Too late to try mulching?

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

Thinking about it earlier, I realized this cold snap is probably doing damage to my tropicals in more places than just above the ground. I'm worried about the corms of my bananas mainly. Is it too late to try and put down mulch? I know at this point it'd only be insulation at best - but at least if we had another cold snap in late Jan or February it'd have started decomposing.

They're forecasting near 12F for Saturday night, so I thought maybe I could get a good layer down that day (even though the high is only 37F). Part of my backyard crunches when I walk on it already after this week, so if this is an exercise in futility then I won't waste my time.

Just curious what you all think about this.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

You know, I'm thinkin' it couldn't hurt to try. After all, the sun is shining and that is producing a little warmth. Hopefully, mulching will preserve that even if it's just a few degrees. Especially since it's going to get even colder over the weekend. I'd guess, as long as it's above freezing at the time you mulch, it could make a diff.

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks, I'll give it a shot then. I think the only mulch I can get down that fast is some sort of wood chips or something similar.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I wonder if you could get some fresh (free) chips from the tree guys. They might generate some heat as they break down so quickly. You could even sprinkle a bit of blood meal on them to speed up the process.

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

Hadn't thought of trying the blood meal, I'll definitely keep that in mind.

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