Wanted: Variegated Plants, etc. & Haves List

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi everyone,
I am searching for seeds of the following variegated forms of these plants:
talinum (jewels of opar)
actinidia kolomikta (variegated kiwi vine)
ipomoea cameo elegance
or other variegated plants

Also looking for:
Cherry Brandy Rudbeckia
coreopsis varieties
seeds of plants with colorful foliage other than coleus
container vegetable seeds
anything unusual, showy bloomers

Have to trade:
abelmoschus manihot
cassia herbecarpa
cypella coelestes
galliardia--sundance, yellow, and mixed colors
Rudbeckia--herbstonne, triloba, cherokee mix and unid mix colors
helenium--mixed and mardi gras
belamcanda chinensis/pardancanda mix --mix of both species, red, yellow, orange and purple flowers
hibsicus syriacus--Blue Satin rose of sharon
ricinus communis-red/pink mix
tricyrtis mix--a mix from my hybridizing efforts, blooms range from white/pink/purple
tovara painter's palette
lillium formosanum
hippeastrum (unknown red form hardy to zone 8a)
cardiospermum halicacabum
eryngium yuccifolium
kniphofia mix--a mix of several different species, range of size, bloom color

Please feel free to post or dmail me if interested in trading, thanks in advance!

This message was edited Jan 21, 2010 1:52 PM

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi everyone,

I updated my list after sending out seeds. Hopefully I don't sound too picky, I am open to other offers other than what I have listed for wants :). I still have plenty of seeds and will keep this open for another week or so.


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