Blonde in a Bag

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

A Blonde in a Bag

A blonde, a brunette and a redhead escaped from jail and were being chased by the police. They were running through the streets when they saw an old barn, so they ran in and found three burlap bags. They each jumped into one.

The coppers walked in the barn and saw the three burlap bags.
One copper goes to the other, "Kick the bags to make sure nothing's in them"

So the copper walks up to the burlap bag with the brunette and kicked it.

The brunette said, "Meow, Meow" and the coppers thought it was a cat and walked to the next burlap bag.

The copper kicked the second burlap bag with the redhead in it.
The red head said, "Woof, Woof" so the coppers walked to the third burlap bag thinking a dog was in the second one.

The copper kicked the third burlap bag, with the blonde in it.
And the blonde said, "Potatoes".

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