Was it your warmest night too?

Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)

So with all of the cold nights we've been having, I've been bustin my rump to stave off the cold on some of my beds. I managed to get myself to a point for the "snow" coming in last night, when to my suprise.... I awoke with barley a drizzle and 41 degrees. Ah well, better safe than sorry. hehe.


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

It was warmer .. I only had to turn up my electric blanket to nuclear power plant instead of thermo nuclear warfare - also the kitties weren't glued to me either.


Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Yeah. I woke up expecting to see snow this morning. Thermometer read 37 -- practically "normal"!! It won't last.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Sigh .. I even set my alarm clock for 6am in hopes of seeing some snow. Wasn't, when the alarm went off so I went back to bed. I also noticed a welcome change in the humidity - I've been feeling dessicated for the last week.


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