in the summer,they just thrive and grow,grow ,grow, with extra watering..........

Thumbnail by MyaC
Gisborne, New Zealand

Very interesting site Mya. Your plants ae really doing well. I am going to give the twice a day watering a go and also increase the nitrogen levels.. May help a bit.
Dalfyre I don't think the frangipans were around that muc a few years ago. I kinow when I first came to Gisborne I trird to get a plant and the garden centre only had 1 and it wasn't for sale. I finally got my 2 big ones from up north last year. The small ones are from seeds bought on trade me last year.. If you wanted to grow them, do so in a pot like I have so they can be put under cover in the cold weather.
The flower buds on the adenium are dwindling and I cant figure out why, perhaps it is too hot and dry so the extra water may help that as well.. I may just pot them on as well give them a bit more room to grow. I have a tendancy to grow them like orchids. The smaller the pot the better they do.. This may not be sich a good thing... Oh well it is all a learnng curve eh..
Give one a go Dalfyre.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Lovely to see those orange Frangi seeds doing so well,Mya.
Hope the violet ones do as well.

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