CLOSED: Looking for tomato, snapdragon and hollyhock seeds...

Fond Du Lac, WI(Zone 5a)

Specific tomatoes I'm looking for:
*Cherokee Purple
Yellow Brandywine
Brandywine (Sudduth)
Wisconsin 55

No more than a few seeds are needed; I just want to try them out! :)

I have Big Beef, Red Brandywine, Wayahead and Delicious tomato seeds available.

Also looking for:
1) Any kind of snapdragon (I've never grown them before!)
2) Peaches 'n Dreams Hollyhock

I have Heavenly Blue Morning Glory, Country Romance Hollyhock, Double Datura Purple, Columbine mix, and many varieties of daylily seeds. Please see my tradelist for more seed offerings.

Orangeburg, SC

I would love your Flamenco Red hot poker and your Prarie sun. I have Cherokee Purple and Yellow Brandywine tomato seeds.

Fond Du Lac, WI(Zone 5a)

Jumpin4joy I sent you a Dmail!

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I have Brandywine Sudduth for your Delicious tomato seeds. Might be interested in Wayahead but would like to know your source first. Thanks.

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Have just sent off Brandywine Sudduth and some old Wisconsin 55. Try them and see what happens. Maybe someone has newer ones but it's worth a try at least!! Enjoy!

Fond Du Lac, WI(Zone 5a)

UPDATE: I've gotten the tomato seeds I've been looking for (Thanks Jumpin4joy and Gardadore).
I am now tapped out of the Delicious tomato seeds.

Still looking for snapdragon and peaches 'n dreams hollyhock seeds.

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